Quoting from the g-tech requires a certain degree of honesty, both with yourself and with others when later skiting about times.
When testing - assess the road and HONESTLY say whter it is flat or not - if not then there is no point of running there.
There is a certain place - just off the f3 north of wyong. where late night runs can be seen to occur. Guys there quote amazing times as measured by g-tech's run after run.
Fact is Nann's corolla can do a 13 second pass under the same conditions. They refuse to acknowlege it is not perfectly flat -even though i have been accused of jumping the start there because i couldnt use the handbrake to launch and actually rolled away !!!!! - nearly hit the dude counting us down
anyway - learn how the g-tech works, think about what might compromise its accuracy and then use it honestly as a comparison tool and nothing else. They can be fun, and definatley good enough to settle differences without going door to door.