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Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Csiro Carpark, 8:30pm Friday Nights
Sun, 29 May 2005 02:49
Quote: | As you all maybe aware for some time we have been trying to hold a regular gathering in Hobart where car enthusiast can meet without being a public disturbance (not unlike the BWCP in QLD).
We have chosen the CSIRO Car park. There is ample room and its central (convenient).
We do not condone stupid behaviour (i.e. burnouts, racing, etc).
Keep stereos at minimal volume (you can turn them up, just dont make them intrusive).
Clean up after yourself. Do not leave any rubbish onsite.
Every Friday night at 8:30pm.
We meet at the 2nd CSIRO Car park (heading out of town). There is a slip lane off Castray Esp. leading into the car park. If you turn into a car park with a boom gate, you've gone the wrong way.

More info:
There are security guards, but if be abide by the above rules they have no problems with us meeting there.
This scenario will keep hoons off the streets, therefore hopefully the Police will support this and back us up (stranger things have happened!).
There are no speed humps to worry about if your car is lowered. However keep an eye out for gutters!
Often we will go for a cruise later in the night, so bring your UHF radios.
Mike .
I ripped this straight from
But I thought it might be of some interest to you guys who don't already know about it.
[Updated on: Sun, 29 May 2005 02:53]

Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Registered: January 2005
Re: Csiro Carpark, 8:30pm Friday Nights
Mon, 01 August 2005 01:53

Bump, deserves to be up the top as I missed it and re-posted!

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Csiro Carpark, 8:30pm Friday Nights
Mon, 01 August 2005 10:15

Where is CSIRO ??

Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Registered: June 2005
Re: Csiro Carpark, 8:30pm Friday Nights
Tue, 02 August 2005 04:35


On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004

Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Registered: June 2005
Re: Csiro Carpark, 8:30pm Friday Nights
Tue, 02 August 2005 07:54


yeah it's not too bad, looks a bit of a mess at the moment though (front and rear bumper off, interior stripped, rust being worked on)
i've nearly got the front end fixed, it was missing a whole bracket. i had to get new studs for the wheels as well cause they kept coming loose (the wheels didn't fit the car properly..they had an offset that was too high, and the bolting plate was too thick for the stock studs, they were only held on with about 3 threads) oh, and i've got some enkei 92's on the way for it..with 0 offset and a 4" dish! 


On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: Csiro Carpark, 8:30pm Friday Nights
Tue, 02 August 2005 07:56
well mine has some fucked electrical issue i think the starter motor is catcus.... so might not be seeing u out on friday night but diff will be going in!