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On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Vote for Cruise
Mon, 21 February 2005 22:04
Unfortunately i couldn't create a poll dunno y anyway.
Here are a few options anyone else is welcome to surgest new ones. Select from the few provided!
1.Day or Night
2.DEC Car Park
Risdon Vale Pub!!
Coogans Moonah
3. If the Northern people wanna come down then maybe we (hobart people) could meet in hobart somewhere then crusie to campbell down then go for a cruise out the back of somewhere
Else if the Northern people wanted to come to hobart for hte day then we could cruise around.. I udnno so cast your vote so we can start something happening

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Mon, 21 February 2005 22:14

Wouldn't it be better to pick somewhere a little less public ?
Also can we choose somwhere that doesn't have big ditches at the entrance/exit ?
Cuz i dont want damage my FMIC or my muffler ?

Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Registered: January 2005
Re: Vote for Cruise
Mon, 21 February 2005 22:32

I'd be up for a bit of a cruise, for obvious reasons... I wouldn't be pulling any burnouts or drifting I'd just be along for the ride in my limo if that was kool with you guys?
- Day or night, either one
- DEC carpark sounds good
For me personally it would probably need to be a week night because of the 95% chance I wouldn't have the time on a weekend.

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 22 February 2005 00:15

yea i reckon a day at the DEC would b good.. thursdays are good for me cause i have a day off uni then!! else a friday arvo

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 22 February 2005 00:19

I knock off at 3:30 on friday arvo's
I just need to find somebody to drive my car for me

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 22 February 2005 00:21

hopefully i get mine back by then!!! its in at turners driveshaft and steering, if u go past there have a look in the car park and make sure its still ok!! i neevr trust those dodgy kingo' bogans!!!

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 22 February 2005 02:35

is it in kingo ???
where ?
i've never heard of the place

Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Registered: January 2005
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 22 February 2005 02:45

Turner Driveshafts & Steering
32B Browns Rd Kingston 7050

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 22 February 2005 04:47

i bet u looked in the phone book, but yes thats the opne its the only place is tassie that does Rack sterring work, in fact Co-Op toyota employ Turners to do all there steering work!!

Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Registered: January 2005
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 22 February 2005 05:18

You bet right!

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 22 February 2005 05:19

I got past it everyday

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 22 February 2005 07:19

Turners is also the cheapest place and the bloke i dealt with seems quite honest which is good ot see and was also the cheapest for the work i was having done.. infact $300 cheaper than everywhere else!!

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 22 February 2005 22:12

The keep it inside day and night.

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 00:03

oh good at least fuck wits down kingo way in there Torana's with bolt on flared guards won't come past and try to steal my flares!! hopefully it should be done on FRIDAY i can't wait!!!!

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 00:10

Come up to my house when u pick it up i'll take you for a quick fang fang in the leeka

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 00:12

i'll see how things go does it scare the shit out of everyone ? is it loud.. BOV ?

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 00:24

No bov and it's not THAT loud,
But when it hits boost it's a bit of a suprise.
Ask Rainey he has been in it.

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 00:30

i just rang turners and they said if everything goes to plan i get my car friday YAY! i miss it already!!

Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Registered: January 2005
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 02:22

Yeah its not THAT loud but its certainly far from quiet.
Mookie's car goes hard, I just wish I knew what sort of times it would do in a drag. I don't reckon I will ever ride in another car with so much acceleration. Comparing it to things like a friends Porsche and another friends WRX STi this blows them all out of the water by a long shot.
"It's interesting" is Mookie's summary of his vehicle. 
Go for a ride in it, its a heap of fun!

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 02:38

Thanks !
It's pretty fun .
I'd love to race those cars one day to see who would win.

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 03:03

My supra with a 7M turbo would win!! haha na that is coming soon, but hte 5MGE is on the way

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 03:13

I recon i would win.
I'll race you
either around a track or up a drag strip

Location: West Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 06:07

I can tell you now, the GT4 wouldn't win I'd get to 3.5RPM and then hit fuel cut...

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 06:34

Really ????
u wanna get rid of that asap !
what's it there for ?

Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Registered: January 2005
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 09:13

I'd like to know too? As far as I know the GT-Fours are slow'ish because they have a heavy four-wheel-drive drivetrain? I wouldn't care tho, they are slick as hell and quicker than a NA Celica I guess.

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 10:45

well any turbo car would have a bit of get up and go.. provided its petrol and not to heavy!! i reckon an MA61 with a 7M turbo would beat an SA63 with a 1G. Not only would the supra have more torque, but more HP and a 7M revs harder plus the turbo is bigger! i got a mate with a 1G in his MA61 his is white like mine as well.. and get this it was originally a GT Supra and it was converted.. wat a waste the only difference in the SA63 and the MA61 in weigh would be around 70-100kg.. Does the SA63 come stock with rear disks, LSD and IRS ?

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 21:32

only IRS.
But my lighter car would be able to keep the engine reving and the car on boost.
I have no idea it's just an assumtion.
I'd give you a run for your money.
If it bogged down off the line or had some wheelspin i would all over it making the most out of your mistake.
so what's this fuel cut thing ?????

Location: West Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 22:04

Fuel cut is built into the ECU. When the boost reaches a certain PSI (about 12 on the GT4) it will stop delivering fuel to the engine (for protection) and suddenly you find that the car jolts almost to a standstill and then kicks in again. After it happens, it won't let you have any positive boost until you stop the car to reset the ECU.
I think the only reason it's happening is because of the mods that are installed (eg boost controller). As soon as I get a new ECU installed then I will be fuel cut free (and propably have a buggered engine too)

Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Registered: January 2005
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 23 February 2005 22:56

That explains it! When are you getting the new ECU? Can you look after the motor until then?

Location: West Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Thu, 24 February 2005 00:24

Yeah, for normal city driving it will never hit fuel cut. It's easy enough to on the highway in 3rd though. I just have to keep and eagle eye on the boost guage.

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Thu, 24 February 2005 04:11

its the same with 1g-gte 9.9 is the max boost on the stock ecu when they hit 10 the ecu cuts off the fuel supply to prevent the engien from becoming all fucked up... running masses of boost will mean u will eventually have to replace the rings, gaskests etc etc..
How does a drift day up at a race track sound, just put some chesse cutters on the back and take it for a Dorifto!

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Thu, 24 February 2005 04:23

Well mine can boost up to 15psi with not fuel cut anywhere ???
maybe the fuel cut as been removed.
I've got some cheese cutter wheels off a bluebird i might go and buy more if i can find them.

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Location: Hobart
Registered: February 2005
Re: Vote for Cruise
Thu, 24 February 2005 10:53

So when is the cruise?

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Thu, 24 February 2005 11:31

hmm we dunno yet i spose when a few people hear about it and i would like to have my car befoera cruise is on!!

Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Registered: January 2005
Re: Vote for Cruise
Thu, 24 February 2005 11:57

Next Thursday after 5pm would be cool to meet up somewhere like the arts building at the wharf or the DEC?

Location: West Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Thu, 24 February 2005 22:32

Would have to be after 6 for me.

Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Registered: January 2005
Re: Vote for Cruise
Thu, 24 February 2005 22:49

Same here because I'd need to take a change of clothes to work maybe grab something quick to eat straight after work, but still a goer if people are interested.
Thursday March 3rd - 6:00pm onwards, location [TBA]
Anyone interested, if so, nominate a meeting point.

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Sat, 26 February 2005 01:48

the dec would b good! plus i don't have uni that day YAY!

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 01 March 2005 03:59

if i go over 150ks in the supra it takes off the ground and will leave the atmosphere cause its a rocket!!!

Location: Tasmania
Registered: May 2002
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 01 March 2005 11:27

What drugs are you guys on? Anyway, may see you on the cruise.

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 01 March 2005 11:47

btw johny if u come be prepared to lose your wheels as i am taking owner ship of them!!!!
Location: Hobart
Registered: February 2005
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 01 March 2005 21:09

Cruise sounds good for Thursday at 6.00 just got my RA23 registered has stock 18RGU but goes round corners alright.

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 01 March 2005 22:53

cool another person this is starting to pick up a little, if the supra doesn't pass Road Worthy tonight i ain't gunna b able to make it!!

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Tue, 01 March 2005 22:57

if it doesn't do you want to drive mine ?

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 02 March 2005 02:06

sorry mate, i passed road worthy so i can drive my car !! do u have any mates who want to drive your car ?! ask a few i wanna c ya and i bet everyone else does too!

Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Registered: January 2005
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 02 March 2005 02:19

Yea Mookie, get a reliable friend to drive your car for you! It will be sad to not have you out there!

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 02 March 2005 02:31

We all have cricket training.
I'm the only one who is going to skip it.
But i'll keep looking.

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Vote for Cruise
Wed, 02 March 2005 22:26
well keep trying mookie