Everyday I drive to work there is some inconsiderate f**k who is too f**king lazy to indicate. I've been doing some studying on this seemingly increasing phenomenon and have come up the type of stupid prick drivers who can't move their index finger back off the steering wheel onto the indicator stalk, so just watch out for them, because these are really crap drivers.
1. 4-bee drivers
2. Fleet car drivers (especially bombodores and falcoons)
3. and finally my favourite....the tradesman. The tradesman driver is probably one of the worst type of driver on our road today. Somehow, when driving on the freeway, they think that the Toyota Hilux or Holden Rodeo (wif a big vee 6 unner da hood) is a f**k race car, and they have authority over everyone else so they can driver like phycos!
Hey I don't know why the RTA gives licences to uneducated hopeless bums, who can't drive for shit.
If a tradesman reads this I reckon this will be their reaction:
Aw Timmo, Hey Timmo hav a weed of dis hey. dis bloke baggin us out hey! Can't beeweeve it hey!