"i wasn't trying to put you down. i was just making a point. and when people are trying to help you. take their help."
I don't know the rest of the conversation but you are your own person you decide what you do and nobody else. Good on you for having a hobby obviously its not your only hobby if you have designed your own web page.
People will always give you advice when you don't ask for it, this is good that they want to help but the advice that they give is usually only relevant to their own life experience and not yours so theres two things that you can do with this:
1. tell them to shove it or 2. be polite and listen then walk away and forget the whole conversation.
I personally get this all the time people feel that they need to be a good Samaritan or some shit, my opinion is go and join the salvation army if you want to be a part time councilor.
I agree with frebbles it is such a huge sense of pride and achievement when you stand back and have a look at what you've just done with your own hands its just not the same thing when somebody else does it.
I ran into a guy at the pub the other day and we were having a chat he must have had a few issues because he had started a book that was titled Men are from Mars, Women are f*%ked i reckon he will sell it to.
If you do want some advice here it is: