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Banned member
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
ta22 clear indicator lenses
Fri, 25 October 2002 08:34
im making up a few sets of the clear ta22 indicator lenses that everybody is crazy about at work
let me know who is interested
pics will be up next weekend
expected to go for around $80 a pair
cheers a lot
Location: AdElAiDe
Registered: September 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Fri, 25 October 2002 09:54

yeah i will pay 80 bucks for a pair. When are you making them?

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Fri, 25 October 2002 11:02

I'm interested!

Banned member
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Fri, 25 October 2002 11:38

i have a mould set and ready to rock and roll, prototype should be monday but work being work could get busy so next week defianatly then the pics for all to behold
should be pretty good they are being made from high impact acrylic
then we will see about acrylic front guards and bumpers !...same weight as fibreglass

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Fri, 25 October 2002 11:47

Yeah im in
I spose if we have more sydney ppl interested we can organise freight
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Fri, 25 October 2002 14:14

same for adelaide.... i'll be interested in a pair, not sure that a "replica" is worth $80 but. I guess it all depends how close they are to the original?!?!?

Location: Hornsby, N.S.W
Registered: September 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Fri, 25 October 2002 23:35

if they look ok, i will take 2 pairs.

Banned member
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Sat, 26 October 2002 04:40

as ive said in another thread expect the finest detail like the very small toyota writing to come out perfect, or you could buy a set in another thred for $80US, the choice is yours
Location: Boston, MA. U.S.A.
Registered: July 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Sat, 26 October 2002 06:21

Hi, all,
I'm the guy from U.S., Boston, I found those TA-22 lenses is all brand new genuine Toyota parts, Yes, I know US$80 per set is kind of pricy, but I can tell you it's very hard to find here in U.S. brand new, and also, If I were you guys, I won't put the after market lenses on the Classic car, I'll find a USED genuine Toyota parts to replace it, $80 Oz ? How much in US$ ? US$30+ ?? I think in US$30 bucks can find a good pair, So, that's you choice baby !!

Banned member
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Sat, 26 October 2002 09:19

if i could buy a USED set here for $80AUS i wouldnt bother making moulds
if you can get a set for $30US good on you maybe you could work something out over your side but by the time they get here they are more than the price yuou paid for them because of overseas postage and then they are only secondhand
wait til you see the finished product i am offering before making opinions please !

Location: Hornsby, N.S.W
Registered: September 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Sun, 27 October 2002 00:34

heya celeMAD, im interested in what you have on offer, im also interested in the ones that aaron in advertising, but if your are of excellent quality, im after up to about 6 pairs for me and some of the boys. just to give you some ideas.

Banned member
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Sun, 27 October 2002 06:46

kool, im also looking into clear tailights too but dont know at this stage if im prepared to distributethem, so that the cars involved will be more of 'one of a kind'

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Sun, 27 October 2002 06:57

yeah thatd be funky wayne
let me know if your going to or not ....
Location: AdElAiDe
Registered: September 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Sun, 27 October 2002 10:11

i would rather pay $aus80 bucks for replica than $us80 for real ones to me it don't really make much difference.
Location: Boston, MA. U.S.A.
Registered: July 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Sun, 27 October 2002 16:42

Oh man Please ! You guys trying to make the Classic Celica's looks like a Honda's ?!! In U.S. most of the Honda guys like put the clear tail light on it ..... Oh ! what're difference culture ?!

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne.victoria.austra...
Registered: June 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Sun, 27 October 2002 19:28

nah peter we're the same over here (to an extent) people put the clear lenses and stuff on cars over here too - namely lancers - try to make em look like lexus'
Location: Boston, MA. U.S.A.
Registered: July 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Mon, 28 October 2002 05:06

Hi, Grega,
Yes, I understand it, people like their cars looks special, for the new models is fine, but I thinks is not for the Classic cars, Hey man, our Classic Celica's already looking pretty special on the road ! Don't you know that ?

Location: Newcastle
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Mon, 28 October 2002 10:04

Hey Celicamad85,
If your reproduction lenses turn out good then you might consider making parking light lenses as well. Apparently they are getting scarce.
If you want genuine brand new clear indicators for you TA22 you may never get the opportunity again!!
Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Tue, 29 October 2002 12:21

$80.00 Aus sounds great man I will be up for a pair, cause mine aint classic yet.

Location: Hornsby, N.S.W
Registered: September 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Wed, 30 October 2002 06:33

dunno about that clear tailight idea, might look a little bit GAY, for my liking.

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Wed, 30 October 2002 08:12

I would have to agree with that!

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Wed, 30 October 2002 09:37

I reckon tinting the rear tail-lights would look mean but what is the law on that ???

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne.victoria.austra...
Registered: June 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Thu, 31 October 2002 02:04

mani the law of common sense says it defeats the purpose dude.

Club President I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Thu, 31 October 2002 03:11

It is against the law in NSW to have tinted lenses of any description (Unless they were fitted from Factory) It is however ok to have a tinted cover for your lights as long as it is removeable !
Dude, I know I'm gunna sound like a real wet blanket and I'm sure you are making a killing but I have got to ask. have you looked into the legal/ramifications of these ? Not just copyright law but general liability and safety aspects. My understanding of Lenses is they are CUT from the material to give a certain level of refraction and hence brightness. If your lenses don't meat the required Standards you are leaving yourself wide open to liability claims. I am sure the material is UV stable and wont fade etc ? Also if it is Clear clear can't you see inside the lense and into the houseing ? personally I think I prefer the White Toyota ones anyway !
Sorry dude I just am not comfortable with it.

Location: Hornsby, N.S.W
Registered: September 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Thu, 31 October 2002 05:32

heya rod, is your tail light cover made of just a peice if smoked prespex??

Club President I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Fri, 01 November 2002 00:40

Yeah Mate its a perspex cover Rear bar has been modified to hold it in place

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Fri, 01 November 2002 02:47

Screw the legal issues, bloody everything in NSW is illegal. Thats why the smart ones make their money here then piss off interstate and live the good life. I'm in for a set, $80 seems fine, keep up the good work mate!
post some good close up pics when there ready.

Banned member
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Fri, 01 November 2002 07:41

thanks for the support guys, its only illegal if you get caught !!....and the cop knows what he is talking about
but just in case i can make white lenses as well as clear if anybody would prefer either
just need to get some pics up now !

Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Sun, 12 January 2003 09:14

Are there anymore of these lenses availiable?

Location: sydney
Registered: December 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Wed, 15 January 2003 23:23

yeah im up for a set if there still goin
probably make that two
Registered: July 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Thu, 16 January 2003 07:06

I would also like to see some pics of these. Good idea, i bought some orange lenses for about $40 a pair in adelaide, i doubt they are genuine but they havent faded at all and look good.
I doubt a police officer will have the intelligence to know that these are not standard and that they are fakes. I doubt they would ever give a F*%k either, too busy eating donuts mm donuts. Although if you are getting your car checked by the RTA (regency) then you would obviously change them to the standard ones. I doubt toyota would track you down either, but you never know.

Banned member
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Thu, 16 January 2003 10:03

i sort of gave up on this for a while, but there seems to be a lot of interest over it again
well you see big companies like mcdonalds try and kill that small fish and chip shop in NSW somewhere over the usage of their namesake but even though that is actually his last name, it all comes down to who has more money to spend on getting it dragged through the courts
i dont think i am bothered over it anymore either, i made a set of lenses for myself but clear clear looks a bit strange when the lights are on you can notice the bulb a lot, but not when the lights are off
while work is relatively quiet i should get a couple of sets of clear white pumping through see how we go answer your concerns over the standards to which i can make these, i can manufacture exact duplicates which function as well as the originals, there is nothing special about the originals they are all moulded from a standard acrylic it is the lines and markings on these which help give out such a bright light
i will keep you guys posted

Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Thu, 30 January 2003 14:54

Any news on the lenses ?
Anybody know what manner of bulbs would be used (do they have to be orange?- dumb question)
Location: perth
Registered: January 2003
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Tue, 04 February 2003 13:45

im interested too.
put me down for a pair

Location: Brisbane
Registered: January 2003
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Thu, 06 February 2003 10:10

im interested, put me down for a pair. i rekon clear white back ones wouldn't look too bad.

Location: Lake Macquarie
Registered: July 2002

Location: Lake Macquarie
Registered: July 2002
Re: ta22 clear indicator lenses
Mon, 10 February 2003 05:19
I am very interested as well
do you also have a pic of them