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October 2002
Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 03:31 Go to next message
Last night I was parked in a carpark in Long Reef. Me and a friend were just sitting in the car eating, when a cop car stopped right next to me with their headlights facing right at me. They told me and my friend to get out of the car and searched us. Then they searched my car, pulling out everything thing they could. In the search all they could find were 3 screwdrivers in my glovebox for which they gave me a $550 fine for each of them. Its bullshit.

When they asked me why I had them I told them that the guy who I had bought the car off a week earlier, had left them in there along with a whole heap of other crap. Then I said "Plus im a mechanic. I always keep screwdrivers around" to that the stupid woman officer said "So now you're changing your story?".

Even though me and my friend have no police records, didnt talk back and co-operated with them they still treated us like criminals. I have a completely stock 92 corolla so I don't understand why they came straight to me in the carpark.

Has this happened to anyone before? Is there a way to contest the fines or something? There is no way I can afford to pay over a grand and a half in fines. Thanks for your help.

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December 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 03:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
That is absolute bulls*&t.
When the fine comes contest it and send it back if you have to go to court over it it will probably just get laughed at.
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July 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 04:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Its illegal to cary screw drivers???
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I supported Toymods

June 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 04:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
that kinda sucks.

the other day these two undercover cops were going around hassling people (who admittedly did look dodgy) near where i live (i was walking home from a hardware store)

the second (junkie who was being hassled) one i heard saying "you can search me, don't you need a warrant??"

i just kept walking, as i had an 8 inch screwdriver in my inside jacket pocket, i didn't know the fine would be that high though.

did youy try laughing at them when they questioned you about the screwdrivers? i would have thought that would settle it.

id be screwed, there id at least one knife in my glove box at the moment, not to mention a whole toolbox full of screwdrivers. maybeye you should have kept them in a toolbox in the boot? don't cops know that road rage weapons are traditionally stored under the driver seat??
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October 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 04:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Apparantly you can only carry screwdrivers or other tools is in a toolbox in your boot. Which is what I do. I just didnt know that the guy had left them in there. And I dont think the guy I bought the car from wants to stand up un court and say he put them there because then they would probobly give him the fines.
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Brisbane, Queensland
February 2003
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 05:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
shinybluesteel wrote on Wed, 23 April 2003 14:19

i just kept walking, as i had an 8 inch screwdriver in my inside jacket pocket


id be screwed, there id at least one knife in my glove box at the moment

Umm.....what the fu*k for??

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I supported Toymods

June 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 06:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
He was on his way home from the hardware store, so he must have just bought it.
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I supported Toymods
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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 07:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Just take it to court! The judge will just laugh it off! There is not one thing wrong with having screwdrivers in the glovebox.
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I supported Toymods
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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 07:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Just out of interest, what was the exact charge?
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North Sydney
May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 07:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
As the other guys suggest take it to court, the judge will laugh it out of the court room.

It'll also make the two cops who fined you sit around at the court room all day, which is my favourite part cause it pisses them off big time and their bosses get the shits especially when you get off scott free cause they've wasted paying two farked coppers for a day to do absolutley nothing but have the court prove they were way out of line! Very Happy

I've done the same thing, also represent yourself, I got off an unlicensed, uninsured and unregistered vehicle fine totalling $970 back then when I was 14. The judge couldn't beleive the cop who fined me, didn't cost me a cent. Smile
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October 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 10:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The gave me three fines for being in possesion of a concealed wepaon or something along those lines. $550 each comes to $1650. Thats like 2 months pay for me. Crappy first year wages.

SUPRAGTE- How the hell did you get out of that?
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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 11:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Josh dude sorry to hear that

Id soooooo not accept that

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North Sydney
May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 11:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I was riding a peewee 50 along the side of the pacific highway on the gravel in Taree. I was buying some meat pies from the servo for lunch for my boss from the bike shop when i got pulled over and fined.

Elected to go to court, without representation. He asked me my story, i told it as it was and he said well the orificer has gone completely overboard and i'm sure you'll think about what you do next time.

Yes your honour, thankyou very much for your time. And I was outta there Smile
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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 11:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I dont know why your stressing dude! Just take it to court and let the judge laugh at it!
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Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 12:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
to court.. GOOO to court!!
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Sutho/Hills NSW
September 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 13:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
im guessing the police had a boring nite and needed somthing to do. Smile
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June 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 13:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
why do cops treat everyone like crims?
shouldnt they try to improve their relationship with the community? cops should just do their job and treat you with a degree of respect because yes, cops work for YOU.
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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 20:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gosh, in that case, I'd be really dead since I've got a few screwdrivers in my door pockets. Better avoid the beaches at night totally... that's just people with nothing better to do than to fXck other people around for no reason.
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I supported Toymods

June 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 21:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
that is fucking crap

go and find one of those free lawyers/pay only if you win - they'll absolutely LOVE a case like this!

is it any wonder *some* people have a poor opinion of the police force?

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I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 23:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
that's rediculous.
I wonder what they would do to me
I've got about 30 wires in the back seat that could be used as garrots.
I've got almost a whole screwdriver set rolling around in my back seat, plus a soldering iron (which would do a lot of damage if I stabbed someone in the eye), also a knife for paring wires, a socket wrench, an ecu that could be thrown at someone.

but unless you get the two nastiest cops in sydney, it should *not* be an issue.
in addition to taking it to court, I'd be loding a formal complaint against the two cops
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Gold Coast
October 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 23 April 2003 23:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
and i thought my 150 dollar fine for not having my p's licence on me sucked. like everyone else is saying take it to court you will save yourself 1650 u never should have to pay

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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Thu, 24 April 2003 07:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I wonder if cops would clean my car up while they search it... anyone who has been inside my car will understand what I mean.
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October 2002
Re: Goddamn police Thu, 24 April 2003 07:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I dont think so bugman. They took everything out of my car and left it on the road for me to clean up.

I know I wont have to pay the fines, I just didnt want to have to go to court. My boss (ex cop/barrister) gave me a whole heap of advice today on how to keep it from going to court so that was good.

I just hate the fact that police treat everyone like a criminal, especially teenagers with cars. I know they have to be cautious when they are approaching someone but you can see straight away if they are a threat or not. Whats worse is they put a 'tag' on my car so if I get pulled over by cops again they will "approach me more aggresively" as so put by the policewoman who fucked me over.

Thanks for all your help. Much appreciated.

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I supported Toymods

June 2002
Re: Goddamn police Thu, 24 April 2003 07:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Damn staight, your messier than a $2 whore. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Thu, 24 April 2003 08:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ahh your on the blacklist
thats homo

Some bounver at a bottlo gave my plate no. to the cops cause they thought i was dealing....all i was doing was waiting for friends

but no....P plater hanging round....must be selling drugs

Yeah josh u r a bit of a psyco at tech

Mani Smile
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October 2002
Re: Goddamn police Thu, 24 April 2003 08:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Fully...You better watch out, Mani......Ive got screwdrivers
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Perth - Cannington
December 2002
Re: Goddamn police Fri, 25 April 2003 01:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Man.. this is bullshit.
Cops are fucking useless..
they dont go out and catch the real criminals, they waste their time doing the easy shit like busting people for sitting in or near a car.

as soon as they see a P plate they ride you till you want to hang a finger out the window at them, just so they can bust you for something and go away.

cops are useless, never there when they are needed, and always there when they arent.
Really good that you can rely on cops to make something up for their revenue raising.. like this shit with speed cameras, now you cant be more than 1k over the limit or your fucked with the same fine some arsehole whos clocked at 20ks over the limit is.
(sure as hell, it happened to my dad)

Take it to court, and try to fuck them up good. Payouts for time off work, wasting you tiem searching your car, damages to items taken out of the car and left on the ground for you to pick up, and anything else you can think of.

arsehole deserve to get fucked up every now and then, a small win for the people who arent doing anything wrong.

im gonna play GTA 3 now.. venting is good.. Twisted Evil
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January 2003
Re: Goddamn police Fri, 25 April 2003 14:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
It sounds like you got pretty hard done by man, I dunno why the cops target P platers with cars, I spose in some instances they have good reason, but from your story they had absolutely no reason! Plus putting you on the black list, your chances of ever talking your way out of anything ever again is basically 0, they see that and presume you guilty even before they hear what you have to say. Also, GTA 3 is great for venting, speaking of which, I'm gonna go play some now Smile Best of luck with your court case mate.

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January 2003
Re: Goddamn police Fri, 25 April 2003 15:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
They target anyone when theyre bored cause the are dirty low down stinkin motherfukin government slaves! They pick on anyone down here with a nice car, pull ya over and defect it for nothin. Jealous i guess. They tried to fine my mate 1 night cause he had his whole collection of chef knives in his car, wrapped in a protective case and also in a towel in a bag, but when he said he needs them for work and hes not leaving a grands worth of knives at work they still looked for a way to fuck him over, so they defected the car. Mad
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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Sun, 27 April 2003 07:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've had enough of cops and I really don't care anymore..

From when I was about 8 and they beat the crap outta my mum.. to now, well if I see a cop car or whatever and I'm taking off from the lights I usually just rip it up.

Ever since I got my car cops have been going out of their way to get me off the road, and one even said to me... "I don't care if I see you wraped around a pole or if I take your license, as long as you're off the road" he then went to gloat about "hoons" dying.

If I keep getting screwed over, if worst comes to worst, i'll be back on an unrego'd motorcycle doing inexcess of 300km/h on backstreets... Atleast I'd never be late and never have to worry about a speeding fine again.

I guess that's what comes from a joke of a country who don't even have any reference to individual rights in our constitution.

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April 2003
Re: Goddamn police Mon, 28 April 2003 00:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
That is so fucked up. Don't pay it fight it all the way.
I had a cop car follow me into Thornliegh Mac's car park then he blocked my car in and came out of the cop car with his mag light and told me its a random breath test but how the fuck can that be random and also tried to defect my car for a neon light but I talked my way out of it Smile

Good Luck with the fine.
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June 2002
Re: Goddamn police Mon, 28 April 2003 01:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You most likely find that the pulled up and searched you and the car because they would have though you were bonging on in your car.
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I supported Toymods

south of the big smoke
May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Mon, 28 April 2003 11:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
A current Affair i Say!!!

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I supported Toymods
Banned User

May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Mon, 28 April 2003 11:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I would also like an affair Very Happy
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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Mon, 28 April 2003 11:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shane your not married u dope
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I supported Toymods
Banned User

May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Mon, 28 April 2003 11:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Umm, doest this matter? Cant I still have an affair Confused
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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Mon, 28 April 2003 11:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
it works both ways doesnt it

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I supported Toymods
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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Mon, 28 April 2003 11:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Beats me Confused But I want one Very Happy Bah hell, make it 2 Shocked
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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Mon, 28 April 2003 12:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Stop licking the frog ....then try and construct a sentence
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I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Mon, 28 April 2003 12:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the cop that followed me into thornleigh maccas carpark was really nice.
all he had to do was pop the hood and he would've been snapping on that latex glove and aiming for maximum penetration
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Occasional Poster

January 2003
Re: Goddamn police Mon, 28 April 2003 12:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
[quote title=munki wrote on Thu, 24 April 2003 09:42]and i thought my 150 dollar fine for not having my p's licence on me sucked.

Did u only get fined $150 or did you have a point/s taken too ? i lost my licence card thing bout a month ago and havent bothered getting one,just been lucky not to be pulled up as i have no points left Sad

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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Mon, 28 April 2003 13:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I carry a flat blade and a phillips head in my car just in case (stezza shits itself)DO U think its a bigger fine becoz its a flat blade.Being a SNAP ON flat blade and phillips head i might get life Sad
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September 2002
Re: Goddamn police Tue, 29 April 2003 02:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I don't know what it is, but I've never seen so much swearing in all the time I've been reading Toymods! ... oh well.

A couple points on this
1) I have also had many troubles with cops
2) My first thought was the fines were for tools-of-the-trade, like as in theivery!
3) Thank Christ we don't get fined like that for tools here - I usually have enough tools in the car at any given time to do anything from install a stereo to fully stripping yer average Toy. lol.
4) If someone has a car *like* yours, and causes trouble, then yer stuck - I moved to this town, and got wheeled like twice a week every week, just because.
Now they are used to NOT being able to pin anything on me, so I free-er to play.. hehe

And lastly, cops have a tough job 10% of the time, I guess it skews them for the other 90%. bummer. We've got a couple cops in the family, so I've gotten to see the personality side of them, and now there ar elocal cops i get along with...

Bet of luck to ya - I've managed to beat stuff, from 189 in a 60, to noise violations for my pipes... lol.
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Gold Coast
October 2002
Re: Goddamn police Tue, 29 April 2003 11:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
[quote title=FaT_RollA wrote on Mon, 28 April 2003 22:50]
munki wrote on Thu, 24 April 2003 09:42

and i thought my 150 dollar fine for not having my p's licence on me sucked.

Did u only get fined $150 or did you have a point/s taken too ? i lost my licence card thing bout a month ago and havent bothered getting one,just been lucky not to be pulled up as i have no points left Sad

no points lost. no points left as in no licence? if you get pulled over licence or not you will get royally screwed.


[Updated on: Tue, 29 April 2003 11:35]

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January 2003
Re: Goddamn police Tue, 29 April 2003 11:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
no points left so if i get fined again i lose it.. not sure how long it will be till i get em back Rolling Eyes
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June 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 30 April 2003 02:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Don't get me started on coppers harassing innocent drivers.

Just check out my avatar, that was a pic was taken the first time I got pulled over in dubbo on the friday night. That copper was good. He had to pull me over because of the reports being rung into dubbo police station about the ppl "trapped in my boot". This bloke rbt me, checked my license and was happy to let me go with my 3 unrestrained passengers, including the guys in the boot dikie seat because of the age of the car and the fact it didn't have factory seat belts. He told us to have a good night, avoid a couple of parts of town and just said to make the guys in the boot a little less obvious.

The second time I got pulled over was when the shit hit the fan. The moment this copper got out of the car she was ready to go at it. This paddy wagon chased us down less than 5 min after the first pull over. Full hi beam for about 30 sec before I was signaled to pull over and it was left on the majority of the stop. Then this chick just could not believe the seat in the back. Even I was told I had just been pulled over I was still RBT and they didn't check my license because the other officer had. Then she kept ranting and raving. Even after finding out the age of the car she still thought that have no belts was illegal. She wanted to take me down for 18 points 3 unrestrained passengers at 3 points each on a DD weekend = 18 points. At that point she and her partner stepped away with me hearing him say "I think its alright". She came back from this chat completely opposite. She became very polite and said that due to the age of the car she would have to let me off. Which is true but what i think changed her mind was when she thought a bout it I had been pulled over and let go just minutes before, how could one cooper fine you and another not just minutes apart?

Any way she started started to ramble then and bought up the mona vale crash with the guys in the boot, even though she was in dubbo, and just told us how ppl had been ringing the station and telling the cops about my car and giving them the number plates. Then she just said look just go back to the hotel have a good night.

All I say is have some communication. I didn't mind being pulled over the first time. But I did however detest the second time particularly the way it was carried out. I was guilty until proven Innocent.

Long Live 68 crown 7 seater wagons!!!!

Just my 2c
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January 2003
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 30 April 2003 04:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeh, elect to have it heard in court, but take proof of why they were in your car (a letter from your place of employment stating your occupation involves tools etc or a statment from the owner saying they left the tools in the car, I know everyone has been saying yeh go to court but it can be very intimadating (esp since your the accussed, the cops don't car they get to walk away regardless, u might get stuck with court costs on top of ya fine, but if u present well, have a good record and get the above evidence u should be right, the purpose of the amend to the NSW crimes act was to stop people carrying conceled weapons (person&car) and although ignorance it not an execuse, u might get the fine reduced (tell them u are a low wage earner)or even dismissed. Before u go to court go see the clerk of the court he will help out and might even tell the magistrate about your plight (be poltite even to cops) u might just get off (don't get lawyer, too $$).
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January 2003
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 30 April 2003 07:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shocked just quietly .. WAT THE FUCKis goin to happen to me if i get pulled over.. im a fuckin electrician... wat am i supposed to do.. leave my tools on site... cant put em in boot.. dint want a screwdriver punch a whole in a sub or anythin.. so wat the go Crying or Very Sad Shocked Crying or Very Sad Shocked Crying or Very Sad Embarassed
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I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 30 April 2003 08:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
as mentioned,m if it's part of your job it's ok

I know a chef who got pulled over and had his set of chefs knives on the p[assenger seat (those things are really expensive), and the cops tried to confiscate them and fine him.
He got off it somehow... I think he had them call his work or something

so since you're a sparky you can keep all that stuff
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October 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 30 April 2003 08:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Thanks for all the advice.

I think the cops must have just been out for a bit of fun cause its been over a week and I still havent got the fines. If I do get the fines ill just contest them along with a letter from my boss and from the guy i bought the car off (Thats if I dont abuse him first. Had the car 2 1/2 weeks and already its blown a head gasket. Anyway) and my statement of events and hopefully that should keep it out of court. But if worst turns to worst ill use my dad's lawyer Very Happy

Thanks again.
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May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Wed, 30 April 2003 10:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Here you go, give those bastards some air time on Today Tonight.
Its a new section they launched tonight called 'Fair Go' for such problems.
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August 2002
Re: Goddamn police Thu, 15 May 2003 16:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
So is that baseball bat I have sitting behind the drivers seat not *quite* legal? I've got baseballs in there too, to show them I really am headed to the park at 0300.

I think if i really wanted to do some damage to someone I'd run them over. The last figure I saw for a Cressida Grande's weight was 1.6t+ which is sure to do more damage then a bat, or even a screwdriver.
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Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
Re: Goddamn police Fri, 16 May 2003 01:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I thought it was illegal for them to search your car without a warrant (or at least "reasonable suspicion") or something like that.

You should've gotten their details.
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January 2003
Re: Goddamn police Fri, 16 May 2003 02:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Your young, in a moded car (i.e. not a camry,magna or falcodoor and most likley its late at night, when most people are at home watching tv) then thats all the 'cause'they need to search on reasonable sus (actually any one of those will suffice, so don't be young, buy a magna, don't go out a night, you'll be right then.
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May 2003
Re: Goddamn police Fri, 16 May 2003 03:51 Go to previous message
hmm the fun we could all have if we as toymods went for " class action" for harrasment etc Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Razz

[Updated on: Fri, 16 May 2003 03:52]

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