Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: Corona GT-T - 3T-GTEU/Turbo
Tue, 14 January 2003 12:55
F... me, sounds like you have a vacuum problem caused by those big f...ing cams! When your motor comes on boost, the lack of f...ing manifold vacuum is alleviated by the boost created by the f...ing turbo. Put a vacuum guage on to see if thats the f...ing problem. I've got some standard f...ing cams if it is and you want to go back to original spec to get the f...ing tuning back to a reasonable state. if thats not the problem, f...ed if I know?! F..., typing f... takes a dump load of time than just typing the real text!!!
F...ing Clint!
Ps, unless you read japanese, you've got f... all chance of getting a manual!