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Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Fri, 01 July 2005 08:27
I was wondering if anyone has done or heard how to convert the AWD gearbox to FWD to suit a st162.
I have heard that u can take off the transfer case and make up a blocking plate and get the diff welded so all the torque goes 2 the front wheels???
Also expected costs if possible?
I have a 3sfe gearbox as a second option. But i dont have any CV joints or selecting cables as my celica is automatic.
Cheers felias

Location: Coffs Harbour
Registered: October 2004
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Fri, 01 July 2005 08:51

get a 5sfe gearbox for it, to much buggering round i think with what u wanna do. i have a 5sfe gearbox on my 3sgte ST162 works great and has good gear ratios.

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Fri, 01 July 2005 08:56

do u reckon a 3sfe will handle the torque or the 3sgte?

Toymods Vice President
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Fri, 01 July 2005 09:14

I hate to be harsh about this but you really should look into buying a different car. The work in the swap is a hell of a lot for the amount of return ou'll get.
Having said that if you want to put a 3SGTE into a St162 and have it last then you should get a MR2 gearbox and convert the shifter for use in a front wheel drive. You can use the outer drive shafts from a GT4 and the inners from the MR2. Then you'll need to get all of the clutch actuation and shifter gear from a manual ST162 and swap it in.
The other point is that this has been covered a hell of a lot of times on this forum how about using the search to do a little research.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Sat, 02 July 2005 09:08

Joshstix wrote on Fri, 01 July 2005 19:14 | I hate to be harsh about this but you really should look into buying a different car. The work in the swap is a hell of a lot for the amount of return ou'll get.
I find that funny because, i know of 5 3sgte powered sv21 camrys in aus, and why wouldnt you do it to a celica then. Also this is toymods we do the craziest stuff to our cars.
You can also use a camry sv21 v6 box, my mate had one sitting next to a st205 gt4 gearbox and said the v6 is bigger and looks stronger, he sold the st205 box he got with his engine and used a camry v6 box. Its holding up well making 178kw@wheels on 14 psi, and runs a 13.8 quarter mile and he has had no problem with the box. The 3sfe is an other option but you need to be careful on your launches etc. MR2 option is also available but it is tricky do get done.
This had been covered so checkout, mr2 gearbox info in [search], Cheers.

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Sat, 02 July 2005 09:29

Yeh cool thanx for the info. I was researched heaps on the conversion in the perviously posted discussions.
But i havent found any info on how or if it is possible to convert the AWD gearbox...
I think i will go ahead with the 3sfe gearbox and possibly sell the AWD gearbox.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Sat, 02 July 2005 09:31

One of the guys has a st205 gt4 engine in a camry, and he uses a 3sfe gearbox, but he had it rebuilt to standard specs.

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Sat, 02 July 2005 09:36

Wat do u mean by rebuilt 2 standard specs?
Did he make it a AWD camry

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Sat, 02 July 2005 09:45

NO, standard internals in the gearbox were put in, like new syncros etc. He said it costed $1300 to get it rebuilt. Best talk to a place that REbuilds gearboxes, they could use 3sge parts on a 3sfe gearbox.

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Sat, 02 July 2005 09:51

Yeh i mite just use the 3sfe and see how it goes.
If it blows up prob get a mr2 gearbox like everybody else is
Thanx mate

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Sat, 02 July 2005 09:53

billmchenry wrote on Sat, 02 July 2005 19:51 | Yeh i mite just use the 3sfe and see how it goes.
If it blows up prob get a mr2 gearbox like everybody else is
Thanx mate
Good choice .

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Sat, 02 July 2005 10:04

Here my mates quote i found:
Doctakay wrote on Sat, 31 January 2004 12:22 | Don't go to the trouble of looking specifically for the v6 camry box... you'll find the exact same gearbox in any later 3s-fe powered camry. They are the same e52 gearbox. so the whole talk from people who have never done the conversion or compared a 3s-fe to 2vz-fe gearbox are just taking guesses. My st205 grp a powered sv21 is about to come out of the workshop being backed up by my STANDARD reco sv21 5 spd box. I forsee no troubles with this box as i have used the uprated toyata syncros (a toyota parts and service upgrade to prevent failure), and had a broken selector fork replaced. The main trouble with these e series boxes is bending the pressure plates in the clutches and not being able to shift correctly if at all, and destruction of original syncros, most commonly 2nd and 3rd. rebuild an old sv21 box and you should fair well on the dollar side of things. or do the same thing with you st162 box which is practically the same thing anyway. I'm not having a stab by the way frank, not by any means, it's just alot of speculation goes on with these fwd 3s conversions and there's not too many people out there that are 100% sure, which is exactly what people like benmeyer need... people that are 100% sure. I've been there myself without the solid info and it can be nothing but a head ache and sometimes more costly chasing items that were more easily accessable and less expensive from something/where else.
Also this is an exellent read, same question as you asked . h=28076&rid=3616&S=3f1cf8694b3cddee727f1a9 453d12f56&pl_view=&start=0#msg_243868
[Updated on: Sat, 02 July 2005 10:06]

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Sat, 02 July 2005 10:13

yeh cool, it sounds like u have good info as u hav done the conversion.
It seems simple form the start but its pretty complicated...
The bloke that i bout the halfcut off said that i will need a beta fuel pump or the motor will b stuffed in no time.
Did u replace your fuelpump?
I priced sum for a GT4 and they were bout $350. Thats the alot of dosh for stuff all
wat did u do

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Sat, 02 July 2005 10:25

Sorry i have not done the conversion, though i will. I just know people that have done it, as for fuel pump you would only change it if you were running high boost and changing to larger injectors, unless the guy that sold the halfcut knows that the fuel pump is screwed.

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Sat, 02 July 2005 10:29

nah the fuel pump i hav is in my st162 sx. He said it wouldnt supple enough fuel and would run lean and destroy the motor.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte AWD to FWD conversion
Sun, 03 July 2005 08:38
Yeh thanx for the info mate.
IM well on the road of the conversion. I hav both engines out and im going 2 find out the extra parts i need 2 morrow