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Registered: May 2002
Road trip to WSID 16 Feb 2005!!
Tue, 18 January 2005 00:32
Hi all,
The Toymods crew are organising a trip to Western Sydney International Dragway for some racing and spectating/supporting (take your pick).
WHEN: Wednesday, February 16th. That gives everyone a month of preperation.
WHERE: Western Sydney International Dragway, Eastern Creek.
TIME: Gates for competitors & spectators open at 5pm, racing commences at 6pm & finishes at 10pm.
COST: Competitors $45, spectators $15.
Current Drivers Licence
Rego paper for the vehicle (if the vehicle is not registered to you, authorisation from owner, and rego papers)
Long sleeved shirt and pants
MEETING AT 1pm at the Shell Gateway Service Station for a leisurely cruise and a couple of food/petrol stops on our way to WSID. Leaving at 1pm should see us arrive at WSID some time between 4:00pm and 4:30pm, ready to line up for scrutineering.
The plan will be the usual for the Canberra crew, leave just after lunch, head up in convoy and arrive at WSID prior to scrutineering. Get scrutineered, race, head home at 10pm.
We usually meet at the Shell Gateway Service Station and head off from there to Sydney with a stop or two along the way. An exact time to meet will be posted closer to the event.
It's a late night but is definitely worth the trip, always ends up being a heap of fun.
See this thread for more info and who is going etc: h=56789&start=0&rid=204&S=df031ece79a4 7a2f51bdceeaa59a895e
Hope to see a good showing!
[Updated on: Thu, 27 January 2005 02:27]

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Road trip to WSID 16 Feb 2005!!
Wed, 19 January 2005 12:08

I'm in!

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: Road trip to WSID 16 Feb 2005!!
Thu, 20 January 2005 06:39

hmmmmm... that may be interesting, if all goes to plan I will be painting the MR2 during that peroid, that means I'll have the celica registered...
we'll see

Registered: May 2002
Re: Road trip to WSID 16 Feb 2005!!
Fri, 28 January 2005 00:37

Check out the first post for the time and place for those who want to cruise up to WSID on the 16th of Feb.
MEETING AT 1pm at the Shell Gateway Service Station for a leisurely cruise and a couple of food/petrol stops on our way to WSID. Leaving at 1pm should see us arrive at WSID some time between 4:00pm and 4:30pm, ready to line up for scrutineering.

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: Road trip to WSID 16 Feb 2005!!
Mon, 14 February 2005 11:54
yeah don't think i'll be coming up to this one, was hoping to but funds kinda aren't permitting atm, trying to paint the mr2 and that ain't cheap, also kinda forgot how much fuel the celica tended to use