Actually, the "de-tuned" theory is not quite true...The Crown V8 develops less than the Soarer unit primarily due to VERY restrictive exhaust manifolds in the Crown (due to tight space under bonnet)
The ECU "may" be softer-tuned than the Soarer (Luxury Vs "sporting" vehicle), but not so's you'd notice...Additionally, the main ECU difference is that the Crown ECU controls engine only (separate ECU for trans), whereas the Soarer's ECU controls both.
Still, $1850 is not a bad pice for something that you can bolt straight in and fire up (provided you have the know-how to wire the factory ECU!!!).
If you can't sell it, let me know, as I need some parts from one - primarily the lead covers, injector covers and the lead cover which goes across in front of the plenum...