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Location: Launceston
Registered: February 2004
Intrest in get together Launceston-Canceled
Tue, 18 January 2005 03:00
cant see anybody orginising a get together, So im taking over.
toyota clubs welcome. (there also maybe a group of ET Pulsars too, as im a member of that too and own one, but ill be bringing my corolla)
No im not a car club, I am just intrested in having a get together, exchanging tech information, general check out peoples rides day.
Having a BBQ, say at the tail race at riverside and then maybe a cruse somewhere if everybody wants too.
meat may be donated (by me) but youll have to provide all other items you require (eg bread,sauce,drink etc), but that is also not definate as ill need respecitable numbers of people wanting to come along.
I am one of Tasmanians Microtech ECU dealers (I dont know if there are any others) Im not going to be selling or pushing Microtech stuff so dont worry, But i will be happy to answer any questions you my have on the systems while we are there.
Looking at Sunday the 13th of Feb.
I will make more definate plans if i get some intrest.
If you dont know who i am, I have pics posted in the members rides on this forum under my name (NickZ)
or pictures here
[Updated on: Sun, 06 February 2005 08:47]

Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston
Tue, 18 January 2005 07:17

put me in 4 that nik but cant you make it in march lol need to get my ps back but i think its a good idea to have a bbq and talk about yotoas hehehe

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston
Tue, 18 January 2005 07:34

the thing is most of us are in hobart!! u would get a better turn out in hobart ifu had it down here.. it would cost me around $80 there and back

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston
Tue, 18 January 2005 11:01

I haven't slept in my own bed for more than 1 night since around xmas but i offered ages to go to have a BBQ at my house .
ANYBODY is welcome i don't care what u drive.
I'm quiting my job soon so i will have plenty of free time and my 1G SA63 hits the shores on the 31st.
But i can't drive till june.
I"m leaving again tomorrow for fucking yapoon ???? or somewhere like that but i'll try and check back

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston
Tue, 18 January 2005 11:46

i dunno would u guys be interested into coming to hobart ?

Location: Launceston
Registered: February 2004
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston
Tue, 18 January 2005 22:11

the problem with comming to Hobart is there are 1 comfermed car club here (Launceston) comming already.
I understand where your comming from about the travelling expence, i think most of us suffer from that.

Location: Launceston, Tasmania
Registered: May 2002
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston
Tue, 18 January 2005 22:31

I'd definately be up for it. I have an ae92 fxgt hatch. Just out of interest, how many pulsars are going to be there? i don't want to be out numbered by too much

Location: Launceston
Registered: February 2004
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston
Tue, 18 January 2005 22:53

oh maybe 10 max pulsars, as wiht these things most people say their comming but dont turn up

Location: Launceston, Tasmania
Registered: May 2002
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston
Wed, 19 January 2005 01:49

That's cool, if the date doesn't change i'll definately come! There is also a corolla cruise in hobart on australia day if any of you corolla people are interested!

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston
Wed, 19 January 2005 06:17

Cam are u mates with bart and fanny ?

Location: Launceston, Tasmania
Registered: May 2002
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston
Wed, 19 January 2005 08:06

I think i met them on the last cruise. Is Bart the one who drove the 4agze clubman? and fanny his mate with the ae92 gti?

Location: Launceston
Registered: February 2004
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston-Canceled
Sun, 06 February 2005 08:49

Canceled from the lack of intrest.

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston-Canceled
Mon, 07 February 2005 02:52

u will need to make any big cruises in hobart.. there are more of us down here. i know the issue with travelling is a pain in the arse, but i spose it is really the only way! hmm i dunno would u guys be whilling to drive down one week and we can have a full day of cruising and 99c petrol!!!
btw how much is the cheapest place in launie ?

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston-Canceled
Mon, 07 February 2005 04:02

yea half way is fine... i never thought of that.. wheres abouts Oatlands.. Campbell town ?

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Intrest in get together Launceston-Canceled
Mon, 07 February 2005 04:19

I know tunbridge is exactly half way but.....
wtf are we going to do from there ?

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003