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I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Sat, 26 February 2005 10:07
Here is my pride and joy... bougt from Ozmillsy off these forums (thanks again.
Plans are:
*Eliminate poxy red carpet interior on everything.
-front is black now only rear to go!
*Brake and LSD upgrade - G / F unknown yet.
*Want 3sgte but bank (the mrs) will probably want 1ggte due to cost.
*Fix minor body scratches and chunks

I supported Toymods
Location: Plumpton/sydney
Registered: November 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Sat, 26 February 2005 11:16

ME thinks your missing something

But serioulsy this looks good mate

I supported Toymods
Registered: August 2002
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Sat, 26 February 2005 11:30

best RA28 ive ever seen
looks fuckin tuff

Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: April 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Sat, 26 February 2005 12:19

man that looks so darn tuff! looove the flares.. man that car is SWEET!

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Sat, 26 February 2005 22:54

shucks guys thanks heaps
yeah it just looks like classic old school v8 phatness, that was half the draw card.
only prob i have now is parts availability... plugs oils no probs but seems no one but toyota can supply belts oil filters etc.... just makes things that much harder...
but eh you want power guess there has to be a sacrifice somewhere.

Location: adelaide
Registered: May 2002

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Sun, 27 February 2005 11:13

no belts?
fan uses a belt
alternator uses a belt
the one belt runs of the crank to all these.
turns out the belt that was on the motor was a dayco 1A0850.
checking the bosch listing at super cheap showed the 18rc belt was miles to big. but in the back it had a comparison chart of 2-3 different brands (ncl.) Dayco and listed what the bosch alternative was.
turns out the bosch belt had the exact same code '1A0850'
so thats sorted.
the flares?
i wouldn't be surprised if they are just run of the mill slr torana ones. the side skirt is sheet metal with a bog/putty coat moulding into the flares.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Sun, 08 May 2005 22:01

blackRA28 wrote on Sun, 27 February 2005 13:18 |
Chain guides can be expensive.
ive never looked into pistons/rods i think my motor still has standard bores but 18R parts are almost interchangeable with the RG.
chain guide/tensioner for my RC were gonna be about $70 for the whole kit.. seemed reasonable to me... RG might be a different story, i'm not sure...
RG and RC are interchangable IF!!!
you get the right config... apparantly there's 4 configs. hi/low comp... and dammit... there's another variable, can't remember...
PS... love the body kit... looks nasty, reckon you could ask the guy you got it off to PM me about it? where he got it from etc?

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 11 May 2005 12:54

I saw when this car was up for sale and was seriously wishing I had the money and the space to accomodate it. Then I got a $250 RA23 from a wrecker and had to make do with that. (had it for 16 months, driven it for 6 total so far )
You've got a beauty there, but You'd know that.
I look forward to reading more about your progress with this one later.
Yeah, RG chain guides can be expensive, when available.
The least expensive one I got recently was for the top of the head, that was was supposed to be $62.50 alone. The others RG specific ones range from $140-160 each and $210/not available or $130ish US, it's the only place that's got them now.
I reckon I'll just get a couple recoated properly. Expensive the first time, but cheaper after that.

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 18 May 2005 01:48

Met with Gold28 yesterday to pick a few parts from him before he leaves for spain.
Talked for a while and picked his brain on multiple issues.
Have now determine 18rg wil be favour of a 1ggte
bang for buck it's just too darn resistable.
In the short term i have spare axles (drift damage backups) and i'll be getting a diff center too weld up for drift days. Going tobe swapping the locker in and out as i dont fancy a welded special around Glenmore

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 18 May 2005 01:58

Bah, go a UZ, you know you want to.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 18 May 2005 06:45

Sounds like you could use an ARB air locker, mmm, switch on/switch off lock. I don't reckon they would have developed one for T-series though. Don't know much about that system other than it sounds liike something I want.

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 18 May 2005 06:56

Quote: | Bah, go a UZ, you know you want to.
you know it
and i know it
but the misus dont like it!
besides is the power to weight ratio of it all engineerable?
i'd love the 1uzfe ... could run a custom bug catcher setup dead center of the bonnet then like i dream of!
whats the weight diff between a 1uzfe and a 1ggte.
I want at least 120-150rwkw at least....would rather no boost but money is a factor.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 18 May 2005 08:57

1UZ is lighter than a 3SGTE. The alloy block does wonders. Also MWP is getting one engineered into his RA28 down here in SA so i assume it woudl be possible in NSW.

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 18 May 2005 23:40

lighter ?!! seriously?!
well that makes it a more appealing swap.
will have to start pricing things now...
what manual gb do you use with the 1uzfe's?
PS whats the ra28 wet/dry weight?

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 25 May 2005 09:00

planning on making new interior trims for the whole interior this weekend.
Using imitation black leather (spotlight special) and masonite backing.
any1 have any suggestions on which adhessive to use ?
and wether or not i should foam pad the trims?

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 25 May 2005 09:20

absolutly go foam backing... any decent spray glue should do you... hopefully i'm gonna be doing the same to my interior in the not to distant future... 'cept i want a little something special... no doubt will be more work

Location: Tamworth
Registered: August 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 25 May 2005 09:47

almost defines the word "tough"
Also "wurth" make a really good pressure pack spray glue. Expensive but its worth the xtra

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 25 May 2005 10:15

thanks for the replies
how would i stop the vinyl from floatin on the foam.
if i glue the foam to the board... i cant see the vinyl being real secure stuck to the foam?
of should it still be secure enough?

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 25 May 2005 10:55

1. Spray the glue onto the board, pop the thin foam on, let dry.
2. Then spray a thin layer of glue onto the foam, and apply the "leather" and glue it down on the reverse side.
3. ???
4. Profit

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 25 May 2005 11:00

gets me everytime...thanks all.

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Tue, 07 June 2005 08:37

i just reupholstered my doors.
do said sticking of foam down.
and on the reverse side, i couldnt use pins because they were too long.
so i went to the hardware store and saw a glue made by bostik, its blue and white, and has the strength of a fat kid holding a cake.
job looks ace too, if i do say so myself 

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Sun, 26 June 2005 09:34

Mate no hope of getting a 4L V8 engineered in a Celica in NSW sadly. Check out RTA's engine guidelines.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Sun, 26 June 2005 11:57

I checked a while ago, remember the RA28 is heavier from factory than all the other A2 celicas. It just scrapes in. By about 20kg.
Location: South Australia
Registered: June 2005
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Mon, 27 June 2005 03:37

Fuckin hell, that car looks awesome dude!
Registered: October 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Mon, 27 June 2005 05:10

nice ride, i hate you.

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Mon, 27 June 2005 05:12

yeap its a nice car seen it a couple of times now at some drift days in the car park and had the pleasure of following in both good and bad conditions yesterday hehe he was my guinea pig in the wet, as i was cannonballs who was behind me in the sprinter.

Registered: February 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Mon, 27 June 2005 06:02

Yes without a doubt the best RA28 i've ever seen, so clean and PHAT
u need the 15 X 10's on the rears Nath, and seeing it sideways would be a sight to see

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Mon, 27 June 2005 06:05

i have seen it sideways, well a little anyway

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Mon, 27 June 2005 08:40

got sideways better on me way home....
really pissed with myself for missing old pac.
"clean" meh call me fussy but its got along way to go.
"15 x 10's" Hell yeah bring on the -dish offset!
Hopefully interior will be done this week.
Plus a tune for dyno day.
Thanks all!

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Thu, 15 September 2005 02:37

QUIK to follow by weekend.
Interior all blacked...just painted red bits black.
Got jack of makin the door trims...will leave for another day.
*New molded 2 piece carpet from Knox Auto in VIC.
*New headlight surrounds...need a qwik polish (one was previoulsy snapped)
*TA22 fuel guage and sender retrofitted. WORKING
*TA22 temp guage retrofitted. INTERMITANT FAULT suspect bad earth.
*TA22 OIL/AMPS guage retrofitted. Not hooked up yet.
*New rear pedders 'sport' shocks.
The change in handling OMFG! I'm not scared to hang it out anymore. Had a knock in the rear when you let the clutch out ... now gone..musta been the shocks.
They were Selby's but had no recoil at all. Push it down and it stayyed down.
I suspect fronts are in the same condition which will be changed within the month.
Only thing is the rear left feels like its at full extension.
So when it comes to rest after a bump it feels like it is banging at full reach ... which cant be good?

Location: ballarat
Registered: April 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Thu, 15 September 2005 03:10

hey dude damn nice lookin ra28 
i dunno if you have already done it, but when i put a whiteline aftermarket rear sway bar on the back of my 28, was a MASSIVE reduction in body roll, so much nicer to drive, could be worth looking into

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Thu, 15 September 2005 08:42

definately on the cards.
camber plates / sway bars / rca's etc all the kit.
just gotta do front shocks then bushes then motor then
its time for the trick bits.

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Sun, 18 September 2005 23:43

come to a conclusion with a mate that the rear is raised due to shagged front shocks.
hopefully front shocks shall tipp the weight back over the rear and have it sitting lower and not at full shock reach.
fitting this saturday....if it doesnt fix then lower springs the following week.
PS interior is now tonite.

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Tue, 27 September 2005 00:21

Well now have new front shocks as well.
Aparently they couldnt get 'sports' for the front so I've got Pedders VSDs in the front.
Also turns out the rears were short strock for lowered vehicles... they changed them on the spot at no cost.
So big ups to Con at Pedders Granville and all his boys.
So now it's wheel arch covers / install heater / hatch carpet /
rear light surrounds / front light surrounds / front grille / and timing belt tensioner o-ring before toyofest.
No sleep for me this week.

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Mon, 03 October 2005 03:34

well here's the beast in Toyofest!
hilux / vn com borg warner diff conversion within the next
month of two.... just got check specs and pricing on each.


Location: melbourne
Registered: February 2005
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Mon, 03 October 2005 05:47

i just want one!
thats pure horn

Location: SYDNEY
Registered: August 2003
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Mon, 03 October 2005 11:12

just emailed you somemore pics of you ride, cheers

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Fri, 07 October 2005 03:16

Oh Black Betty indeed - one of my highlights for this years Toyotafest. So tough looking - pumped guards and old skool deep dish rule!

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Tue, 01 November 2005 13:50

just did rear brakes. just new shoes and wheel hey were rat.
Wakefield here I come!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: April 2005
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 02 November 2005 00:29

can we still see the interior pics?

Location: Adelaide
Registered: April 2005

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 02 November 2005 05:20

will do
ill finally take some this weekend.

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Tue, 08 November 2005 21:01

yeah yeah i'm slow and lazy.
Interior Pics
Interior 1
Interior 2
Interior 3
Interior 4
After my recent outing at Wakefield I'm Even more determined to get this car going hard.
Starting First session getting used to being on the track (virgin) I did a 1:29. Didnt get another timed lap but towards the arvo a few people said I should have been doin low 1:21-3.
Handling is still very sloppy (compared to track cars) so that has become my next port of development.
So next planned mods are:
Front Brakes - Hilux/Pug (xt130 gear for a bit while still NA)
Nolathaene Bushes throughout
Camber Plates
Have Sway Bars Setup
Decent Tyres
Was suprised by how well the car handled. I was expecting it to behave a lot worse. Main Issues were tyres - which were like driving on mashed potato after 2-3 laps , prob just old / and my tired old torn up seat covered seats.
Apart from that it was an awesome day!

Location: Terrigal
Registered: May 2002

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Wed, 09 November 2005 05:00

hell yeah!
keep me informed what exactly your using and then I can replicate.
any custom parts like caliper mounts ill go in on.
what sort of minimum wheel size are we looking at with this mod?
Cheers All!

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Tue, 22 November 2005 03:41

oil leaks suk.
specially when they spray all over your coil / filters / etc.
timing chain tensioner leaked on the way to club meeting when the seal failed. 4L loss of oil in 2hrs ... nasty.
Temporarily fixed till i can get ahold of circlip pliers.
1g-gte is looking better and better.

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2005
Re: LOL TA-022's RA28 "Oh Black Betty!"
Sun, 27 November 2005 08:24
very very nice man. i jus picked up an ra23 and have gotta get stuck into it now..
that car has made some very very nice progress. uve done guud.