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New Zealand
November 2003
was 294rwkw, but now... Sat, 22 November 2003 00:26 Go to next message
Hey Everyone,

Thought i'd pop up & say Hi.

Just read a couple of post re my baby, so thought I'd answer your questions.

My car is the Matt Black ke70 in the latest Zoom mag (yay, haven't seen it yet tho Very Happy )

When the article was written we were making 393hp @ the wheels on 1.5bar. Couldn't go any further because the clutch started slipping on the dyno. Anyways, ran a season as it was and did a best 1/4 mile of 11.4 @ 123mph.

Pulled it apart & upgraded the clutch (now has a quarter master twin plate & moly flywheel) and also upgraded the fuel system, rewired the Motec (was pretty much thrown together to start with & had heaps of electrical bugs) and did a bit of general maintence.

Had it back on the dyno, 2weeks ago, and he is now putting out a very healthy 473hp ATW on 2bar boost Very Happy.

Had an event last weekend, but the driveshaft universals couldn't handle the extra load & snapped on my 2nd run Crying or Very Sad.

But we have another event on the 14th Dec so see what happens there.


Ps - Hi Bill, yes Andre is Crazy. I'll get him to send you some updated pics of the Evo, you wont believe what he has gone & done now!!! Very Happy

[Updated on: Sat, 22 November 2003 03:37]

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Forums Junkie

October 2002
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sat, 22 November 2003 02:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, i could do better on my pushy Evil or Very Mad
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New Zealand
November 2003
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sat, 22 November 2003 03:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sorry, I'm a little unsure what you're saying.

Is "pushy" Aussie for "your a tosser"??

Hope not everyone on this forum is this negative!!!

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Forums Junkie

c'town, NSW
May 2002
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sat, 22 November 2003 03:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ummm, lighten up dude phil was obviously messing around, he even put an little smiley face in Evil or Very Mad to indicate he was joking.

and personal attacks are not tolerated on these forums.
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New Zealand
November 2003
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sat, 22 November 2003 03:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sarcasm is very difficult to pick up in text!!!
But never mind, really great 1st experience here!! Confused
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sat, 22 November 2003 05:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
"pushy" means pushbike, bicycle, whatever Smile I dont think philmelvin really believes he can pass you on his bike Very Happy

How the hell are you guys getting that much out of the little 4AG? What sort of dyno do you use? Dynojet? Dyno Dynamics??

You must have a hell of a lot of fun steering that beast down the 1/4. Surely it cant weigh more than 1000kg with a driver.

How late in the revs does it make full boost with the GT30? I was worried about going for an internal gate GT25R!

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Forums Junkie

October 2002
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sat, 22 November 2003 06:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
TE72_Turbo wrote on Sat, 22 November 2003 15:40

"pushy" means pushbike, bicycle, whatever Smile I dont think philmelvin really believes he can pass you on his bike Very Happy

well, it'd be close Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

btw, sorry about not being clear about sarcasm, we are mostly smart asses here, read: cool1
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Board Member
I supported Toymods

Turramurra, Sydney.
May 2002
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sat, 22 November 2003 12:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
G'day Gina, congratulations on your achievement, 350 odd RWKW from a 1600cc is phenomenal, and is it true that you are doing it with the standard 8:1 4A-GZE pistons & standard treated rods?
There's quite a few of us on here that have done or are doing custom 4A-GTEs, myself being one, so your zoom feature did cause a bit of interest.
I can't believe you've pulled another 80hp out of the thing! Smile

BTW, you might be interested in a few threads in the tech & conversion section, where one of our forum members (Stuart/oldcorollas) has sliced up an 8:1 GZE piston & magnified & has come up with some interesting findings on them. You obviously don't need any persuasion of there strength, but it's interesting none the less.
Here's the links: oto=184686&rid=37&S=8eb4448259b76c34553918 4f99557c33 oto=198924&rid=37&S=8eb4448259b76c34553918 4f99557c33 h=23757&start=0&rid=37&S=8eb4448259b76 c345539184f99557c33
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Forums Junkie

April 2003
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sat, 22 November 2003 13:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
first of all id like to say congrats on the effort with the mighty little 4ag. Very Happy would love to sit in the thing as it hurtled down the 1/4 mile lol. Evil or Very Mad Very Happy

oh yeh, i think if people reply to this thread, they shold look at the bottom of T1MID's thread, cos it says "cheers, Gina" lol, i dont think some people realised a woman pilots the little beast, not her husband lol. more power to chicks driving powerful cars i say. Smile

so what have you got planned for it next after you get used to the new power-up?.

cheers, SS.
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Bill Sherwood
Forums Junkie

Brisbane / Gold Coast
May 2002
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sat, 22 November 2003 17:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hi Gina.
Yes, he's completely barking mad.
(In the nicest possible way!)
Send me the pics any time.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

June 2002
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sat, 22 November 2003 20:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yah, like SS says - good work Gina!!!!!!!
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New Zealand
November 2003
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sun, 23 November 2003 01:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
No, I don't need convincing as to the strength of the standard pistons Cool

The whole engine package remains as listed in the Zoom article. With the exception of the fuel system. The rods are standard, with polished/shotpeened beams, and ARP bolts. The pistons are std 8:1 GZE 0.5mm over.

I'll admit to being a bit surprised at the ability of the package. In a way, it won't be a big surprise to anyone if it does go pop, but until then we will see what we can do with it. I don't see the need to go for big $$ internals until they prove necessary!

However, what proves reliable for 10 odd secs down the strip, compared to what will hold together for 15-20mins round a circuit are two different things!

The car is tuned by Andre on a Dynapack hub dyno. Before the last dyno session, we had decided to run the car till we achieved 500 rwhp, or 2.0 bar. Unfortunately we hit 2.0 bar first Sad I will happily scan the power/torque, and boost pliots if there is enough interest.

TE72_Turbo - Depends how much boost you want Smile. The full 2.0 Bar isn't available until 5500rpm, but 15 psi is reached at about 5000rpm. At 15psi it still makes over 300 hp atw!

As for further mods..... traction is next on the agenda - not much point having the power if it all turns to smoke.

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sun, 23 November 2003 01:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
or snaps your drive train Smile

I'd love to see the power/torque figures of that monster
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STR8 2.8
Forums Junkie

February 2003
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sun, 23 November 2003 02:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeh lets see em Shocked
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New Zealand
November 2003
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sun, 23 November 2003 02:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message

I'll see what we can do!

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Forums Junkie

June 2003
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sun, 23 November 2003 07:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
my question is how much did this cost you?
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Sun, 23 November 2003 09:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
those are questions you just don't ask V8 supra!! Razz


BIG HUGE congrats on the car, makes me feel proud to own an AE71 (brother to the KE70) with a 4a-ge. I would LOOOVE to turbo it but unfortunately i just dont have spare parts lieing around like you do! damn!

I love the matt black too! Just like mine only 10000 times cleaner!
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Forums Junkie

July 2002
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Mon, 24 November 2003 03:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
can i uhhh borrow the keys?... please Evil or Very Mad
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New Zealand
November 2003
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Mon, 24 November 2003 07:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hehe - you can have the keys, they are no use to me!! No door locks & no ignition barrel, just a button Very Happy

I have never actually added up the cost. Lots of the parts were hand me downs from our Evo drag car.

now how do I attach a picture? Confused
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Forums Junkie

October 2002
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Mon, 24 November 2003 12:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
was that 9 sec one yours
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New Zealand
November 2003
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Mon, 24 November 2003 21:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yes, we have a 9sec evo, piloted by Andre.
Ok, got these dyno graphs scanned, but cant find the attach button? Confused
any one??
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Forums Junkie

July 2002
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Mon, 24 November 2003 23:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
there is no attach
post pics of the evo Smile
u have to upload and link
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Mon, 24 November 2003 23:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message

You can host it on a web page and then put the link in the message


Michael B
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Forums Junkie

August 2003
Jab what?!!?!
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Wed, 26 November 2003 15:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Can you give us a little info about the Evo drag car? Which EVo is it?
I loved the Zoom article and especially your car.
Heard also cars ar ekind acheap NZ ways....... the more I hear and see about the auto-scene in NZ the better!
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Forums Junkie

July 2002
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Wed, 26 November 2003 22:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
its not the 10.27 sec evo II is it. but i heard thats run a 9 now?
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New Zealand
November 2003
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Thu, 27 November 2003 04:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I don’t know your thinking of the right evo.

Our evo is the Blue Evo3 "DOCILE", featured on the cover of Zoom a couple of months back. Andre has run a best 1/4 of 9.59. We were making about 700hp atw. It has just come back out, after another set of extensive mods, but we haven't quite got it finish yet. Hopefully have it running by the end of the year.
Gonna be running on methanol, larger turbo, extensively lightened etc etc.

Cars were cheap to buy here, until the Govt changed the laws for importing pre-96 cars (not up to frontal impact stds), but in comparison I suppose they still are relatively cheap.

Our import drag scene is growing quickly, and the cars are getting fast. I don’t think the V8 guys know what to do!! Laughing

We are looking into bringing the Evo over for the Jamboree next year, might have to sneak the corolla into the container for a bit of fun too!! Very Happy

I'm just waiting for my web site guy to load the pics to our site, I'll let ya know when they're up!!

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Forums Junkie

August 2003
Jab what?!!?!
Re: was 294rwkw, but now... Thu, 27 November 2003 12:32 Go to previous message
Aww EVO3!!!!!!! My fav with the 7!!!!!
Can you get me the exact issue number and date, I HAVE to back order that.
I wish I had the money for a standard one.. hm not even sure if true but someone said you cant import them into Australia.
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