I am keeping my revs on the 18rgeu to an absolute max of 7k. i gather from your comments that I want a lob profile that holds the valve open at max lift for as long as possible, correct? That would make the lobs very rounded of the top, but also increase the stresses of the valves due to the increases acceleration the will be going through. What are you thinking?
I am thinking that I will actually test all 4 boosted types and both cams. That makes 8 different possibilities/combinations. Then I will probably have 2 different headers/extractors designs as well. So that makes another 6 combinations to add to the other 8...this is going to be a lot of work, but a lot of fun as well!!! I hope to get a lot of really good data out of this project…maybe help a lot of other guys along their journey to find the power they want.
Any other thoughts? I am trying to collect as much information as I can. I do have another set of stock cams that I can have welded and reground to any specs.