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Adelaide Hills
January 2004
icon14.gif  A big THANKS from Hayley Wed, 27 October 2004 02:19 Go to next message
HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!! Smile It's Hayley here. It has been 3 days since the accident and I am overwhelmed by the support and kind messages I have received from club members and people I hadn't even met. I must say that those few seconds after the impact were the most scariest seconds I've had in my life and from what I am hearing that if it wasn't for Adrian's quick thinking I would not be here today! I saw this other car coming straight for us and i knew it was going to hit. All I could do is look the other way, close my eyes and brace myself for the hit. As for my injuries, that is something that will mend over time and some help from the professionals (the drugs ain't that bad either) Very Happy Very Happy I would like to say a big THANKS to the guy (lifesaver) who helped me. (did anyone know who he was?) And as for going on a ccc cruise, Adrian when is the next one, I'll be there Cool AGAIN THANKYOU EVERYONE! you guys are the best and a special thanks and a big hug to Adrian! Smile (your passion for kach22 still lives on)

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I supported Toymods

SA; Home of Car Scene BS
January 2004
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Wed, 27 October 2004 02:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
good to hear that your ok hayley... was heaps worried about you... The main thing is that your ok...

Good to see your so keen for future cruises aswell... dont let this accident change who you are... your a great chick and you handled thing so well... good on ya Smile

Good luck with the mending..

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South Aus
June 2003
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Wed, 27 October 2004 05:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Big relief to hear from you, haha i never met u at the scene but i felt for ya Sad great to hear that ur keen to get up and goin again. Best wishes to a quick and full recovery Smile
and i concure... Adrian is a champion. Dont worry buddy, whether kach's future is as a vert 22, a bed, or even a bbq (u seemed so keen on this one Laughing ) u'll be back in the saddle and behiind that glorious turbs soon im sure Cool

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January 2004
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Wed, 27 October 2004 06:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
so glad to hear that you guys are going to be okay.

on another note, this is a LOCAL EVENT only forum.
i suggest you re-name this thread to something like...
'CCC hospital cruise' Razz

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Adelaide, South Oz
May 2002
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Wed, 27 October 2004 07:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hi Hayley..
I was very upset to hear this happen and im glad your getting beter.
If there is anything i can do for you just let me know..
Ill contact you soon..

[Updated on: Tue, 27 September 2005 08:04]

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South Australia
December 2003
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Wed, 27 October 2004 10:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hayley i am soo glad that you are ok.

i must say there was nothing worse than firstly finding out adrians car was in an accident and then to find out someone was still in there.

one of the hardest things ever that i have had to be a part of but i am glad that you are ok.

good luck with everything and see you on the next cruise
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November 2002
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Wed, 27 October 2004 11:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
What's the story? what happened, where, how?
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Adelaide Hills
January 2004
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Wed, 27 October 2004 12:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
check out page 2 on (ccc cruise 24 October, thread.)for more details
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big JON

September 2004
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Wed, 27 October 2004 22:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hayley theres no need to thank us. Im sure you would have done the same to someone else if the situation was reversed...

Its fantastic to hear that your ok, and hope to see you out and about in the future!!

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Forums Junkie

Toymods Vice President

May 2002
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Thu, 28 October 2004 08:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hi Hayley, I hope you recover soon and there aren't any permanant injuries.

To the other guys taking part in the CCC scene please take this sad incident as a wake up call to make sure you get incorporated and insured ASAP. Hayley seems to be a great lady and is taking this in her stride, however as long as you aren't incorporated and insured you are running a huge risk having events. This is one of the biggest things we had to overcome at Toymods, for a long while we had zero events.

The big risk is that if things go wrong and the peron injured isn't as respectable and responsable as Hayley they can sue over it and the organisers can be held liable.

Sorry to look like I'm butting in here but I'd hate to see something like this happen without any good coming from it.
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March 2003
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Fri, 05 November 2004 05:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Toymods V.P,

Yeah we are aware and we do take the steps to avoid this. Our cruises are without written instructions, streets, directions etc. we have discussed this with the members/cruisers.
Thanks hey. Kach now new plans for 2005 in process and CANT WAIT!!! Kach22 plates now will be even more appropriate.......

Adrian. Update. Hayley ok with probable fractured ribs and bad bruising. She's ok but not fully well....thinkn of ya Hayley.
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Adelaide, South Oz
May 2002
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Sun, 25 September 2005 09:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hi everyone,

It's almost been one year one since this nasty accident happend. To inform you it has almost taken this time to actually diagnose what the outcome was with my injuries. It took 2 surgeons and an extreme amount of medical appointments (which are still ongoing)as well as the pain and suffering to overcome this problem that took less than a minute.

In it's intireity it has cost me 2 job losses, an actual job loss (that I wanted)as well as personnel issues. My diagnoses was a strain to the sternum which affected the pecteralus muscle (pec) and tore the costochondral junction (tendens and ligements to this muscle and rib) caused by the seatbelt which has been put as a permanent disability for the remainder of my life but it also saved it.

I can reassure you there is not amount of money or physical rehabilitation in the world that will ever bring back my full physical well being which in a way made t extremley hard to concore my dream.

I cannot stress enough the importance reguradless of being on a club cruise, driving to work, going out socially or even going to the shops that something so careless can take such a dramatic change in your life. This horrible event did f#$! up my life for a while as well as those involved.

The worst thing is the person responsible (who in mind was also driving a late model celica) did not give a rat's arse and I will also note was an older lady who blamed her sunglasses.

But in any case, insure yourselves as much as you can at any time you get behind the wheel. You can cover yourselves more with insurance when on a club cruise.

I would like to pass my regards on to some people who have helped me in this. Sean who has supported me all the way through regardless of the circumstances, Anthony who was there from the begining and still shows his support and Adrian who's TA22 I was in lost his pride and joy but has able to overcome with another project.

Everyone else in the Celica car club and friends, thank you!!!


[Updated on: Sun, 25 September 2005 09:51]

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Forums Junkie

Adelaide, drift capital
May 2004
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Tue, 27 September 2005 01:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Holy shit sorry to hear about this. I remember hearing about this like a year ago.


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November 2003
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Mon, 10 October 2005 10:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sorry to hear this Hayley, hope things get back on track asap.

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January 2004
Re: A big THANKS from Hayley Wed, 12 October 2005 06:43 Go to previous message
Thanks for sharing your story to date with us. Sad
I remember reading about this late last year.

Look up, and look forward, because you never know what is around the corner. It may just be a turn for the better. Smile

Keep smiling
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