I have 1 drivers side ke20 door needs sandblasting-$20
I have 1 drivers and 1 passenger side ke25 doors in good condition-$20 each...
I need to get rid of them as they are taking up too much space... if they are not sold they will be taken to a metal recyclers...
They are in Sydney, and will not post.
Call me on 0421 443 700 if interested.
Dave here with the KE25 running in Over 2lt, please don't send the KE25 doors to the recyclers! If you don't get rid of them would you consider a donation to a desperately under-funded race team?
I'm not going to be up in Sydney for a while yet (22nd Sept for Eastern Creek round or 27/28 August at Wakefield if you feel like coming down to watch) but could use extra doors especially after all of the carnage thats happened in the last couple of rounds.
KE25 Corolla #80
NSW Improved Production Over 2lt