and others interested, the MR2 (AW11) is not as good as I originally suggested.
The top mount needs extra holes drilled in it to properly seal (else it will leak slightly when you turn the tank upside down and shake it. Admitedly this won't happen in the car but better safe then sorry)
Although the MR2 bracket seems to, it does not quite sit at the dead bottom of the tank. I have fuel surge at 1/8 of a tank.(this may have more to do with the lack of baffels in the tank tho...)
You also need to turn all three fuel lines turn towards the AE86 fuel lines on the chassis.
On the updise however, you can run some good pumps. I was origanly going to be using a Corona (RT142) intank pump. It is the same as MA61 supra and high flow. However that died whilst sitting around. Now I run a factory AE86 fuel pump which works wonders and is VERY quite (esp compared to the Commodore ones).