I'm a lapsed drummer too - was mad for the drums from age 9 till 17 then got kinda bored and had better things to do. I still have my schweeet Rodgers kit though - made in the seventies, covered in mother-of-pearl, brass snare, built like a brick shithouse.....
Drums do need tuning/skin tightening otherwise they'll sound shit.
Drum music is pretty easy to read.
The biggest thing is that unless you're in a band or practice regularly you'll get bored with just pounding the skins. Even assualting the kit in Keith Moon madness style gets old. Get a copy of the Gene Kruper pattern book - some awesome things in there, and learn some of the cooler jazzy rythmns too. The more complicated the more you'll enjoy getting it right.
I've seen a d'n'b/jungle outfit with a live drummer before and he really tore it up.
Then again I also saw a guy playing live sax with a House DJ. It was just as ghey as it sounds