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Forums Junkie

January 2003
Probation ! Tue, 28 June 2005 08:27 Go to next message
Probation ?

Yeah who is on it ? and whats the deal ? I got a PM that i am on it . I did a quick search and not a single post came up about it . So i thought i would start one requesting information pertaining to the rules which one comes to be on probation , not just the normal forum rules etc which everyone breaks constantly Rolling Eyes . Please don't turn this into a shitfight that get deleted and doesn't help future Probation candidates .
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Forums Junkie

I Supported Toymods

south Melbourne/KL
June 2004
Re: Probation ! Tue, 28 June 2005 08:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i wonder what could a person like adam would have done?? posting too much info in tech section?? Rolling Eyes
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Vice President

May 2002
Re: Probation ! Tue, 28 June 2005 08:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Argueing, slander, insults etc are common things. Basically breaking the rules is what we are talking about. If a moderator needs to warn a person to pull their head in they will be put on probation so that all of the moderators etc know that the user has been given a warning. If the user then has to be repremanded again by the moderators in the next 2 months they will be banned from the forum.

Yes we are fairly leanient generally on pulling people up for infractions of the rules. No we are not going to sit around and just let people post whatever rubbish the want to air.

Did you ask the moderator who told you you were on probation why and what it means?
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Forums Junkie

January 2003
Re: Probation ! Tue, 28 June 2005 09:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Nah i didn't ask them the deal with it Josh , I didn't see a warning pm too . So the set time is two months , is this decided by the board of the individual ? Can i have a hearing ? i have a good solicitor Smile

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Forums Junkie

Toymods Vice President

May 2002
Re: Probation ! Tue, 28 June 2005 09:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
2 Months is the generic time. There will be a big revamp of all of the rules etc in the near future and all users will have to agree to following the rules to be able to continue posting on the forums.

There isn't a warning first, the probation is the warning. We found that just telling people had no effect on their behaviour and there were too many times when people would be warned several times for stupid behaviour because different mods warned them without realising the person was already well and truly on their final warning.

As to the hearing, I don't see any need. There is only a problem when there's bad behaviour and I'm sure you wouldn't dream of getting involved in that.
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I supported Toymods

Melbourne Australia
November 2003
Re: Probation ! Tue, 28 June 2005 10:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I can understand why there isn't a warning PM, however shouldn't a PM regarding why a user is placed on probabtion be sent to the offending user? Smile

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Forums Junkie

Banned user

ADELAIDE - The Drift City
July 2002
Re: Probation ! Tue, 28 June 2005 10:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Rolling Eyes Laughing


[Updated on: Tue, 28 June 2005 10:34]

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February 2003
Re: Probation ! Tue, 28 June 2005 11:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You guys are n00bs
go through and read adam's posts
he adds more useful information to this forum then 95% of people on here and then when he points out a better way to do something which will in the future save a whole heap of people time some retards have a go at him.
You could do nothing worse for the ae86 community then stopping someone who has helped sooo many people with ae86 problems.
Well up to you guys i guess if you want to reduce toymods to people whinging about "takumi tax" and other equally gay stuff, rather then people who are trying to do good genuine mods to toyota's, i guess the fate of toymods as a community is in the hands of the mods
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Forums Junkie

I Supported Toymods

south Melbourne/KL
June 2004
Re: Probation ! Tue, 28 June 2005 12:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
so what did good old adam (improvedae86) do??
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: Probation ! Wed, 29 June 2005 01:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
He broke the rules - simple as that. The finer details are not important, only that he has been given a warning to pull his head in before behaving outside the relatively basic rules and guidelines set out for these forums. If he does this, then job well done - the system works.

To those who do not like the way these forums are run, the board has made its position very well know on numerous occasions when these sorts of arguments arise (how to run the forums)....

# These are the forums of the Toymods Car Club Inc, intended solely for the benefit of it's FINANCIAL MEMBERS.
# The forums are run with the best interests of the club in mind.
# If you dont like how the forums are run, you are more than welcome to either join the club and voice your opinion, keep the opinions to yourself, or dont visit.

I'm sorry for sounding harsh if i did, but this is a topic which pops up every so often and regularly gets a little out of hand.

Improved - thank you for the understanding you have given in light of being placed on probation. It's refreshing to see someone who doesnt go out guns alblazing or think they are "cool" simply because they have been placed on the naughty list.
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Forums Junkie

Membership Secretary

June 2002
Re: Probation ! Wed, 29 June 2005 07:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Da Horse Read the first post. Adam was sent a probation P.M., containing the reason why he was placed on probation.

The offending material has since been removed from the forums as it didn't need to be on the forums.
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I supported Toymods

Melbourne Australia
November 2003
Re: Probation ! Wed, 29 June 2005 07:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ah sorry, didnt see that. Embarassed

In one of adams post he listed the problems of the other IRS conversions that he had seen, and an image of his own IRS conversion. is it possible to get that back?

Thanks Smile
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Forums Junkie

Membership Secretary

June 2002
Re: Probation ! Wed, 29 June 2005 07:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Couldn't see any links to any pics in any of the deleted posts from the original thread. The only links that were deleted only returned you to that thread.

I assume the link you are after is still in the original thread.

If it still isn't there maybe pm adam and get him to post the pic again.
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I supported Toymods

Melbourne Australia
November 2003
Re: Probation ! Wed, 29 June 2005 08:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ah the post is still there, couldnt see it before. all good Smile

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Forums Junkie

January 2003
Re: Probation ! Sun, 07 August 2005 01:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hey this is going to be over on the 28th of this month right ? Who is responsible for the Probation being taken off ?
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Forums Junkie

October 2004
Re: Probation ! Wed, 10 August 2005 08:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
it doesn't say u have probation
i was on it a while ago and it say on probation under ur username
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Ademelaide, SA
July 2003
Re: Probation ! Sat, 20 August 2005 09:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hey, if Adam's off Probation early, why can't i be? all i did was have an online fight with a previously twice banned user...
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: Probation ! Sat, 20 August 2005 09:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
perhaps the advertising of the company to which ownership belongs to a BANNED USER of these forums is a good reason.... and maybe moreso is the fact that this is commercial advertising which we have warned both YOU and the user "Raceflo" about on SEVERAL OCCASIONS.

...just food for thought....
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Ademelaide, SA
July 2003
Re: Probation ! Sat, 20 August 2005 09:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
no one told me anything about putting raceflo in my sig?

i didn't know he was banned either. he put an exhaust on my car is all
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Ademelaide, SA
July 2003
Re: Probation ! Sat, 20 August 2005 09:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message

i've never been warned for anything to do with commercial sales.

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

August 2002
Re: Probation ! Sat, 20 August 2005 10:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
this is really gay. cmon guys.
how is putting a name of a good company who did a job for you commercial sales? thats pretty petty...
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: Probation ! Sat, 20 August 2005 10:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
who's to say it is or isnt? We dont know, because we arent mind readers....

Steve - if you havent been warned before, then my appologies. But you know the rules anyway....

Basically there has been an increase in the level of commercial sales going on unchecked on these forums, and thus im cracking down on them - HARD.

Sorry, but im not giving slack to anyone atm unless they are a forum sponsor, or i know without doubt their sale isnt commerical. If you are innocently moderated, please by all means reject such claims and state the case at had to the board, and the moderating can be reversed....

I dont like having to do this, because i invariably get the "witzl-nazi" comments from all corners..... which i do not appreciate one bit.
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Forums Junkie

Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: Probation ! Sat, 20 August 2005 11:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
bring back net-nazi Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: Probation ! Sat, 20 August 2005 11:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i wish!!! Surprised

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Forums Junkie

Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: Probation ! Sat, 20 August 2005 12:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i volunteer for the job Razz
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Forums Junkie

January 2003
Re: Probation ! Sun, 21 August 2005 10:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Steve-AE86 wrote on Sat, 20 August 2005 05:45

hey, if Adam's off Probation early, why can't i be? all i did was have an online fight with a previously twice banned user...

HAHAHAHAHA , i am off probation early and your not , nananananananana

Whats all this about spanners in the sig's ? i might be back on Probation since i have one in mine Laughing

As for you being the net nazi old corolla , how would there be a tech section after you worked your way though the bullshit Laughing there would be banned users everywhere Shocked

P/S get out of my thread people Laughing

Ow you got to love this forum sometimes Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: Probation ! Sun, 21 August 2005 10:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
improvedae86 wrote on Sun, 21 August 2005 20:15

Whats all this about spanners in the sig's ? i might be back on Probation since i have one in mine Laughing

As for you being the net nazi old corolla , how would there be a tech section after you worked your way though the bullshit Laughing there would be banned users everywhere Shocked

P/S get out of my thread people Laughing

Ow you got to love this forum sometimes Very Happy

LOL, only if i was moding the outhouse... they'd be dropping like flies Razz

i think i'd prefer to delete posts than the ban ppl Wink or mod them to look stoopid Razz
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

I renounced punctuation
May 2002
Re: Probation ! Mon, 12 September 2005 20:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Er hem....
"Team ride or die" slag fest was on Sat, 25 June 2005 12:47. And I'm still waiting for my windscreen sticker for the Crown..... Laughing
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Ademelaide, SA
July 2003
Re: Probation ! Mon, 12 September 2005 22:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
and i'm still on probation...2 and a half months now.. Confused
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Forums Junkie

May 2003
Re: Probation ! Fri, 16 September 2005 18:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i for one , can honestly state that the mods do listen to reason when your polite
i had a post ages ago selling multiple similar items and could understand why it was deemed commercial yet once the situation was explained the commercial ban for the thread was lifted
and my sig describes how i feel about the whole policing situation
its a required evil
id rather self policing and a system that encourages the sharign of info wether your financially viable enough to be a member or not rather than a selective system that has the *piss off, your not a financial member* smell to it that this current system has and i do believe beigns oemone thats been aroudn for a period of years here that im able to comment thou im currently not a financial member yet am in the top 30 list of original members by memory Smile
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Forums Junkie

Sydney NSW
July 2004
Re: Probation ! Tue, 27 September 2005 08:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You need to remember people that this isnt just some cosy little forum involving a small portion of the population along the eastern sea board of Australia, this is The Internet, and Toymods (or toymodes as it has become known Razz )is an internationally known forum, and if commercial activity was allowed without any policing then the forum would just become yet another internet black hole full of commercial entities trying to make cash off each other. The Mods have to draw a line somewhere, and the current line in the sand is doing its job quite well for the time being. If you want more of a say, then become a financial member, its not that much (About the same price as a bunch of pizzas).
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Forums Junkie

Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: Probation ! Fri, 30 September 2005 16:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
it's the price of one large pizza hut pizza in japan...

here's hoping to be the first toymods car with jap number plates AND a toymodes sticker Razz
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Forums Junkie

January 2004
Re: Probation ! Tue, 01 November 2005 08:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ive been on probation now for OVER SIX MONTHS

please take me off probation, thanks
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: Probation ! Fri, 11 November 2005 03:54 Go to previous message
forums are closing soon... read the annoucements.

thus there's no need.
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