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Location: Coffs
Registered: May 2002
Air Horn Relay
Wed, 30 October 2002 07:57
Ok i have copyed the relay pattern off the back of the relay. can someone tell what goes where, thanks.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Air Horn Relay
Wed, 30 October 2002 08:13

I have one similar that says as follows.
Top 87 = To +ve Compressor
Left (yours says 36 mine says 86) = To +ve of original horn
Right (yours says 35 mine says 85) = To Ground
Bottom 30 = To +12vcc (with 30Amp Fuse)
Not sure why mine says 85 / 86 instead of 35 / 36, so take this as a guide only, my guess is that this will work tho.

Location: Eskilstuna, Sweden
Registered: May 2002
Re: Air Horn Relay
Wed, 30 October 2002 12:12

I spoke to a sparky friend of mine on this relay idea (as mine came with the airhorn kit) and we just dumped it as
a) The air horn compressor did not pull that much amplitude
b) You don't normally sit on the horn for that long anyway.
So just wired up the compressor with the wires from the factory horn set-up.

Location: Coffs
Registered: May 2002
Location: SE. Melbourne
Registered: August 2002
Re: Air Horn Relay
Thu, 31 October 2002 11:06

Hmm I dont think thats such a good idea..
The air horn does use a bit or power, and you dont really want much current flowing through those puny wires.. plus it will wear out the botton, due to sparks from the contacts...
I have air horns, and I think you really want a relay, Its easy to install, and you wont cause a fire.
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Air Horn Relay
Fri, 01 November 2002 02:45

With the relay:
Take the original horn wire and hook it across 35,36 (the coil of the relay).. then run a nice big +12 off the battery and run it to one side of the "switch" and the other side to the +ve of the compressor, then the other side of the compressor to ground.
The relay will have a digram on it with terminals labeled.. it's meant to be a switch suspended over a coil (relays work by energising a coil, which then magnetically closes the switch).
Without the relay:
If the air horn compressor isnt too big, just common the two +12V and the 2 grounds from the original horns (most toyo's have 2 nugget horns standard).
You might want to make sure that the body of the compressor isnt connected to the earth wire tho.. as the standard toyota system is a constant 12V to the horn.. with the horn button grounding and completing hte circuit.

Location: Coffs
Registered: May 2002
Re: Air Horn Relay
Thu, 07 November 2002 04:06
Ok that diagram I made up was taken off a piece of paper that a auto elect. did and he must of read the relay worry as all of wilbo's matched up with the my relay.
I'm not using the origanl horn so where does that relay terminal go to?? And where the hell is the wire coming off the back of the steering wheel area for the horn....can't find it anywhere.
Thanks Brett