The 3d mapping doesn't do away with LOAD,IDLE WOT and CRS maps.
The MT4 will interpolate your LOAD map with your RPM map and give the correct fueling that you need at that particular instant anyway.
IDLE map is necessary only for when you back off and your TPS is 0% but you just backed off from a big whack of the throttle. The values in your idle map should pretty much be identicle to your LOAD map values unless you have some problems, which are very uncommon.
WOT-is for Wide Open Throttle extra enrichment of fuel. For instance when you snap the throttle full open it will add extra fuel for nice crisp acceleration without hesitations. It's great for turbo's cause you can add extra fuel which helps turbo spool up cause the exhaust density hitting the turbine is higher.
CRS-(cruise) map is to give you fuel economy whilst in cruise conditions. Very handy for your pocket. You set the cruise enable point, say 15"Hg and whenever you have more vacuum than that and the TPS above 1% you can minus a % of fuel off. You have to set this up on the freeway with an a/f ratio reading. Take some fuel off till you get to about 15:1, thats what i've set mine up to. You gotta do it for each RPM band, best to do it in top gear at around 90-115kph, thats where you will get the most benefit.