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Location: Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: sc12 issue, please help!!
Mon, 02 May 2005 05:16

just a cut and paste from the GZE thread..
Mine had tonnes of blowby in the intake tract, was all lined with black grit.. turned out to be a blown headgasket i didnt have oil in the water or water in the oil (the normal tell tale signs) but it was definatly blown, gassses leaking into the head bolts around #3 piston, oil was leaking out of the front left of the block outa the head gasket too. motor was still running fine when i pulled it down
Ended up rebuilding the head (one of those "while its apart" things), also pulled the pistons out to inspect em, the conrod bearings were showing wear so they were replaced and i reringed it. the oild galleries in the pistons were all blocked up as well. Bore was in good condition though
the motor had 135k's on it, its running good now still running it in after the freshen up, for pics
Not what u want to hear i know, i was in the same dilema as my aw11 is my daily too, managed to get a loaner for a month
i just took it for a drive and checked the joiner on the IC where the oil was leaking out, nothing so far
[Updated on: Mon, 02 May 2005 05:18]