The CPS is driven from the exhaust cam, and has an O-ring sealing where it enters the head. Pretty easy to renew the O-ring, from memory you just pull off the top turbo coolant line and unbolt the power steering res. bracket. Make sure you are TDC on the compression stroke before you pull the CPS though.
The philips headed screws holding the cam covers down may need a bit of work to get to. If you haven't taken the top off your engine yet it may be a little intimidating, but you are going to have to do it some time (when you blow your head gasket). Might be an idea to retorque your headbolts while your're at it. Plenty of info on the net about how to do this, come to think of it the TSRM (Toyota service and repair manual) is online, just don't use toyotas headbolt torque spec....
If you have any questions feel free to email me