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Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Sun, 17 July 2005 09:03
Hey people..
Its time to get organised for Motorvation next year.. and I know we got a few nice Old Skool cars around Perth.. So I've decided to take on the task of organising the OST crew to get down there.
The 20th Annual Motorvation 2006 will be held the weekend of 14th & 15th January 2006.
Basic cost to enter your car for Motorvation is $60 (early bird fee) - this includes 2 days entry for 2 people and a free entrant t-shirt.
Early bird entry closes by 28 October 2005.
There's entry forms to be filled in for every car thats gonna enter and 3 photo's of the car are needed (1 exterior, 1 interior & 1 engine bay). I guess this is to stop complete stocko's stealing the spot of a modified car. Also for judging if the car is Top 60 worthy etc..
I'm getting interest at the moment - but obviously action will be taken in the next few weeks for those serious about entering including monies collected, pictures done etc etc.. so we can get the early bird spots and also guarentee OST car club a spot at Motorvation '06.
For those who haven't entered before - it puts a totally different spin on the whole event, taking part, cruising, sound off and all the action from start to finish..
[TRD 83] will be there.. who else will be joining me??
TRD 83
OST Event Organiser

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth.
Registered: April 2005
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Mon, 18 July 2005 13:20

stockos are fine at an extent...its to stop people bringing absolute bunky's in and setting them alight in the kwinana bush after they're done 
mv, is the best fun of the year...i only remember saturday till about is just a hazy blurr 
wish my car would be ready...ohwell...bring on mv07 baby

Location: Perth
Registered: May 2005

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth.
Registered: April 2005
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Mon, 18 July 2005 16:12

ooooh 20v seca...very nice
Registered: July 2005
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Tue, 19 July 2005 15:25


can i come?

Location: Perth
Registered: May 2005
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Tue, 19 July 2005 23:39

no way your cars shit!
lol na just jokn! thats georgous! love the decal down the side, is that the same decal as whats on the evo on 2fast2furious
Registered: July 2005
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Tue, 19 July 2005 23:53

at first i got a design from a web site, then after i got them made i realised they got the idea from the evo from the movie

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Wed, 20 July 2005 04:28

All of the above cars pictured are welcome to join OldSkool Toys at Motorvation '06.
Any one else wanna join the OST crew at motorvation - advise here, or send me a PM.
TRD 83
OST Event Organiser

Location: Bunbury, W.A.
Registered: January 2005
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Sat, 23 July 2005 10:49

Can a 1JZ powered MZ20 come?


Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Sun, 24 July 2005 04:46

Yeah man - your car is aiight..
PM sent..
TRD 83

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Wed, 27 July 2005 00:53

Early days and half a dozen cars confirmed..
I'm sure there are others tho.. Please contact me ASAP if you are keen so I can send you a entry form.
mz21_shiznac - PM received.. thanks
TRD 83
OST Event Organiser

Location: Perth
Registered: April 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Sun, 31 July 2005 00:11

P/M is on its way

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, WA
Registered: May 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Sun, 31 July 2005 04:46

can you please send me an entry form so i can have a read through

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Sun, 31 July 2005 06:51

If a certain someone helps me fix my front bar and rear qtr then i will tag alond

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Mon, 01 August 2005 09:51

ae95 - what would you like to know? I'll be happy to answer any queries to the best of my knowledge.
Ross - PM replied.. cheers
Rob - get it done!
TRD 83

Location: Bunbury, W.A.
Registered: January 2005
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Tue, 02 August 2005 02:55

Cheers Damo, recieved the entrant form will get it done and organised and send it back up to you. Still deciding whether to enter in the burnout comp though... I've entered in the go - whoa and slalom so far.

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Wed, 03 August 2005 06:23

Thanks Adam..
and *nudge* to everyone else who's interested.. send me your details!
TRD 83

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Mon, 08 August 2005 04:30

WA_TRD_83 wrote on Wed, 03 August 2005 14:23 |
and *nudge* to everyone else who's interested.. send me your details!

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Tue, 09 August 2005 02:05

Nah - no crazy layout as yet..
Just a tent and our cars for now. maybe we can plan something when we all get there to set up.
Thanks for the interest guys!
TRD 83

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Tue, 23 August 2005 10:44

got a small crew thus far.. looking for more!
[TRD 83]
OST Event Organiser

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Mon, 05 September 2005 08:07

ok damo........going to bite the bullet and enter this
i need some bling 18's or 17's for the weekend, so if anyone wants to lend some for some liquid money give us a pm
will get the money to you shortly bro

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Mon, 05 September 2005 08:40

good on ya Rob!..
couldn't have OST there with out the OST Co-founder!
Plus - if you're gonna go to Motorvation for the weekend, may as well pay an extra $10 and enter your car!
Still waiting on entry from Matty and Lauz *hint hint guys*.. but I know matty used to have a spare set of 18's
Rob - I'll drop you a PM re: info needed.
TRD 83
OST Event Organiser
Location: Perth WA
Registered: July 2005
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Mon, 05 September 2005 09:08

I'm coming... but as a spectator... wonder if they'll let the speedway car enter...

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Tue, 06 September 2005 02:28

I've sent quite a few entry forms out now, but have had very few back..
can people basically get them back to me asap so I get an idea of how many cars we are gonna have so I can plan out display layout etc etc..
And anyone who is thinking of entering - please get on to me soon with the deadline approaching next month
TRD 83
OST Event Organiser

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Tue, 06 September 2005 04:57

WA_TRD_83 wrote on Mon, 05 September 2005 16:40 | good on ya Rob!..
couldn't have OST there with out the OST Co-founder!
Plus - if you're gonna go to Motorvation for the weekend, may as well pay an extra $10 and enter your car!
Still waiting on entry from Matty and Lauz *hint hint guys*.. but I know matty used to have a spare set of 18's
Rob - I'll drop you a PM re: info needed.
TRD 83
OST Event Organiser
i dont think theres anything that matty doesnt have man lol
im not after a turbo car as yet, the sig is just to piss people off 
im just looking at getting a clean, rwd, manual and efi car.
shouldnt be too hard 
either way, if i get a car i beleive is worth entering i shall PM you, ill be there for sure anyway (even if it is as a spec), gotta take some pics 

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 09 September 2005 04:29

Motorvation includes Dyno comp.. also driving events such as Go to Whoa and Slalom .. you could prolly give that a crack in your beasty.. but alas, no 1/4 mile drags.
Well as long as you are down there to support us anyway, cos I'm assuming/hoping Lozza will join us.
(matty - I saw you take the shortcut road, could only assume it was you in one of your many cars! hehe)
Rob - did you receive your entry form in the mail??
TRD 83

Location: Perth
Registered: March 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 09 September 2005 13:41

Hey Damo, I have already put the idea to Wayno, he got his car back from the paint shop this week and is gettin his dash trim done soon. Dunno yet if ozcelica has a team for MV'06... thats all i'm waiting to hear on, if theres not enuff interest i'm in with the OST boiz.

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Sat, 10 September 2005 10:02

comon.......dooit dooit
yeah damo, got the form, filled it out, and just taking pics, and should send it to you this week some time
Cheers matty for the bling blings , man i was coughing all the way home with the exhaust fumes coming back into the cabin

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Sat, 10 September 2005 14:25

WA_TRD_83 wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 14:29 | Motorvation includes Dyno comp.. also driving events such as Go to Whoa and Slalom .. you could prolly give that a crack in your beasty.. but alas, no 1/4 mile drags.
Well as long as you are down there to support us anyway, cos I'm assuming/hoping Lozza will join us.
TRD 83
Hey damo we have been thinking about motorvation and we wondering if maybe you would like to jump the fence and come join the crowd in "The Bling Garage" section at motorvation. Im assuming OST wont have the huge numbers we will be expecting in our display and thats just our own carz
P.S. no sprinters allowed ELDAR!!!!! unless they have cordia engines!!!

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Mon, 12 September 2005 04:50

SleekHer wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 21:41 | Hey Damo, I have already put the idea to Wayno, he got his car back from the paint shop this week and is gettin his dash trim done soon. Dunno yet if ozcelica has a team for MV'06... thats all i'm waiting to hear on, if theres not enuff interest i'm in with the OST boiz.
ok Loz..
well hopefully we can at least organise OzCelica to be near OST, therefore ensuring twice the love at the Motorvation camp.
You got a few more weeks before the early deadline - so holla back girl when you know..

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Mon, 12 September 2005 05:26

damo - you should be expecting something in the mail

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Tue, 13 September 2005 02:23

YAY.. Mail!!
It will be the highlight of my day!
Anyone else sending me mail in the near future?

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Tue, 13 September 2005 02:39

LJ.. look forward to your response.. If I don't hear from you by the end of the week, I'll start bugging you again
At the moment I'm thinking a tent/marque thingo for the OST display with the old skool flavour surrounding us. It will depenend where the Motorplex puts us.. thats why I need to get all the entries in asap *hint everyone hint* .. sorry about the nagging
Matty - Cordia? interesting.. I'll have to come past the Bling Garage and check it out. Sounds like a bit of Mad Matty customising going on there too ?? woot!
TRD 83
OST Event Organiser

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Tue, 13 September 2005 05:10

Damo, i am currently in negotiations about a certain "Bling Spec" White TA22, looks like i wont be getting a new car at all, OLD SKOOL 
Although i have doubts whether it'll be ready in time 
i MIGHT be able to squeeze it in as a late entry...

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Tue, 13 September 2005 08:24

WA_TRD_83 wrote on Tue, 13 September 2005 12:23 | YAY.. Mail!!
It will be the highlight of my day!
Anyone else sending me mail in the near future?
let me check my list of recipients............... nope sorry damo you wont be recieving any mail containing white powder this month.
As for the cordia mate, i was caught in a moment of weekness, hadnt bought a car for at least a month, we were getting desperate for a purchase, this came up at the right price and then dang some how it ends up at our crib. Only non toyota we own, and to be honest its a discrace man. Promise it wont happen again!!

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Wed, 14 September 2005 00:46

EldarO wrote on Tue, 13 September 2005 13:10 | Damo, i am currently in negotiations about a certain "Bling Spec" White TA22, looks like i wont be getting a new car at all, OLD SKOOL 
WooT! .. Old Skool is the way to go man.
It will just be good to see you at some of our events participating.
Gimme a yell if you need a hand with getting the TA22 up to spec - otherwise, I'm sure the Bling Garage will also be helpful
oh and --> at Matty
TRD 83

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Wed, 14 September 2005 05:10

WA_TRD_83 wrote on Wed, 14 September 2005 10:46 |
EldarO wrote on Tue, 13 September 2005 13:10 | Damo, i am currently in negotiations about a certain "Bling Spec" White TA22, looks like i wont be getting a new car at all, OLD SKOOL 
WooT! .. Old Skool is the way to go man.
It will just be good to see you at some of our events participating.
Gimme a yell if you need a hand with getting the TA22 up to spec - otherwise, I'm sure the Bling Garage will also be helpful
oh and --> at Matty
TRD 83
dont worry damo the bling garage will endeavour to get eldar a sexy looking beast for entry in motorvation, any way you are going to need something to park next to the sexy looking misfit, wouldnt wanna have a lonely celica there by itself
im quietly confident you may get a surprise soon damo

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Wed, 14 September 2005 07:55

What suprise then eh eh??
someone gonna give me another car ??
Matty - you've got a few spares eh?

Location: Perth
Registered: November 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Wed, 14 September 2005 10:32

hey guys I'll see you there. Are you guys gonna camp there?
oh and can someone clear up a few things.
What are the following events (sorry for being such a noob).
Go Whoa
and what happens with the sound off? Highest db?
guess I better go and paint my cam covers 

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Thu, 15 September 2005 01:08

XmaGe wrote on Wed, 14 September 2005 18:32 | hey guys I'll see you there. Are you guys gonna camp there?
oh and can someone clear up a few things.
What are the following events (sorry for being such a noob).
Go Whoa
and what happens with the sound off? Highest db?
guess I better go and paint my cam covers 
Ben - dropped your entry form in the mailbox yesterday, obviously you got it ok. I see the Mk2 is up on ramps! Good to see some progress there!
I'll be happy to answer your queries..
- Camping: Hell no.. Gets pretty derro at night. A lot of beer drinking and crazy yobbo's.. well so I heard. I'd rather spend the night in the quiet and comfort of my own bed. I guess this option is more for guys that are ultra paraniod about leaving their cars at the complex without being there. Tho there is usually security patrols on the grounds to keep an eye on things
- Go to Whoa: As the name suggests, its a driving event designed to test the acceleration (Go) and braking (Whoa) of your vehicle. The quickest time from point A to point B, stationery to stationery.
- Slalom: Many of you have probably seen this before, just not known the official name for it. Once again, quickest time from point A to point B, but you have to weave in and out through witches hats.
Note: There is no individual classes in the above events, its mini's vs V8's vs rotaries vs turbo supra's.
- Sound Off: Yes, its based on SPL. However, this does have classes - depending on the size and quantity of sub woofers installed. I hear there is a sound off happening at Alberts Myaree this Sunday (18th Sep) if you wanna have a look and get an idea of a sound off comp. I may take my Supra down and give it a go.
The events mentioned above don't cost any extra to enter.. so may as well give them a go hey!
Hope this answers some queries. and hope my answers made sense!
now - go paint those cam covers!! hehe
TRD 83
OST Event Orginiser

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Thu, 15 September 2005 04:54

iam entering the gotowhoa and slalom events..........should be amusing to say the least 
iam definetly not camping after some stories i heard last year about flying bear bottles .........think i will just go home then return in the morning, less shit to bring

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Thu, 15 September 2005 08:29

If the car's ready in time, and i do enter, i shall not camp either, id rather spend a bit more in fuel and be safe in my own house..
oh, and Damo, if you want to go have a look around Matty's, i suggest you bring some crappy clothes, who knows what he'll get you to help with 
(just kidding matty! )

Location: Bunbury, W.A.
Registered: January 2005
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Thu, 15 September 2005 10:20

Iv'e decided that I will be camping. A bit of beer never hurt anyone .
I'm there for a blokes weekend, beer, chicks and cars .

Location: Perth
Registered: April 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Thu, 15 September 2005 10:39

No camping for me
Me and my mates have some low rider push bikes we could bring to put around the cars. there very old skool and we could put some toyota badges on them too . Might look ok

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth.
Registered: April 2005
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Thu, 15 September 2005 11:22

to all those who arent camping over...SOFT!!!

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Thu, 15 September 2005 14:06

Hell, i can bring an R/C Nitro Stadium truck if you guys want, its pretty much bullet proof, as it has survived hitting trees, walls, ditches, dropoffs, jumps etc.
i could cover it in badges too, although id have to get some more, someones got all the ones i had...

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 01:01

Purple Monkey wrote on Thu, 15 September 2005 18:39 | No camping for me
Me and my mates have some low rider push bikes we could bring to put around the cars. there very old skool and we could put some toyota badges on them too . Might look ok
Ross.. the Old Skool lowrider bikes are friggin awesome.. yeah - that could be an idea to put them on display. Once again tho, depends if you trust leaving them there over night? or if you have somewhere secure you can leave them. But I'll certainly keep that idea in mind.

Location: Perth
Registered: November 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 01:42

Awwww... you guys not camping?
If your worried about safety, I'll look after ya 
come on... do it
do it..
I'm down for it, who else?

Location: Perth
Registered: July 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 04:24

I'll be camping!!!
Dont want any falcadore hoons messing my car more than it already is...
does anyone know a good car detailer, pref with cut and buff gear??
Also are we going with any particular scheme? coloured sheets under cars etc, etc. stupid fluff near wheels to pretend we doing burnout.....

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 04:54

_ShadowZ wrote on Fri, 16 September 2005 12:24 | I'll be camping!!!
Dont want any falcadore hoons messing my car more than it already is...
does anyone know a good car detailer, pref with cut and buff gear??
Also are we going with any particular scheme? coloured sheets under cars etc, etc. stupid fluff near wheels to pretend we doing burnout.....
ummmm, no
i like the lowrider bikes around, and having seen some of them (think) i welcome them to our stand.
as for the detailer........pft, do it yourself man, just take a day on sunday to do it, get all the shit from supercheap and have a crack.....i used to be a detailer myself, it's not hard

Location: Perth
Registered: November 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 05:15

Don't worry about those softies.. tsk tsk South of the River..
I was thinking of a Marquee and tents really close to my car, and cranking tunes for the whole event.
Mmmm does anyone have some Police tape? if not we can always make a barrier with Danger tape.
Anyone got a wading pool?

Location: Perth
Registered: November 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 05:17

no offense if your south of the river

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 05:23

We need danger tape to put around misfit, people will have convulsions when they see it 
lets dig out a moat around the stand

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 05:40

XmaGe wrote on Fri, 16 September 2005 13:17 | no offense if your south of the river
dood - you're south of the river! hehe
SOR rocks!
but lets not get into that debate at the moment...
I'm thinking of a big tent thingo with the cars around and therefore something undercover where we can all chillax.
Anyone have a big tent thingo? Or shall I purchase one?
As for the individual car displays - thats up to you. If mr _ShadowZ wants bedsheets and fluffy stuff around his car, thats up to him to organise. Personally, I'm just going with the park and show off approach.. nothing fancy.
I can also provide DJ services by way of me and John if people want that.. it will depend on the general consensus
ps. _ShadowZ.. if you are gonna enter with us I'll need your entry form back some time in the near future too.. Cheers
TRD 83
OST Event Organiser

Location: Perth
Registered: July 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 06:15

DJ is a good idea, I got caution tape prob enough to go round a car once, I dont need it so if thats useful i'll bring it. i'll just do the park and show, since that seems to be the general consensus. If anyone has some ideas of how to dress my car up a bit, please pm me, as it is mostly engine conversion and not much else ATM.
\\\Damo, I can bring you the form at any time. today or tonight (friday) would prob be best for me. working all weekend. Do the pics need to be any particular quality of print or will colour printer be fine??
\\\guilty_19, what stuff do you get to do detail job?

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 07:32

Dean.. umm.. unfortunately tonight I'm all over the place.. but if weeknights is better for you, then you can come around some time next week will be fine.
and I'm pretty sure the quality of pics doesn't have to be too fancy - printed from ya colour printer will be fine.

Location: perth wa
Registered: September 2005
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 08:11

would like to know if i would be able to enter my soarer if i did a little bit of work to it. I own the purple GZ10, that matt with the hair and lozza used to own, only interested in putting it in, cuz i have really seen any others on the road.

Location: Perth
Registered: March 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 10:39

HAHAHAHA go the mote!!! Seriously.. Motorvation is just not Motorvation if you don't camp... its not designed for sleeping.. its designed for havin a good time wit some bangin tunes, awesome cars a few drinks and showing off in the mean time.
Camping is ALL GOOD
P.S If ya'll scared, I'll protect you
Damo.... not long now, the answers are coming....... (insert scary type music here)

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 17:39

Hmmm, you might make me change my mind, i would have to see a display of your ass-kickingness though...
although if your camping, im sure Matty will too?
he can protect me, we'll just surround the whole OST crew with all your cars, the lux, the cordia, the ta22's, mattys sisters celica, the wildsupra, the ma61, your grp a GT4 etc. 

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: OldSkool Toys @ Motorvation '06
Fri, 16 September 2005 23:41

DAMO mate i think you need to reconsider the whole camping thing, personally i fu&n hate camping, but the motorvation camping isnt like gay ass real camping in the bush, its more like a sleepover where i can secretly swap outta my sleeping bag into yours without any1 knowing. Ohh Shit im dreaming out loud again
Nah seriously damo you need to rethink the camping idea, im sure you would like it, me and loz did it last year and except for the killer headache from sleeping in the car the first night (which we wont do ever again!!!) its pretty good ay, we had the XBOX set up and was crankin need fo speed n stuff man.
As fo all you other ladies!! you need to rethink aswell, why not have a mass OST party, THE TEAM NEEDS YOU!!!!!