hey sixworks
supragte says it doesnt work
maybe he can try one of yr boosters
are they similar to the msd booster
if they r i would be very interested
as u were sayin the signal from the v8 is hi voltage y doesnt it run the tacho
usually if the voltage ios too hi u just put a little light globe in series on the wire from ig- to tacho
i recon maybe the signal is just not compatible on any engine with more than 1 coil
any engine with a single coil i can get tacho workin with my 2 dollar electrical parts
plus even if its a v8 and tacho is for 6 cyl it would still show some rpm but it would be wrong
so it would need modifying like u said
a last resort is to use the ig- signal to send signals to another standard factory coil in the engine bay
this coil would just be a waste spark but u could then get a strong singal to the tacho
im not sure on this setup
ive seen it once only and i only remember it vaigly