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Location: Canberra Celica Group (CC...
Registered: August 2002
CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Mon, 28 February 2005 11:38
EASTER 2005 EVENT - 25th to 28th March
Well Easter is fast approaching and we are supporting the TOYMODS Easter Event which is going to be held at Jamberoo (fair bit south of Wollongong).
Basically, we will take the direct route straight up the Highway towards Sydney then to the Illawarra Highway and south to Jamberoo. We envisage leaving at either 11 am on the Friday of 9am on the Saturday as not to wake up any of the young hotshots from their grog induced sleep-ins!
So.....if you wish to join in with the TOYMODS social event, we suggest you book some accommodation NOW and take note of the following post on TOYMODS. Accommodation is very easy at: it/2/sid/NSW/rid/102/aid/1/pid/%7B55A395B5-04DE-4D DB-927A-5746050E5045%7D
Mitch & Phil
Toymods will be having a social event over the Easter long weekend at Jamberoo Valley. Itinerary for the weekend is:
Friday Arrive at the location, Jamberoo Valley Lodge. Socialize and have a casual dinner at Jamberoo Pub & Saleyard Motel in the family bistro, starting at 6PM sharp as the bistro closes at 8PM.
Saturday Head out to Jamberoo Recreation Park for a day of fun and games, great for the kids and hopefully it will be warm enough to justify taking a swimming costume. Head into Kiama for dinner and see if there is any night life to check out.
Sunday Morning, hit the coast near Kiama for a show and shine. (Free entry - location to be advised) Show is expected to go from 9.30 till 12 noon.
Afternoon, cruise to see some nice scenery drive some awesome roads and get a pie at the Robertson Pie Shop, half way between Robertson and the top of Macquarie Pass. The cruise will go up macquarie pass from Kiama then back down through Jamberoo valley. This takes you through two National Parks and is a really enjoyable drive.
Evening, BBQ dinner at the lodge and some social drinks.
Monday - Good bye's and time to head home.
Accommodation will need to be booked individually. All the details for the accommodation in terms of price and contact phone number are listed at Jamberoo Valley Lodge. Important When booking your room please inform the lady that you are with the Toymods Car Club, she has reserved a group of rooms for us where you can park the cars right in front of the rooms. Currently there are plenty of rooms available but it would be best to make your bookings as soon as possible to be sure.
[Updated on: Wed, 16 March 2005 07:38]

Location: Canberra Celica Group (CC...
Registered: August 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Sun, 06 March 2005 11:43

I have deleted the other post on this issue. So how about we post here from now on. Following on from Chuck's post....who is going when???
"Hi Guys, some people are leaving Canberra to go to Jamberoo on Saturday. My questions are:
Who is leaving Friday? and
Who wants to hook up for a departure from the Shell Gateway servo at Natex?. I am flexible with time.
cheers Chuck."
Saturday so far I think we have the following leaving Canberra at 9am:
TA22_3TG (Me)
TE72 Turbo
(and QIK 3SGTE coming from Sydney)
Celica28 maybe??????
Asrael maybe????????
As Chuck said who else for Friday?????
0408994410 (AH only)

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Sun, 06 March 2005 22:06

My question is how many people for this now have booked accomodation? I have to get organized, I was going up with a couple of mates but now they have pulled out so there is only me, would somebody else like an extra person in their room or can three others get in touch with me who don't have a room and I'll book one up.
which day I go up depends on room booking i guess, I would like to go friday though.

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Sat, 12 March 2005 09:55

ahhh bummer after looking at my finances (new windscreen this week, rego next week). I really can't afford to go on this weekend. However I will come for a visit. I now plan to cruise down Sat morning with the rest of ya, hang out for the day then cruise back that night. its the most I can afford

Location: Canberra Celica Group (CC...
Registered: August 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Sun, 13 March 2005 11:31

No wurries J.
We will have a fair few doing the same over the WE. Should be a great trip id we can keep up with the big power lads!

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Mon, 14 March 2005 04:11

well haha big power hey, should have no probs I won't rerego the mr2 yet so I will be in the celica

Location: Canberra Celica Group (CC...
Registered: August 2002

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Mon, 21 March 2005 09:47

if anyone needs a room on sat night I have a room with 2 places free, it would be great if we could fill them as it would add to a cheaper cost for all ($43 each),

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Tue, 22 March 2005 02:02

So, whats the final rollcall fellas? Not long to go now.....

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003

I supported Toymods Toymods Club Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Thu, 24 March 2005 22:03

Will see you guys there!

Location: Canberra Celica Group (CC...
Registered: August 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Thu, 24 March 2005 22:40

Spot a few day-tripers that I know of.
C U at 9am at the Gateway Shell Servo on Northbourne tomorrow.
(and yes, thanks to all that helped out, Tweety finally has a 3TGTEU that I am running in for the trip....YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!)

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Fri, 25 March 2005 07:36

yeah remember mitch there will be plenty of cops along the hiway tomorrow, so no boosting....

Location: Canberra Celica Group (CC...
Registered: August 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Fri, 25 March 2005 10:42

Thanks for the reminder J. Bad news is that my SECOND 3TGT is also stuffed as it had a bent valve and 0 compression in #3! So am bumming a lift with Phil Lawrence tomorrow.
So see u at the Shell Gateway at 9a. Dont forget to bring your CB too!
Location: central coast, NSW
Registered: April 2004
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Mon, 28 March 2005 07:40

Thanx guys for the effort of enjoying our company over the weekend good to catch up and hope u all enjoyed yourselves
see you soon

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Mon, 28 March 2005 08:22

Not a worry, wouldn't miss it, we had a blast

Location: Canberra Celica Group (CC...
Registered: August 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Mon, 28 March 2005 08:32

EFFORT....what effort???
Hell we always have a great time when we get out and about so it was just better catching up with out TOYMODS brethren! Now we can look forward to an even bigger outing at Dubbo next year!!!

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Mon, 28 March 2005 09:59

yeah what a great weekend. absolute ball.
One question mitch and phil what happened to you guys after the BP, I came out close behind you's but you guys were gone. didn't catch up for the rest of the trip. you guys weren't battling all the way home were you?
ohh and I still have your CB.

Location: Canberra Celica Group (CC...
Registered: August 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Mon, 28 March 2005 10:06

Phil smacket the 4AGTE Panny down the ramp @ 4000000000kPH with Justin in the GT8 right up his clacker! I think we were in Canberra in about 3 minutes after that launch so thats why you didnt catch us.
Can you drop the CB in next time your passing my place?

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Mon, 28 March 2005 10:32

yeah I figured that was the case, ohh well I had a nice cruisey journey home.... until I hit the fence line anlong lake george were cops couldn't hide and would be visable.... all I can say is boost
yeah sure thing man will drop it back

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Mon, 28 March 2005 11:34

Couldn't shake that V8 TT celica off my tail. For some reason, less than half the capacity & the aerodynamic prowess of a brick wall don't do me any favours with the red monster bearing down from behind Try a standing start though

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Location: Canberra
Registered: October 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Thu, 07 April 2005 03:33

Unless they dramatically improve the Nationals layout, i suspect it is doomed. the 2004 nationals were the most boring event I have ever attended besides perhaps the national gallery.
They can't expect us to travel 450 km for a show and shine only a few people could actually win.

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Sun, 24 April 2005 09:12

TE72_Turbo wrote on Mon, 28 March 2005 21:34 | Couldn't shake that V8 TT celica off my tail. For some reason, less than half the capacity & the aerodynamic prowess of a brick wall don't do me any favours with the red monster bearing down from behind Try a standing start though
Lol it saw a nice piece of corolla ass and decided to go in for the kill

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Sun, 24 April 2005 23:02

wilderbeast are ugly too but that still doesnt stop lions eating them for breakfast 

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: CCG attending the TOYMODS Easter Event at Jamberoo (25 to 28 March 2005)
Mon, 25 April 2005 10:20
nice one