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Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2005
Re: Noob in need of help
Wed, 15 June 2005 04:08

what you want to do, is to think of a few things. like do want to do an engine conversion or just leave the current engine and work on that. once you have decide that, think about what you want out of your choice, eg. excess power, or less power and for it to be more useable (daily driver). once these have been adresed, then move on to the next part of the problem and decide what you want to put into it, eg. if you choose an engine conversion, think about what engine you want to put in (it is easier to put an engine of the same type into a car, as they have the same engine mounts eg a 3s-fe and a 3s-gte have same engine mounts, but are compleatly different. to determine which "family" the engine is from it is the first two or 3 leters and numbers on the engine code or the ones before the dash. so for the examle above, 3s-fe means the "3s" family narrow head (the f part) electronically injected engine (the e part). the 3s-gte means the "3s" family wide head (g part, more sporty than the narrow head, less economical but) turbocharged (t part) injected (e part).
Thatsounds like a lot of rabble but it is a good start to what you want to do, either, fix up ur current engine, or replace the engine, if you decide to replace the engine, think of what is easiest and best for your expectations of the car, so either stay with the same family of engines or go with an engine that reqquires alot of work to put in the bay, like the movement of mounts etc.
Hope this help a little bit.