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Gold Coast
January 2003
1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Thu, 07 July 2005 13:17 Go to next message
Ok people yes it is CELICA SUPER CRUISE 2005..... Cool Cool Cool Shocked Surprised Very Happy
This is for Celica's only i and i want old school ones (TA22, RA23/28 and the 40--->65's all CELICA's to comeas well all the other new school ones)..I say them cause in the ozcelica forum there isn't much old school we got heaps of the fwd ones coming but yeah we need a balance.... sooo i want....


Read below (same post but under the map)

This WILL be an annual event hopefully growing bigger with number each and everytime time....the routes may change from year to year but not greatly!

The plan i want to do is eventruly is to mate it with a dyno/show'n'shine the next day or something! just an idea...will need a fair more members to havea dyno day and shit...but yeah!

on the map where the insets is for the first offical meet in the catholic school car park.....follow tha 2nd round-about towards the school on the conner NOT down the back road that follows the HUGE BP servo... then take the first turn ont he left called Williamson st or road...and then the next interestiong....the school drive way is right in front (Stright) and follow that to the car park...easy!

the purple arrows is the route we will be taking....

to GREAT surprise the lengths of road just after fraser road as it goes on to terranora road is OPEN SPEED LIMIT (sign as same shape and size of normal speed signs but with a big black circle (not red) and a big black line thorugh it)... when i sure this i happy...but still me a ozzy did take it quite easy as wee didn't knwo the roads and the cruise will be traveling a smooth pace not just makes it ok to 0-100 tests after each time we stoped to check out photo spots or what not! so yeah not stupid shit.....

This being a low cruise and shit i was thinking (and have spoking to luke about this and he likes the idea very much).....

any ways i have come up with the following times and shit the main meet point at the start...

Pre offical meet for Brisbane owners meet point....
10.00am crazy clark's springwood (to the side of the building).
Leave 10.30am SHARP if u don't know where this is just proced to main meet point.

Catholic School Car Park (exit)(refer to map above insert). - Main Meet Point: 11:00am
Leave: 11:45am
Point Danger (on the beach particly) Meet: 12:40pm
(there is toilets there and just a sho streach of ya legs along the beach, photos are posible but parking is ok but not all of us in the same area so yeah....)
Leave: 1:00pm
Alone Terranora stop..(very good one): 1:30pm... ish
Leave: 10min
Murwillumbah: 2:00pm
(we will be parking at a nice road side parking will be there for about 30-45min and let everyone just go and walk around murwillumbah...get KFC or what ever do soemthing and meet back at the car park by 2.45pm. I'll give out copies of the local map....
Leave: 2.45pm
Hinze Dam: 3.45pm
(there ARE heaps of good look outs and shit here so we will be doing a couple of laps of place going from photo point to photo point...and very good views!
Leave: 4.30pm ish
Tamborine Mtn lookout (western)(sunset hopefully): 5:15pm ish
Leave: 5:20pm ish
Posible dinner at Cafe/takeaway: 5:30pm ish
(details read the details of this below *** )
Leave: 7:00pm
BWCP (Boardwater Car Park): 7:40 pm
(This is the offical end of the cruise...leave anytime you want too after meeting here....but i'd like for us to take up a whole lane to show the force of the and all that and some night photos so stick around for like a good 30min at least!)

Leave: Whenever!

***I'll be asking for people to conferm on coming so i can get some solid number of people coming and cars (Mainly people coming so say who u are bringing)...I was thinking of having a huge order of pizza's (not shit pizza hut or major brand pizza's) but top shit proper pizza's (ask luke how good they are)..the only thing is they not as cheap as pizza hut and shit but unlike pizza hut here one of there pizza's fill you these pizza's you only need like half!...if we get proper numbers and shit i can get these very nice pizza's at a bulk order discount and get a heap of cold drinks..... and good to this cafe/takeaway i know with heaps of parking and toliets to eat! I was thinking about $10.00 a person for particly all u can have pizza and all u can have soft drink (coke (normal and diet), fanta, and lemon sqush posibly)...

The total Km's is smaller than i through and from BP commera (first offical meet one) to BWCP was about 250km i used about 30litres (i filled up after BWCP) and i got a st185 motor with the short ratio box (110km/h @ 3300rpm) i think everyone will be right if they fill up at BP commera...

Again this is on the 30th of July 2005 a Saturday....
This will be a sick cruise there is short beach drive....sugar cane drives, mountain drives and a bit of highway (everything)....there is some AWSOME views too not to be missed...

If u said u coming please post again and place the total of people that will be in your"CONFERMED COUNT 2"

I will place a list under this when people start conferming...

As witht he dinner thing i want to conferm it so voice the yes or no's to it and/or other GOOD idea's

the dinner idea will be conferm or pissed off with the next week!

this as for about a month now but just got finialised on the forum...and i'll have a seperate list for ozcelica and toymods members on each forum...please don't post if u going to go on both forums.....that would seriously piss me OFF Evil or Very Mad so this is waring....

this cruise has been in plan for alot longer on so i thorught i post it up here to get more people interested!

This is a very enjoyable cruise and when i did the test run of it enjoyed it very much as i never been there before!

Please come i want a long line of celica's cruising along...

Toymods List:

[Updated on: Thu, 07 July 2005 13:24]

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

September 2004
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Mon, 11 July 2005 11:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Are Celica-Supras permitted to attend? Very Happy
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Gold Coast
January 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Mon, 11 July 2005 12:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hell yeah man secpecialy one with a 1jz conversion! Cool Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

September 2004
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Mon, 11 July 2005 14:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
awesome, awesome, put me down as confirmed on my own.
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Gold Coast
January 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Tue, 12 July 2005 11:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
thats good to hear..there is roughly about 10 or so celica already from mainly the ozcelica forum with more and more coming this shall be good!
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Forums Junkie

April 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Tue, 12 July 2005 23:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sounds interesting... Will probably come along.
Would be nice if people actually turned up so we can have a decent cruise every now and then Smile

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Gold Coast
January 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Wed, 13 July 2005 12:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
well the small arse mini cruise we had with like 1/3 the noties of this one on we got two 7th gen celica's (new ones) two st185's and a st185 group a and me (st162 gt-2) and a st184...wasn't to bad
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

September 2004
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Wed, 13 July 2005 15:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Oh shit, Saturday? I work every saturday Sad I thought that said sunday.

Fuck Sad
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Fri, 15 July 2005 14:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Appears that you've organised the route pretty well (on was on the last one, I think it was mostly organised through boost cruising?)...not a bad section of road Smile

I do think it's a little bit elitist making it celica's only tho....why not the more the merrier?

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Forums Junkie

April 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Sat, 16 July 2005 06:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wilbo666 wrote on Sat, 16 July 2005 00:50

I do think it's a little bit elitist making it celica's only tho....why not the more the merrier?

That's because deep down inside you want a Celica Wilbo Very Happy (j/k)
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Forums Junkie

December 2004
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Sun, 17 July 2005 10:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ill be down if it isnt sold... yer i rekon should be a toyota thing be good to have a shitload of toyotas out cruising around

no bad behaviour of course Razz
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Gold Coast
January 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Sun, 17 July 2005 12:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah i spose about toyota's not just celica's i have said i'm letting a soarer come and a bike i spose other toyota's can come but yeah for the ozcelica site and shit i think just celica's in main photo's or what ever bull shit....

yeha it is a nice piece of road i just pulled the route out of my arse looking in the good old UBD and then did a test run of it...was nice i hope the weather is good for the day!

Nezza Cool
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July 2004
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Thu, 21 July 2005 07:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
It is a definate shame it is on a sat. I can make most of the morning, but the night i can't do, seeing that I work hospitality hours. My bro's ta22 3T should be able to make it with myself along with my new 73 ta22 4age....i'll let you know closer to the date cuz i am off to splendour in the grass. finally good to get a celica meet. Hope to make it,
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Gold Coast
January 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Sun, 24 July 2005 19:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeha more than welcome to come for the first bit just tell me cause i got to colect the money for dinner and take how many people etc want it and what pizza u want!

any also people bring your CB UHF walky talky thingys.....the cruise will be on channel 21 the whole day so yeah use that if u can find the main meet point or ring me on 0408154565 if u are ever lost the whole day at all or can't find your way to main meet point at commera!

Nezza Cool
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July 2004
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Tue, 26 July 2005 23:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hey mate,
won't be able to make it for a few reasons. It's a shame though, because i was waiting for an event like this. Take some photos for us.

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Gold Coast
January 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005 Wed, 27 July 2005 10:58 Go to previous message
yeah man there will be lots of photos..the boy at are know for lots of photos and good ones with there digital SLR's Very Happy

Nezza Cool
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