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Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2004
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Sun, 14 August 2005 04:58

What this whole debate comes down to is just the fact that 95% of drivers are either in fairy-land or simply don't care about good driving practices.
In regard to flashing your lights, its simple common courtesy. I do it, and appreciate when others do it for me. This common courtesy should extend to all other aspects of sharing the road with others.
Changing lanes, I believe, should be done with foresight, and completed as soon as possible. There's nothing to gain by leaving changing lanes right to the end of the merging lane, as it more often than not leads to someone having to slam on their brakes. Just think about where you have to be going, and get in the lane that gets u there as soon as possible.
Also, when driving in traffic there is so much to gain by leaving a nice big space in front of you, as ae86slut explained. It gives ppl a chance to merge without having to slam on their brakes, and also gives you time to stop safely when some dickhead up ahead needs to slam on their brakes cause of some merging disaster.
Any in Brisbane that dirves to UQ will know of the merge from 2 lanes into 1 just before the little round-a-bout. This is daily the worst display of "lets-all-follow-the-magical-white-line-on-th e-left-
and-merge-at-the-last-second" I have ever seen. No matter how much of a gap I leave in front of me, no one will ever take it. Is it just because they want to take a chance at moving up one or teo places in the line?
| Subject | Poster | Date |
What happened to giving a flash!
riceburna73 | Sun, 26 June 2005 12:20 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Indi | Sun, 26 June 2005 12:29 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
riceburna73 | Sun, 26 June 2005 12:58 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
4agte | Sun, 26 June 2005 13:10 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
SIMDOG | Sun, 26 June 2005 13:40 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
riceburna73 | Sun, 26 June 2005 13:52 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
BOCKA | Mon, 27 June 2005 04:25 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
4agte | Mon, 27 June 2005 05:08 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Corona RT142 | Mon, 27 June 2005 05:10 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Cressida Chick | Thu, 30 June 2005 01:03 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Shraka | Fri, 01 July 2005 00:21 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Shraka | Fri, 01 July 2005 04:33 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Conquest | Sun, 26 June 2005 12:37 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Cool1 | Sun, 26 June 2005 12:39 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Jorrs | Sun, 26 June 2005 12:55 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
mynameisrodney | Sun, 26 June 2005 13:49 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Celica_John | Tue, 05 July 2005 11:05 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Malicia | Sun, 26 June 2005 14:13 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
riceburna73 | Sun, 26 June 2005 14:37 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
peeack | Sun, 26 June 2005 15:03 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
draven | Sun, 26 June 2005 15:16 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
fOOZ86 | Sun, 26 June 2005 16:02 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
verbatim210 | Sun, 26 June 2005 17:27 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
EldarO | Sun, 26 June 2005 19:34 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Matt-AE86 | Wed, 29 June 2005 03:13 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
ehendrikd | Wed, 29 June 2005 05:46 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Corona RT142 | Wed, 29 June 2005 05:58 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Yian | Sun, 26 June 2005 22:03 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Hi-Ace | Sun, 26 June 2005 22:40 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
illuminatus | Sun, 26 June 2005 23:14 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Squid | Sun, 26 June 2005 23:32 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Galactic Soap | Mon, 27 June 2005 00:36 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
RobST162 | Mon, 27 June 2005 00:58 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Corona RT142 | Mon, 27 June 2005 04:16 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Mookie | Mon, 27 June 2005 05:57 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
4agte | Mon, 27 June 2005 07:34 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
missa | Mon, 27 June 2005 06:56 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Benjamin | Mon, 27 June 2005 09:52 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
BradW | Mon, 27 June 2005 10:50 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
riceburna73 | Mon, 27 June 2005 11:01 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
on_b00st | Mon, 27 June 2005 11:09 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
riceburna73 | Mon, 27 June 2005 12:13 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
olihaub | Mon, 27 June 2005 12:31 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Benjamin | Mon, 27 June 2005 12:57 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
olihaub | Wed, 29 June 2005 01:22 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
smt_007 | Mon, 27 June 2005 11:19 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
TRU32U | Mon, 27 June 2005 13:21 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
kwayzivietnamese | Tue, 28 June 2005 04:36 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Shraka | Tue, 28 June 2005 08:06 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Merudo | Wed, 29 June 2005 01:32 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
AE86slut | Wed, 29 June 2005 07:27 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
riceburna73 | Wed, 29 June 2005 12:50 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Merudo | Thu, 30 June 2005 00:44 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
st184 sillycar | Thu, 30 June 2005 01:05 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
wagonist | Fri, 12 August 2005 02:23 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
LeaThaL | Sun, 14 August 2005 00:42 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Corona RT142 | Wed, 29 June 2005 07:30 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Mookie | Thu, 30 June 2005 00:09 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
st184 sillycar | Thu, 30 June 2005 01:01 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
illuminatus | Thu, 30 June 2005 01:01 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Merudo | Thu, 30 June 2005 01:17 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Arch | Fri, 01 July 2005 04:51 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
coFF33 | Fri, 01 July 2005 07:21 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Camry_omega | Wed, 17 August 2005 07:34 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
rthy | Fri, 19 August 2005 06:52 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
79rollaboy | Fri, 19 August 2005 07:04 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
soarerchic | Fri, 01 July 2005 08:22 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
inertia | Sat, 02 July 2005 14:21 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
truenosedan | Sun, 10 July 2005 12:02 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
db__ | Tue, 12 July 2005 00:49 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Apollo | Fri, 12 August 2005 13:29 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Toobs | Sat, 13 August 2005 01:02 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
mc68 | Sun, 14 August 2005 02:25 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Dale_ta22 | Wed, 17 August 2005 08:45 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
white86 | Sun, 14 August 2005 04:58 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Apollo | Sun, 14 August 2005 06:07 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
white86 | Sun, 14 August 2005 06:18 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
BOOLY | Mon, 15 August 2005 10:44 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Flynnos | Wed, 17 August 2005 08:00 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
Corona RT142 | Fri, 19 August 2005 05:04 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
PHOBIA | Fri, 19 August 2005 05:58 |
Re: What happened to giving a flash!
riceburna73 | Fri, 19 August 2005 05:58 |