Location: Melbourne, West Suburbs
Registered: April 2005
Sat, 09 July 2005 13:33
Speed Demon wrote on Sat, 02 July 2005 13:32
taitran wrote on Thu, 30 June 2005 15:57
I highly reccomend C&D motorworks in Nth SUnshine. They specialise in Toyota and have done many 4a conversions etc.
They also have a 4wd dyno dynamics.
Do C&D have a website?
Im sorry they do not, but drop buy and have a look they are currently building a 600kw supra for autoslon. I work for them on weekends so any queries can be through me.
dere number is (03)9312-7355 address is 190 Duke Street Nth Sunshine(can also be found in front page of zoom magazine)