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Location: c'town, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Almost Got Taken Out Today....
Sun, 23 March 2003 21:05
Had a close call on the way to work today.
Driving on elizabeth drive towards walgrove rd, past mamre rd there is a 2 lane climb up a hill, and like every day theres someone in the overtaking lane doing 60 in an 80 zone mindless of the fact that they should be keeping left unless overtaking.
Anyways im sitting in the left hand lane behind another 60kph car as it was edging past the car in the right lane, i squirt up looking to get into the right lane as there was finally some room and the car in the right lane proceeds to merge into me as i was accelerating...
FARK! nudged left, hit the anchors and just managed to avoid her, she then gets back into the right lane, the left lane was ending a couple of hundered meters up the road and i was let into the right lane by a curteous subaru forester driver (thanks dude if you out there), i mergerd with my right hand on the horn and my left hand flipping her the bird.
to top it all off this woman did all of this without indicating! FFS!!!!
anyways thats my story, it certainly woke me up this morning...
have a good one.