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Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
3sge-3sgte conversion problems
Sun, 10 July 2005 10:26
I have finished the 3sge-3sgte conversion (also the auto to manual conversion). But the motor wont go. There is fuel to the fuel filter and spark. If the motor sits or a minute or so and you try to start it, it will fire once but wont start.
It seems like the ecu isnt letting fuel go to the injectors or sumthing... My uncle (who is an auto elec) thinks that there is a sensor that isnt accounted for and needs to be bridged.???
Has anyone done this conversion or knows anyone who could help me. Or maybe a good mechanic who performs these conversions?
Thanks heaps

Location: brisbane
Registered: December 2004
Re: 3sge-3sgte conversion problems
Sun, 10 July 2005 10:28

turn the engine over and pull a plug out once you have turned it over and see if there is fuel all over the plug.. if there is make sure your spark plugs are good i had that problem stumped me for ages i thought it was to simple to be that problem have you hooked up the fuel relay properly so it turns the pump on?

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sge-3sgte conversion problems
Sun, 10 July 2005 10:35

We pulled the top nut off the fuel pump and cranked the eninge and heaps of fuel pissed out. The spark plugs are dry. The looked like they need 2 be replaced but it started easy before we bought it about a week ago.

Location: brisbane
Registered: December 2004
Re: 3sge-3sgte conversion problems
Sun, 10 July 2005 10:37

have you got spark earth a plug out on the head or something?...

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sge-3sgte conversion problems
Sun, 10 July 2005 10:43

Yeh its got plenty of spark. Did a mechanic help u with the conversion?

Location: brisbane
Registered: December 2004
Re: 3sge-3sgte conversion problems
Sun, 10 July 2005 10:45

nah i did it... so you have hookd up the fuel lines to the fuel rail. im just asking questions dont mean to come across as ur a deadshit ... so you have fuel to the rail but no injectors , when it was running a week ago was it in ur car or running as a half cut?

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sge-3sgte conversion problems
Sun, 10 July 2005 10:52

Dont mean 2 underestimate your knowledge. We havent touched the wiring loom between the vehicles. The motor was going in the halfcut. I think its a problem wit a plug between the wiring loom of the motor and the vehicles wiring looms, becuase one plugs wires werent exactly right. So we think that there is a problem wit the fuel delivery to the injectors.
We assume this because it has spark and fuel to the fuel filter. Is there a special method for bleeding the fuel system?

Location: brisbane
Registered: December 2004
Re: 3sge-3sgte conversion problems
Sun, 10 July 2005 10:59

if you havnt linked the 2 together you have a bit of wiring to do buddy .. there is 2 looms that runs out of the engine one which goes to the firewall (ecu) and the other which runs out to the fusebox that fusebox needs to be wired into your cars wiring. that fusebox then runs to , lights , ignition (theres your problem ), accessories etc etc etc u got a haynes book, if not i think you should buy one or i can scan in the wiring diagram

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sge-3sgte conversion problems
Sun, 10 July 2005 11:21

we have pluged the motor's plugs into a fuse box and also plugs from the chassis into the same box. wont the wiring between the two cars be the same going to the fuse box, (the wires from the chassis).
i have not compared the wires to see if they are arranged the same, i just assumed they were because the pluged into the same spots.
if there is a problem in the wiring of the fuse box, will this stop the fuel from getting in to the cylinder?
there is also no fuel circulating through the return pipe, could this be caused by an error in the wiring in the of the injection system.
there are 6 plugs going through the firewall. (3 to the ecu. 1 to an "open circut". 1 to the water-air intercooler controller. and the last is a yellow one which goes to wiring of the car)
this last plug is one that im sort of have issues with, as im not sure if i have accounted for all the wires coing from the motor.
sorry for the long post.

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: 3sge-3sgte conversion problems
Sun, 10 July 2005 13:32

you will not be able to get this motor running without doing some wiring dude.
Your uncle should have been able to tell you this!!
Get yourself some wiring diagrams, or better yet, a person well experienced with wiring up such conversions and consult their help. WIthout being at the car, it's near impossible to "guess" what the problem is.

Toymods member I supported Toymods
Location: Rydalmere, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3sge-3sgte conversion problems
Sun, 10 July 2005 15:49

Not to provide some "false hope" or anything, but when I had this same problem with mine, it turned out to be just the dizzy cap and rotor button that needed replacing. We went over EVERYTHING... injectors, wiring, plugs, leads, ECU, ignitor coil and CDI and finally the dizzy and rotor button. Replaced these two items worth $60 and it fired up straight away... 
I can only hope that yours is something as simple, but yes there will be extra wiring to do between those two engines.

Location: Wahroonga
Registered: June 2003

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sge-3sgte conversion problems
Tue, 12 July 2005 09:24

Thanx for all the info guys. I got the motor running yesterday. A few wires had gotten lost in the front panel (as i had pulled it off for cleaning etc) so all the wires married up perfectly.
Also the fuel pump didnt bleed up coz the pump wasnt right. Once i got it bleeded she fired up straight away. So im off 2 town 2 get the exhaust done etc.
Does anybody know if i will need 2 get modification plates (motor conversion and gearbox conversion)???
Hip Hip

Location: brisbane
Registered: December 2004
Re: 3sge-3sgte conversion problems
Tue, 12 July 2005 09:58
u got it running without any wiring?....
anyway dont worry about the gearbox mod.. there the same box if ur usin a fwd box mated up to the 3sgte.. and you will need a engine mod plate depending on the mod plate guy u might need the 185 front brakes on ur car