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Location: Gold Coast
Registered: January 2003

I supported Toymods
Location: Brisbane
Registered: September 2004
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Mon, 11 July 2005 11:59

Are Celica-Supras permitted to attend?

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: January 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Mon, 11 July 2005 12:05

hell yeah man secpecialy one with a 1jz conversion!

I supported Toymods
Location: Brisbane
Registered: September 2004
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Mon, 11 July 2005 14:38

awesome, awesome, put me down as confirmed on my own.

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: January 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Tue, 12 July 2005 11:34

thats good to hear..there is roughly about 10 or so celica already from mainly the ozcelica forum with more and more coming this shall be good!

Location: Brisbane
Registered: April 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Tue, 12 July 2005 23:31

Sounds interesting... Will probably come along.
Would be nice if people actually turned up so we can have a decent cruise every now and then 

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: January 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Wed, 13 July 2005 12:04

well the small arse mini cruise we had with like 1/3 the noties of this one on we got two 7th gen celica's (new ones) two st185's and a st185 group a and me (st162 gt-2) and a st184...wasn't to bad

I supported Toymods
Location: Brisbane
Registered: September 2004
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Wed, 13 July 2005 15:49

Oh shit, Saturday? I work every saturday I thought that said sunday.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Fri, 15 July 2005 14:50

Appears that you've organised the route pretty well (on was on the last one, I think it was mostly organised through boost cruising?)...not a bad section of road 
I do think it's a little bit elitist making it celica's only tho....why not the more the merrier?

Location: Brisbane
Registered: April 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Sat, 16 July 2005 06:02

wilbo666 wrote on Sat, 16 July 2005 00:50 | I do think it's a little bit elitist making it celica's only tho....why not the more the merrier?
That's because deep down inside you want a Celica Wilbo (j/k)

Location: brisbane
Registered: December 2004
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Sun, 17 July 2005 10:58

ill be down if it isnt sold... yer i rekon should be a toyota thing be good to have a shitload of toyotas out cruising around
no bad behaviour of course

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: January 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Sun, 17 July 2005 12:38

yeah i spose about toyota's not just celica's i have said i'm letting a soarer come and a bike i spose other toyota's can come but yeah for the ozcelica site and shit i think just celica's in main photo's or what ever bull shit....
yeha it is a nice piece of road i just pulled the route out of my arse looking in the good old UBD and then did a test run of it...was nice i hope the weather is good for the day!
Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2004
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Thu, 21 July 2005 07:02

It is a definate shame it is on a sat. I can make most of the morning, but the night i can't do, seeing that I work hospitality hours. My bro's ta22 3T should be able to make it with myself along with my new 73 ta22 4age....i'll let you know closer to the date cuz i am off to splendour in the grass. finally good to get a celica meet. Hope to make it,

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: January 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Sun, 24 July 2005 19:35

yeha more than welcome to come for the first bit just tell me cause i got to colect the money for dinner and take how many people etc want it and what pizza u want!
any also people bring your CB UHF walky talky thingys.....the cruise will be on channel 21 the whole day so yeah use that if u can find the main meet point or ring me on 0408154565 if u are ever lost the whole day at all or can't find your way to main meet point at commera!
Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2004
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Tue, 26 July 2005 23:08

hey mate,
won't be able to make it for a few reasons. It's a shame though, because i was waiting for an event like this. Take some photos for us.

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: January 2003
Re: 1st Annual CELICA SUPER CRUISE: Saturday the 30th of July, 2005
Wed, 27 July 2005 10:58
yeah man there will be lots of photos..the boy at are know for lots of photos and good ones with there digital SLR's