Your webbers should give you a lot better mileage than that. It sound like you need to find someone who knows how to tune multiple carbies.
My old man is a wiz with tuning them, served his trade on RT chargers and XU1 toranas. He did wonders for my 18R-G. But if the jets are all wrong, you might be better taking it to someone like Carburettor Services at Homebush. They are the guru's with multi carb set ups.
I think my Solexes were 40mm too, but that was a long time ago.
If the choke size is too big, the airflow through them will be too slow and the venturi (tube inside the throats) that atomises the fuel will not work properly. This means that instead of getting a mist of fuel it is getting a drizzle.
I havn't had a close look inside a webber but the solex's have a problem with the venturi's working loose, this really stuffs things up and would explain your symptomes. Take the filters off and stick your fingers down the throat and make sure nothing is loose.