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Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Mon, 11 April 2005 11:17

im in, do u reckon i could bring 2 cars?

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Mon, 11 April 2005 11:18

i need 2 bring 2 aswel ill geta mate 2 drive one and ill just tell evryone there both mine.
i suggest u do the same if u can find someone who wants 2 b seen in urs hahahah ok im sorry.
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Tue, 12 April 2005 09:12

Id really love to come, but the ke20 doesnt run. I would come in the 86, but its going into the chassis shop on thursday... prolly wont have it back till next thurs..
dayum have fun guys

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Tue, 12 April 2005 10:40

common people spreed the word to ur mates, should be grate. i will be there with my L plates and my mum

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Tue, 12 April 2005 10:51

haha the more the merryier

Location: Adelaide SA
Registered: February 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Wed, 13 April 2005 03:03


Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Wed, 13 April 2005 08:05

go kristy
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Wed, 13 April 2005 08:52

wait i just realised that the date is the 29th, i thought it was this weekend lol.
ill prolly come down just to check out all the kool oldrollas

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Wed, 13 April 2005 09:03

killa stuff will see u there matt.
come on people more rollas MOOOOOORRREEEEEEEEEE.
and if ya got mates wit clean old mazdas, datsuns i guess they can tag along aswel.
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide
Registered: February 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Wed, 13 April 2005 09:12

Rollas still far off finished but i suppose i could always chuck a leg through the gearbox hole and go flintstones style
i'm a bit scared to come in my dato, where abouts is the cruise taking us cause it blows so much smoke when i get up over 60kph or attempt any small incline. Might just come and see all the corollas at the first stop or something...

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Wed, 13 April 2005 11:25

yea sean dats all good just meet up wit us all at halletts chek out da other rollas.
should be good fun.
see ya there mate
cheers scott
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004

Location: Adelaide SA
Registered: February 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Thu, 14 April 2005 05:20

have you organised where we will all be going on the night
i can arrange a few damn good spots where to go for the crews!!

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Thu, 14 April 2005 06:48

cant wait for this. some one thought about getting some posters up around the place?????

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Thu, 14 April 2005 09:27

yeah fair enough. just remeber when planning routes that some of us still have stock 3k's. lol

Location: Adelaide SA
Registered: February 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Fri, 15 April 2005 01:10

ill bring tow rope for the slower ones
im sure my beast can pull atleast 5 ke20's at a time
and still kick a crapadores ass...
cant wait!!!

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Fri, 15 April 2005 05:31

i can only sit on 80 out on the highway. argh, but i will catch up

Location: Adelaide SA
Registered: February 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Fri, 15 April 2005 06:10

just take the plates off and you can do what you like
tell your mum to just have a little sleep!!!

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Fri, 15 April 2005 06:13

hmmm might work, who has some sleeping pills i can have??

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Fri, 15 April 2005 07:54

if my car wasnt gonna be running id say take me instead of your mum

Location: Adelaide SA
Registered: February 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Fri, 15 April 2005 08:15

if you do take him
i will have nothing to do with putting him to sleep!!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Sat, 16 April 2005 07:08

there will be nuttin ilegal goin on MUCH.
haha only 2 more wks dammit cnt w8 we should hav made it for earlier date.
owel next time we learn.
cheer scott
see u all soon

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Sat, 16 April 2005 08:14

i just hope i get the night off work

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Sun, 17 April 2005 00:53

ello ladys n gentleman
it seems we have hit a bit ofa snag!!
foodland at hallett cove doesnt close till 9 on friday nite.
which means no ringy sessions unless we w8 around for a bit.
there will still b plenty of room in the back car park to fit all our rollas in lucky they dont take up 2 much space.
so dont stress wen u rok up and see lots of shoppers goin about there bizzness. just take it easi through the carpark so we dnt get fukd up for nuttin.
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2002
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Sun, 17 April 2005 14:15

im out
my ke10 is still a long way off

Location: Adelaide SA
Registered: February 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Mon, 18 April 2005 03:14

well mine is still in one piece i wish you did make it sooner
c u there

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Mon, 18 April 2005 08:03

dam those infernal project cars dam them to hel.
owel der shall be plenty more dat u can come on faulksy.
haha dats very good to hear kristy i look forward to goin for a ride in ur rolla.
cheers scott
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Mon, 18 April 2005 08:57

maybe we should have a pre meet up (say a week earlier).
But I do need to get the amp hooked up for the sound, even if i can't keep up atleast you'll hear me commin

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Mon, 18 April 2005 09:27

i just got my gay subwoofers in so u may hear me coming if i feel like being a wanka. i just got new tyres so i dont think i will be doing n e ringies (plus i will have mum with me)

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Mon, 18 April 2005 11:13

hey DIY i duno if we should bother wita pre meet anymore as it wood hav 2 be this wkend and i havnt got my pimpa done how i want it yet so i think we just w8 till 29th it sonly 2 weeks now.
i can hang out for abit will be worth the w8.
GO SUBWOOFERS haha nuttin rong wit rollas wit bass.
yo harley ur car smokes up fukin killa trust me i owned it before 
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Mon, 18 April 2005 11:27

lol, scott what are you talking bout u dont mistreat any of your corollas...

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Mon, 18 April 2005 11:48

matt there is no such thing as mistreating a rolla.
unless u cut its roof off run it wit no oil then let it roll off a cliff.
but who does that?
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Mon, 18 April 2005 11:59

my girlfriend might as well have done that then ay!

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Mon, 18 April 2005 12:43

yeah i kept my old tryes and am getting them put on some other rims as "track wheels" well thats what i told my parents any way. must admit i may have chucked a few little burn outs going threw the hills yesterday, ooops

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Wed, 20 April 2005 08:18

is anyone able to make time move quicker?
dammit hurry up 29th of april.
the waiting game sux.
this was reali just an attempt at a humourus bump to the top
cheers scott
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Fri, 22 April 2005 22:19

Hey fellas I have another recruit for next friday.
So what cars are coming?
So far we have;
my KE35
a mates KE 30 2 door
a mates KE 10 2 door
another KE 35
Feel free to complete the list

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise
Sat, 23 April 2005 00:39

killa DIY damn man da list goes on.
countless 10's and 11's
a few 20's and 25's
a couple of 30's n 35's
im sure a few 50's n 70's will prolly show
and then da usal goobs who have there cars off the road so they gota cruise there other cars that aint rollas.
but its all about representing for da rollas so its all good.
should be sweet night.
cant wait.
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide
Registered: April 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Sun, 24 April 2005 17:41

Id love to come in my KE20 rolla!!
My alternator bracket snapped on anzac highway2nite
It has2happen1wk b4da cruise!!
Ill try my best anyway!!
Hopefully cya's

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Mon, 25 April 2005 02:01

hey ke20rola
wood love to see ya there.
wood u beable 2 send me sum pix of ya ke20 mate ?
PM sent about alt. bracket.
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Tue, 26 April 2005 08:13

noooooooooooo shitttt
yo ke20rola i seen u cruisin on satdee nite i was in mates fc tryd 2 hunt u down but u went down hindley.
u gota bring ur pimpin lil rolla id be more than happy 2 help ya fix it after work b4 friday aslong as u not 2 far away.
oh and BUMP dont forget people.
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005

Location: Adelaide
Registered: April 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Tue, 26 April 2005 10:32

I got da alternator fixed2day
so yeah cheers anyway PMP020!!
i go cruzn in the beast quiet alot!!
Anyway cya friday nite!!!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Wed, 27 April 2005 10:19

haha good 2 hear ke20rola
we shall see u der.
well geta lil ke20 cruise goin ay should be good.
cheers scott
2 days 2 go

Location: Adelaide
Registered: April 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Wed, 27 April 2005 10:27

ke20 cruz sounds gr8!!
they are the best corolla's by far
but im being biased!! hehe
cya all soon
Location: adelaide
Registered: May 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Thu, 28 April 2005 07:55

Shit, i wish my ke11 was ready!! woulda been fukn great to go on an old rolla cruise..
wheres it heading anyway, i wouldnt mind cruisin past seing them all...
if im motivated enough i mite go for a drive down and have a look anyways..2 far away from my place though!!!
keep rollin on!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Thu, 28 April 2005 08:37

dont worry rke011 there will be many more old rolla cruises if this one is a success which i think it will be.
so ur turn will come 2 represent in tha rotarola.
funi bout that we havnt organised a cruise route just thought wed leave it till da nite 2 see wat poeple feel like doin.
and if da wether keeps up i duno how many will be keen 4 hills.
so we just w8 n see.
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Fri, 29 April 2005 09:16

im sitting here wasting time before the cruise. im gonna take the camera along and see if i cant get a few decent shots. PM me your email and i should be able to send u all the good shots.
Location: adelaide
Registered: May 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Fri, 29 April 2005 22:31

nice rollas last night! i was the anti social guy in the corona that was down at the car park. Didnt think that i fit in...
hope you all had a good night, because i did.. i saw some neat rollas!
good work, hopefully i can get mine on the road sometime and join yas!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Sat, 30 April 2005 05:16

hey poeple
the meet ws good at halletts. some nice rollas indeed.
but asoon as we headed out. by the time we hit the city evryone was spread from asshole 2 breakfast.
next cruise will have preplanned cruise route 2 keep confusion 2 a minimum.
anyone got some good ideas on the next date that we should have one ? no long wkends to many cops.
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Sat, 30 April 2005 05:22

yeah i rekon we there should be another one on may 20 or 21. mainly coz i will have my p's then. mayB another one in between.
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Mon, 02 May 2005 13:22

I am planning a long course as we speak. Hows Moana to Port Adelaide via Blewitt Springs, Clarendon and Windy Point sound?

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Tue, 03 May 2005 08:20

count me in DIY.
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: Old Corolla Cruise 29th APRIL
Tue, 03 May 2005 13:32

yeah count me in
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise* stay tuned for details
Sat, 04 June 2005 00:16

i like it dale i like it alot.
once we get some more interest up we set a date.
i see no probs witha nice sundee aftanoon drive.
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Sat, 04 June 2005 01:09

depends on the pace u wanna set. if u wanna slower run, then sunday arvo would be fine. however, dont expect fast pace, there will be too many old men up there at that time.

Location: Gawler
Registered: May 2005
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Sat, 04 June 2005 03:38

I would love to get in on that, but the yota rolla is defected, and unfortunately my welding skills arnt all that good yet. If anyone could see a way around this problem i would love to get involved.