blocked jets..
did you use silicon sealant on the carby gasket?
Didn't touch the carby... But I recently put Mobil 8000 in it, which could have cleaned out a lot of crap from the tank/put it in the carby.
Would explain why it wasn't doing it last month.
Is there a "quick-fix" for cleaning the jets, or would that require a rebuild? Can I just spray some carby clean down it?
I initially thought it was flooded after trying to start it a couple of times, so I removed the drain bolt, but no petrol came out. This was what also led me down the path of blocked fuel filter.. But the float idea sounds interesting.
I managed to stall my last Corolla by slamming it sideways round a corner right outside a cop shop in the wet.... That was fun. I'd assume that's similar to what you described.