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I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 07:37
As above is anyone using a Megasquirt? I have heard things about it in the past and have just brushed it of because it was lacking ignition control.
I am now interested in little project as I may be getting my hands on a 2T-GEU shortly which I understand only needs fuel control. I figure that being able to play around tuning my own engine could be a worth while learning experience.
So is anyone using it or know someone using it? Or even know anything about it?
And yes I am aware that the Megasquirt can now do ignition control!

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 08:25

oldcorollas in the man.
ALso thinking the same for myself and the 18R-GEU... just for fun
i really wanna get the Ultra Megasquirt, but dunno about the tuning software yet (havent done much reading lately), and if its as good as what's available for the MS.

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 08:31

I didnt think the Ultra Megasquirt was available yet
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 08:58

i have 2 ECUs that function error-free on the 'stim/workbench. I just need to bolt 'em to an EFI engine to complete testing... 
one in the standard aluminium case, the other in larger plastic case with a home-brew MJLJ that could run EDIS hardware.
there's a few bits of tuning software now e.g MSTweak3000, megatune(v216), megatunix (unix vers), ...
If you can't wait for UMS then havea look at MS-AVR:
< >
this guy runs a 4AGTE with MS and MJLJ:
and this dude (Brent) runs same (in an AW11 i think):
(he developed the MJLJ)

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 09:22

Chuck, The ECU's you have, they are both Megasquirts?
And whats the reason you havent tested them on an engine?

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002

Location: Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
Registered: January 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 09:38

well, pm me with specific questions if you want.
i have 3 MS's, none on a car yet cos i haven't finished my damn PhD i DO have 4KE and 7KE setups ready to go on tho 
i have played with a couple of working cars tho..
Gareth with an XF falcon, and Brett with an Alfa 2L powered hot rod.
i spent some time with them datalogging and doing a bit of tuning... the "Megatune" software makes it really easy...
spent maybe 15-20 minutes with bretts hotrod to tune the majority of the power part of table...
his engine (Bretts) has a very small range of MAP values, only from 75kpa at idle (25kpa vacuum) to 95kpa at WOT, as it's running GSXR individual throttle bodies.. everyone said it wouldn't run on speed density, but it runs fine. fantastically even!! tm
another one that comes to mind is Karl Skewes with a turbo'd 4AGE in NZ (garage dori or similar?)
to get the (main) tuning software "Megatune", go to
'files' section, 'Megatune' folder es/MegaTune/
and download ""
look up the "megamanual" which is a fantastic resource
basically, it has an 8x8 table of RPM vs MAP. these points are adjustable in 100rpm increments, so you can group them where you need them (in 3kpa increments in bretts case). it can do maybe 12000 or 16000rpm. can control at least 8 injectors with no worries. can do PWM to control low Z injectors and can do high Z injectors.. has closed loop mixture control, accel and decel enrichments, afterstart and warm up enrichments, automatic air temp compensation, automatic altitude (air pressure) compensation on startup, controls fuel pump relay and idle up valve (on/off type), ummmmm.... can use any temp sensors, but camira sensors are easy ($12 CLT, $20 MAT), has internal map sensor that goes to 150kpa positive, ie about 20psi boost.
what else??? you build it yourself, costs less than $200, and is easy to install, set up, tune, and you'll learn a shitload about EFI in the process 
we are also just about to do our last Aussie GB before the UMS comes out.
Australian MS yahoo group
Main MS yahoo group
Megasquirts are used on big US V8's, methanol drinking drag cars, turbo rotaries, turbo audi 5cylinders, harley's, jap 4 cyl bikes, 4 cyl NA and turbo, and also the worlds fastest 4cyl vehicle...
so yeah. it works. is stable. ppl have racked up many K's on them (Gareth is around the 14-15000km mark so far), they are simple to put together and understand.....
Cya, Stewart

Club Member
Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 09:49

My first question is, when the UMS comes out will it be based on the MS? What i'm getting at I guess is, if I buy a MS now can I then upgrade it later to the UMS? I think I read on the Megasquirt page earlier that for ignition control it will just be an addon

Location: Rocky Mountains, Canada
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 09:56

UMS will be all new hardware...

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 10:02

Well that blows goats
Stewart, did you buy any of your parts locally? Or did you buy them all from the place they recommend?

Location: Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
Registered: January 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 10:15

UMS and the upcoming MS-II are majority surface mount components, so will be harder to assemble.
the firmware in the MS can be configured in many different ways and you can write your own if you want.. it is ALL OPEN SOURCE.
we do group buys of at least 15 kits at a time, and source some parts from digikey, some parts from Futurlec, some parts from Electus, the case from Heeger, and the partial kit (PCB, programmed processor, MAP sensor, and FET driver chip) from Bruce and Al (the designers)
by doing it this way, we reduce the price of the kits greatly over what it costs someone to buy one whole kit themselves..
i bought my first one form the US group buy and it and the stim cost me $330 now it is about $200 for us to do it.. don't i feel jipped 
as for ignition.. there are 2 solutions atm that are just firmware upgrades in the current MS box, these ARE Megasquirt'n'EDIS and Megasquirt'n'spark.
there is another solution running atm that uses a seperate MS box, called Megaspark.
the benefit of running two boxes is independence of control systems, and you can tune both simultaneously..
the UMS will be like a new generation of ECU, in that the outputs will be 'configurable' ie, you have 12 poutputs to run as injection, ignition, PWM, auto shift control.. whatever.
the MS still hs it's place in that it is less complex, easy to construct and install, uses large components (non surface mount) and will still be cheaper. oh, and it will control 95% of motors.
you can also use a stock ECU to control ignition, and then just disconnect the injectors, and run them with the MS.. many many options.
there probably will be add on boards for ignition for the mS, in fact our aussie guru, Dave Jeal, built his own MS from scratch, added more injector drivers, and incorporated a megaspark board, all in the same box...
depends on how much effort you want to put in really....
Cya, Stewart

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 10:20

quick explanation on what this megasquirt thingamabob is?
I'm assuming from whats been said its some sorta programmable ecu like say autronic, wolf yada yada.
except the software is like linux compared to windows the users can change it?
am i on the right track?
if so where do you buy em and do any half descent workshops know how to tune em?

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 10:26

Ok Stewart, When is the next group buy happening? I'm keen 
I was just going to buy the basic kit as electronic parts are very easy to come by when you know where to shop.
I like the idea of the UMS using surface components as I find them much easier to solder and they do look much neater. I just don't want to wait around to play with my next project as you can imagine

Location: Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
Registered: January 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 10:36

TA-022 wrote on Mon, 29 March 2004 20:20 | quick explanation on what this megasquirt thingamabob is?
I'm assuming from whats been said its some sorta programmable ecu like say autronic, wolf yada yada.
except the software is like linux compared to windows the users can change it?
am i on the right track?
if so where do you buy em and do any half descent workshops know how to tune em?
if you had actually followed the links i put up earlier, or did a google search yourself....
you would find that MS is a fuel only computer that you build yourself.
the firmware and software are open source, but the basic package is very stable.. there are many variants that do different things and altering code is easy.
you buy the PCB from the designers, Bruce and AL, and then components yourself..
BE AWARE this is not exactly a turnkey project, you MUST know what you are doing. there is more support for the MS than for almost ANY aftermarket ECU (4000ppl on the main list), but fools and timewasters are not overly tolerated...
workshops will nto touch them because there is no money in it for them.
tuning is simple and you can do it yourself.. a dyno would help to load the motor up, but you can datalog and do it from there...
READ the links and decide for yourself...
if you can't research it yourself, (general you) i daresay the project is beyond you. sad to say, but it's the truth.
Cya, Stewart

Location: Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
Registered: January 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 10:41

Cool1 wrote on Mon, 29 March 2004 20:26 | Ok Stewart, When is the next group buy happening? I'm keen 
I was just going to buy the basic kit as electronic parts are very easy to come by when you know where to shop.
I like the idea of the UMS using surface components as I find them much easier to solder and they do look much neater. I just don't want to wait around to play with my next project as you can imagine
all the GB info is there, as thats how we do it... it's a group buy in that we pool everyones money together and buy stuff as cheap as possible.
you can get whatever you want the prices for all the bits are up.. if you can get cheaper elsewhere, be my guest 
all we try and do is get MS's cheaper tot he ppl that want them (ad we have done about 50 kits so far!!)
Cya, Stewart
damn, if you are keen with SMD, maybe you can do mine heh heh

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 10:44

oldcorollas wrote on Mon, 29 March 2004 20:41 | damn, if you are keen with SMD, maybe you can do mine heh heh
Sure, no worries. I find SMD much quicker to solder then leaded
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 10:45

Cool1 wrote on Mon, 29 March 2004 19:22 | Chuck, The ECU's you have, they are both Megasquirts?
yes - both are v3 firmware and hardware (fuel only)
the extra board is a spark-only computer that requires imported EDIS hardware (i asked for a 4cyl unit but got a 6cyl)
if no-one buys the A40, i'll convert one ECU to megaspark to run the ignition and if i ever get an EFI manifold i'll then convert it to squit-n-spark and run some sort of home-brew idle-up for when the engien is cold (you loose the fast-idle output if running fuel+spark from the one ECU).
Quote: |
And whats the reason you havent tested them on an engine?
the lack of an EFI manifold (for starters)

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 10:55

I could possibly supply a 2T-GEU for testing?
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 11:08

Cool1 wrote on Mon, 29 March 2004 20:55 | I could possibly supply a 2T-GEU for testing?
i think we could come to an arrangement ... tho if it pops the motor, i'm outa there... 
seriously, sometime after Easter?
plus we have to document it for this and the oZ_ms forums.

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 29 March 2004 11:15

Yeah sure, i'm keen.
Location: ACT
Registered: July 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Tue, 30 March 2004 23:28

Does anyone have info on the ultraMS.
I would be keen to use one of these. Soldering SM components isn't a problem either as I have a hot air soldering gun.
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003

Location: Hobart
Registered: June 2002

Location: Hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Wed, 31 March 2004 15:35

thechuckster wrote on Mon, 29 March 2004 20:45 |
and run some sort of home-brew idle-up for when the engien is cold (you loose the fast-idle output if running fuel+spark from the one ECU).
you can just use the standard fast idle air bypass valve.... i just runs 12V while ignition is on... as engine heats up valve closes... easy.
this is what i run, works ok ...not that i've had a _real_ cold day yet though.

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Wed, 31 March 2004 23:15

just joined the yahoo group, i have a mate who is a genius with electronics, we were planning on designing a programmable ECU, megasquirt sounds a lot easier though, and so cheap! i will definately be down in the group buy for the UMS

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 01 April 2004 02:29

RA40 - i wouldn't mind having a look at the fuel maps etc that you created for yours.
Im going to be doing this with my 18R-GE soonish.

Location: Hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 01 April 2004 06:01

yeh no worries... i can email the megatune settings to you if you like.

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 01 April 2004 06:35

fckntopsmate! How did you go getting the accel and decell enrichment settings? DId the megatune logging software cover that side of things?

Location: Hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 01 April 2004 07:58

ah bugga, i just typed a long reply to that... ah well.. short story... im not running tps yet. so im not running accel enrich yet. still quite good to drive, just dont punch the throttle to hard... i did have it going but my potentiometer i modified the original tps with died.
ill send that file to you soon

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 01 April 2004 11:13

i have heard that the later style 22R-E fully variable TPS's are the square type similar to the 18R-GE 3-position type - and are possibly interchangable.
Ill be chasing up stewie cos i rekon he has one...
Registered: March 2004
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 01 April 2004 12:40

I too am trying to get my megasquirt up and running and need the TPS as the final piece in the jigsaw.
I am trying to find a TPS replacement for the changeover contact type. The throttle body I have, has a black box of about 69 mm between retaining screws, found on a Toyota Camry 2 litre.

Location: Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
Registered: January 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 01 April 2004 15:03

i do just happen to have a 22RE throttle body with variable voltage TPS... i was going to adapt it to my 4KE setup, but it is not Dshaft, and i've just gotten a 7KE setup 
if you want some pics of it, let me know..
will a 22RE TB fit on an 18R manifold?
Cya, Stewart

Location: Finland
Registered: November 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 01 April 2004 15:03

Quote: | I too am trying to get my megasquirt up and running and need the TPS as the final piece in the jigsaw.
I'm going to use WEBER TPS in my MegaSquirt project. I can measure the TPS unit tomorow. It looks very similar to Toyota contact point TPS. Another thing, I found about year ago some site that had tech doc about chanching 3S-FE throttle position switch to throttle position sensor. I try to find it again.

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 01 April 2004 23:25

from memory the 18R does have a D shaft...
ill get pics later.

Location: Hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Fri, 02 April 2004 13:02

anyone know what the tps's are like on newer corrollas?... like 4A's and stuff...
stewie could u get a photo of that throttle body.... maybe it will fit straight onto 18rg plenum...

Location: Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
Registered: January 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Fri, 02 April 2004 13:29

no worries, you have PM...
the TPS on the 7KE setup i just acquired is a toyota part, but looks pretty much like model 515 in the link below...
the 7KE has a flat balde (like screwdriver) that pushes against the little triangles.... hard to explain, see the pics below..
at e.htm
these are nice pics at this site too..
Eddie is looking into the ones available from various places as he needs a D shaft TPS for his camira TB...
Cya, Stewart

Location: Finland
Registered: November 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Fri, 02 April 2004 17:05

Weber TPS has 8mm D-shaft and this can be found from Fiat, Alfa, Lancia...

Location: Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
Registered: January 2003
Registered: March 2004

Location: Victoria
Registered: May 2002

Location: Melbourne
Registered: August 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 05 April 2004 06:15

Hi Stewart,
I've been looking into this for quite some time, pricing up all the bits & pieces & the best price I can build a MS + stim & relay for is around $280.00 (using an exchange rate of around .75)
How much cheaper could I do this through the group buy? Looking through the Yahoo Groups, it looks like this might be more expensive than the $280 I could source it for... maybe I have been reading older posts (with older exchange rates), or have missed something.
I am also looking at doing something a little different - experimenting with a direct LPG injection setup... do you know of anyone (apart from MrShin) who has done this (in particular with a MegaSquirt??)

Location: Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
Registered: January 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 05 April 2004 08:09

well, the MS partial kit from B&G has just gone up US$10...
it depends what parts you are actually getting... are you including the heeger cases (they have high postage costs) for the MS and the relay board? (EAS300 and EAS200)
are you using the US stim PCB and digikey components for it?
generally we have a $10-20 refund after all the dust settles, and the prices below are 'preliminary prices'
we are not selling MS's, we do a 'group buy' for them, and whatever it ends up costing is what it costs...
did you also factor in the cost of sending money orders and currency conversions etc?? (minimum about $11 for western union and $28 for bank transfer) digikey OS order surcharge+postage?
in the end, you can do what you want, we just provide an easier way for ppl to get a complete kit with parts that are known to be compatible, and do it for the mimimum cost we can. we don't profit from it.. unfortunately... but hey, this is open source 
Cya, Stewart
from 1
Quote: |
Heres a breakdown of prices (approx)
MS Partial $95
MS Parts $55
MS Case Plain $30
MS Case Black anodised $35
MV VFD $95
MV partial $50
MV Parts $30
U.S Stim PCB $35
U.S Stim Parts $40.00
Stew Stim (breadboarded using vero board) $25.00
Relay Board PCB $26.00
Relay Base and Relay $30 for the set ($10 each)
Relay board Case EAS200 plain $28.00 black anodised $33.00
Relay board Parts $POA, havent sussed em out yet
Motorola processors Blank $15.00
Motorola processors programmed $25.00
Flyback PCB $22.00
Flyback Parts $13.00
Dave Jeal Programmer (breadboarded using Veroboard) $60.00 including
one blank chip
GM Coolant temp sensors $13.00 (Aussie ones)
GM Air temp Sensors $20.00 (aussie ones)
Four wire heated NB 02 sensors bosch/NTK $70.00
Postage $15.00 Give or take
Registered: November 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 05 April 2004 08:26

Have you also taken frieght, GST, customs duty etc into your figures? I've been burnt a few times on purchasing stuff from the U.S.
For the record, Im one of the other guys who assist Stewart in the group buys, If you can possibly source all the bits and pieces cheaper than the group buys, by all means go for it, Stewart, Gareth and myself dont make a cent from these things and only do it to make assembling simpler for us aussies who dont get it as easy as the yanks do.
Bang for your buck, you cant beat the MS, This is coming from someone who has owned a car with a wolf setup, and have a new in box Haltech E6S sitting in my garage, sure the Haltech will do a lot more (ignition control for one thing), but at the end of the day, I dont need a $1300 ECU to control my $40 thermo fan.
The MS does fuel, with software changes, it will run spark, I plan on running 2 units, 1 for fuel, 1 for spark. Im still around the $500 mark for the 2 (less than half retail for the Haltech), but I have the benifit of learning what every bit on those circuit boards does, and why, and lets face it, If you're anything like me, the "fun" of doing the damn thing yourself, as opposed to being a chequebook racer is worth heaps to me.
and if something fries, I stand a good chance of getting it running again, as opposed to waiting for one of the big boys to get out their soldering iron and fix my Haltech/wolf/hawk etc @ $90 an hr for labour.
My EFI engine is going in a few weeks and believe me, I'll have the biggest grin the moment that sucker runs using something I put together on my kitchen table
regards Eddie
[Updated on: Mon, 05 April 2004 08:29]

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 05 April 2004 08:32

So when do we get the details on how to pay for the stuff we ordered?
I have put my name down by the way
Registered: November 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 05 April 2004 08:42

Cool1, You've got PM

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 05 April 2004 08:47

vx255 wrote on Mon, 05 April 2004 18:42 | Cool1, You've got PM
So have you

Location: Albany WA
Registered: October 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 05 April 2004 10:25

I will now proceed to immerse myself in this vast pool of information and try to work out how this works. Do you need a PHD to make the Megasquirt work or does it just take a bunch of research and an open mind? I do like the price though.

Location: Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
Registered: January 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 05 April 2004 10:39

nope. all you need to be able to do is solder a circuit, follow schematics to hook it up, work a computer etc..
once you learn how it works, it's pretty straightforward.
certianly moreso than most aftermarket systems, and the support is extensive... try following a Wolf manual 
start with the megamanual 
Cya, Stewart
Registered: November 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Mon, 05 April 2004 11:22

The manual is set out in a step by step format, so you build a section at a time, one thing I found usefull was a little software program where you typed in the colour stripes of the resistors, and it spat out plain and simple what it was. (made things pretty idiot proof for me).
(If anyone ever wants it, its in the files section of the oz_ms website)
The only experience I think you need is some half decent soldering skills, if you havent had to use a soldering iron before, perhaps purchasing a couple of el cheapo jaycar kits to "whet" your appetite, and hone your skills.
I found printing out a few good quality pics of a finished megasquirt made identification easier too (plenty on the ms website)
I might shut up now, I'm starting to sound like a salesman (but wait, theres more )
rgds Eddie

Location: Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Tue, 06 April 2004 04:32

Ive just been toying with this idea ( i have no idea what im doing )
But what abou retrofitting a toyota direct ignition system off say a camry onto an older motor using some incarnation of the MegaSquirt that can control spark... Would be great having a 2TG with EFI and individual coils 
The MsAVR also looks like a good alternative for those wishing to control spark and cant wait for the UMS

Location: Finland
Registered: November 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Tue, 06 April 2004 12:28

Quote: | I too am trying to get my megasquirt up and running and need the TPS as the final piece in the jigsaw.
I am trying to find a TPS replacement for the changeover contact type. The throttle body I have, has a black box of about 69 mm between retaining screws, found on a Toyota Camry 2 litre.
I measured my Weber TPS today and it has 69mm between screw holes and like I stated it has 8mm D-shaft. If you have 8mm D-shaft in same position, this might be direct bolt-on TPS for you.
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Wed, 07 April 2004 12:42

just a heads-up for those folk seriously interested in participating the next (and for the time being, final) group buy for current versions of megasquirt:
that's 16th April - so deadline approaches...
as others have noted in the thread, the folks organising this are note making any money out of this .. so before you ask a vanilla flavoured 'watzit do?', take a look at <>, grab a beer or coffee and sit
back and have a read, most questions will be answered. Also, browse the forums for discussions/threads that probably relate to your project.
note: there are detailed instructions on how to participate in the group buy - so "me too's" won't get you on the list...

Location: Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
Registered: January 2003
Location: NW Sydney
Registered: April 2005
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 21 April 2005 02:21

I have put my MS into an OEM 3SGE Gen 2 ECU case. Remove OEM unit, replace with MS unit and tune to your hearts content. If you want/need to go back to standard, just replace with an OEM.
Regards, Richard

Location: Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 21 April 2005 03:27

Did you work out how to control spark with the stock dizzy?
Location: NW Sydney
Registered: April 2005
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 21 April 2005 03:41

gearb0x wrote on Thu, 21 April 2005 13:27 | Did you work out how to control spark with the stock dizzy?
Yep, V024 alpha code of MSnS has a second input trigger. Combine the G1/G2 signals through a custom version of the MS VR conditioner for the second input, and the NE signal into the normal tach input (also via a custom VR conditioner). Other than the ECU, everything is stock including MAP, temp sensor, and TPS. It even drives the 3 wire IAC with some additional hardware.
I must get around to writing up the project and posting it on the MS Projects forum...once it is slightly better tuned.
I believe the same approach could be used for MAP, and 3 VR coil dizzy/DLI equipped set-ups for 4AGE 20V, 4AGZE, 3STGE, 7M(T)GE etc
Regards, Richard
[Updated on: Thu, 21 April 2005 03:47]

Location: Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 21 April 2005 04:19

every impressive
I was researching doing the same thing with my 4AGZE but hit a wall with the dizzy. me and a friend worked out a circuit that would emulate a 4 point dizzy using the 24/1 setup but ur idea sounds much better
Now they have Dual inputs ill have to do some more reasearch. I want to so the same as urs and keep all the stock hardware for easy switching back to stock 
THe other option for me was to switch to an early bigport dizzy which has the convensional 4 toothed setup.
And with the new wasted spark code it could get very interesting on my other project

Location: melbourne
Registered: February 2005
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Thu, 21 April 2005 06:27

i looked into using the mega squirt stuff to turbo and efi a lawn mower engine
but ahh there was a little too much piss farting aruond with everything needed to b done so i figured i wouldnt bother... but i would still luv too do it...
ont he mega squirt web page theres plenty of ppl that have put the systems on there cars including some dude with ra40!

Location: Hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: Megasquirt, anyone using it?
Fri, 22 April 2005 03:43

h3ff44 wrote on Thu, 21 April 2005 16:27 |
ont he mega squirt web page theres plenty of ppl that have put the systems on there cars including some dude with ra40!