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Banned user
Location: ADELAIDE - The Drift City
Registered: July 2002
Re: Backyard Job
Sat, 14 May 2005 15:17

i lived on KI for 10 monsth for a job that i did, i bought a 4wd subie JUST like that one, cept it was brown.
anyway if you have ever been to KI you will know rthat their gravel roads are mostly made of a iron ore ball type surface.. millions of ball baring style iron ore rocks.. so the roads are a very slippery surface
anyway the 4wd subie was THE best dirt thrasher ever... could take corners flat out, full lock, full slide before and after the corners are crazy speeds.
thwen one night we hit a kangaroo (7 foot tall) on thew side while i was sitting on 120 on a long wide flat dirt road...
set me into 5 360 degree spins lolol but other then that car and roo were ok