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I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
a nice highway patrolman or 2 *shock!*
Sat, 29 March 2003 04:19
got pulled over the other night.
I'd noticed an undercover cop beside me (lights on the dashboard) so being my usual self, I was taunting them a little bit (this was on pennant hills road, just before I pulled off the thorneligh maccas exit)
little tyre noise round that corner, then onto the maccas road, floored first gear, then slowed down to the speed limit.
I see a cop car behind me at this point.. but it wasn't the undercover. As I pulled into maccas, the lights came on.
they told me they'd been following me since beecroft road. at this point I'm thinking "oh shit, I was almost certainly speeding", as I usually do (5-10 over the limit)
then he says "you were pushing it a bit fast through the traffic back there weren't you? weaving and all that. If there hadn't have been all that traffic around, you would have been speeding".
Now, although he knew that's what I would have been doing, I'm not silly enough to agree (especially since he had a REALLY hostile look on his face)
so anyhow, gives me the breathealiser, checks my lisence isn't a fake. Then he notices my tail light is busted.
Nicely, he only warned me that that could cost me $74 and a defect notice.
So while he was very pissed off with me, he nicely didn't do anything... and I was pumped on adrenaline for the next hour or 2