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Location: Adelaide, drift capital
Registered: May 2004
Thu, 21 July 2005 00:19
Finally thought I'd get off my ass and organise another Hachi bbq and hills run, as there seems to be a fair bit of interest.
DATE: Sunday 14th of August.
WHERE: Start at Unley Oval, (Frederick Street, Unley) where we will have a feed, drink and a gander, then head out later on for a hills run.
TIME: 1pm onwards
WHAT TO BRING: Yourself if you own or wish you owned an ae86, your car, and also some bbq meat and drinks.
It'd be great to see some more hachi enthusiasts out! If anyone has any questions, post it up or pm me.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Thu, 21 July 2005 12:06

not unley again LOL
lets have bbq in the hills this time, somewhere nice up near hahndorf, or just outside of loby, i know some good spots. just need to bring a portable bbq
my car is all regency spec atm, anyone i can ride with? SIMON im bolting a passenger seat in your car for the day!

Location: Adelaide, drift capital
Registered: May 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Thu, 21 July 2005 12:13

Yeh it'd be nice to have a bbq further in the hills, however Unley is a good central place to meet up, and I cant be assed lugging around a bbq and equipment!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Thu, 21 July 2005 12:18

yeh true
power to weight!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Mon, 25 July 2005 08:00

Arch wrote on Thu, 21 July 2005 21:48 | yeh true
power to weight! 
Thats one reason why you're not riding in my car arch
nah, just jokin. u been sliming down nicely. remember to bring the vego burgers eh.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Mon, 25 July 2005 09:09

ive lost a total of like 4-5 kilos, pathetic effort, must try harder
im gonna stop eating, and start running to work with bricks on my back, what do ya rekon?

Location: Adelaide, drift capital
Registered: May 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Mon, 25 July 2005 13:45

Stop smoking
nah fark that, just gotta control those munchies!
So all you peeps down for some driving/healthy eating?

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Mon, 25 July 2005 14:20

4ageeza wrote on Mon, 25 July 2005 23:15 | Stop smoking
done that 
actually its got nothing to do with munchies, i think you will find i have a better diet than most of you others, its EXERCISE.
i gotta go for a run everyday single fuckin day till my body collapses, then maybe, MAYBE i might drop a few more kilo
being a fat cunt sucks..

Location: Adelaide, drift capital
Registered: May 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Tue, 26 July 2005 00:46

Meh your car will drive can fit into good bucket seats! all good things 
I was never really big to start with, but I lost 6kgs from excercising again!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Tue, 26 July 2005 11:02

my car should be fixed up by then so i think i can make it
i cant wait.

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Wed, 27 July 2005 03:42

on the topic of being healthy!
7 days since last ciggie!
and i wouldnt miss this shit for sex...well ok i would for sex but not headjobs...
Location: South Australia
Registered: March 2005
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Wed, 27 July 2005 08:13

that BBQ and spirited run sounds good,
just wondering if i qualify to come on it.
im all new to this thing.
thanks heaps

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004

Location: Adelaide
Registered: August 2003
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sat, 30 July 2005 10:18

hopefully my car should be together by then.
But will probably be running it in, so not too much flexin for me.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Mon, 01 August 2005 03:22

ill come for a drive
what roads you taking?

Location: Adelaide
Registered: December 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Tue, 02 August 2005 05:29

I'll be there but my '86 won't be (still gots a lot to do on that one).

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sat, 06 August 2005 01:37

not long now

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sat, 06 August 2005 03:46

cant make it...

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sat, 06 August 2005 13:21

who wants too give me a lift?
or I migth have scammed some defect clearance by then

Location: Adelaide
Registered: August 2003
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sun, 07 August 2005 09:37

My cars running but I will probably not be able to make it either.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: August 2003

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sun, 07 August 2005 11:30

MR 1JZ wrote on Sat, 06 August 2005 22:51 | who wants too give me a lift?
or I migth have scammed some defect clearance by then 
where abouts u live? ill give ya lift if ya on the way
Location: Adelaide - NthEast
Registered: March 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Mon, 08 August 2005 04:14

Wow this cruise is the same day as my 21st birthday!
Just thought id add that totally useless piece of information

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Mon, 08 August 2005 04:23

Kaan wrote on Sun, 07 August 2005 21:00 |
MR 1JZ wrote on Sat, 06 August 2005 22:51 | who wants too give me a lift?
or I migth have scammed some defect clearance by then 
where abouts u live? ill give ya lift if ya on the way
sall good mang, im gonna be crankin some clearance or possibly the new car
Location: adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Wed, 10 August 2005 05:07

farkn crank a working bee satdy and someone lend us maybe another 4ac and ill come along to this to see whats so good about these little sprinter things

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Wed, 10 August 2005 05:16

jimmy we will crank a working bee for CA into AE86
maybe it will run properly then
Location: South Aus Yo
Registered: August 2005
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Wed, 10 August 2005 09:44

Wish i had an 86 so i could be a sick Muther like you guys.
id come Matt ya phag, if ya get the 1 gay on the road you can take me
what ya cookin on teh BBQ joel?

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Wed, 10 August 2005 13:00

sam ill be reppin the 1UZ celsior style dude!
youre welcome to come riding in that shit

I supported Toymods
Location: Ademelaide, SA
Registered: July 2003
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Thu, 11 August 2005 02:11

i aint coming.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2002
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Fri, 12 August 2005 03:02

Hey, I'll drop by with some fresh blood for the meet... no spirited run for me though... annoys me having to live with another 4ac

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sat, 13 August 2005 03:56

can someone test my ecu on their car please? 4age ecu stock.. i dunno what its off and if it works i got it with my 4age but he mixed and matched at the wrecker i got no idea. so if anyone is running standard ecu can they please test minee at the bbq?
thanks Kaan

Location: Adelaide, drift capital
Registered: May 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sat, 13 August 2005 23:20

^^^ I know Jesse has a stock ECU, but its a JAP one. Dont know if yours is the same?
See you peeps at the BBQ.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sun, 14 August 2005 00:14

i think its jap. from jap importers. but who knows might have been jipped! ill bring it along anyways

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sun, 14 August 2005 00:37

doesnt matter if its jap or aus
what matters is if its smallport or bigport
have fun ppl...

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sun, 14 August 2005 01:38

Arch wrote on Sun, 14 August 2005 10:07 | doesnt matter if its jap or aus
what matters is if its smallport or bigport
have fun ppl...
hopefully big port..
poor arch! pull a sickie lol

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sun, 14 August 2005 08:37

sorry for the slowness no grip

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sun, 14 August 2005 13:13

^^^ hahahaha
sorry i rocked up late
cruise was cool
joel was ruling
john proved rotors cant not l00p out
sorry about my sub standard sliding open wheeler does that, i only got the corner and link a coupla times at the end
by the way - that clunking noise was my wheel bearings
have another one next month?
Registered: July 2005
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sun, 14 August 2005 13:29

yeah it was a "fully sik" day bro' . yeah i had an excellent day. just one question...request, there were people taking some pics thru out the day if it was you could you post some up (minus number plates ) as i forgot my camera.
also what car were you using truenosedan? as im not familliar with ur car.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sun, 14 August 2005 14:10

sounds like u boys had fun..
truenosedan woulda been driving a ke70 yeh? 4k powa
i should be able to make the next one.
how was the hills, fast paced? sounds like there were a few slower cars there yeh

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Sun, 14 August 2005 14:55

soarer setup today was very very sketchy...
4 wheel slides are not cool
when you have 20psi of difference between your front wheels that can happen i guess
good day over all tho

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Mon, 15 August 2005 00:12

arch - yes i was driving the 4kc ke70, it is fast in the hills when my wheel bearings arent loose lol
it slides - when it isnt open wheeling lol
chuku doris up to the corner just cos i was angry with my open wheeler shit lol
i got a puncture, on legal tyres
matts car is a weapon, and just about emptied the air compresser at the bp op his rear tyres alone

Location: Adelaide, drift capital
Registered: May 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Mon, 15 August 2005 00:14

Oi how slipperry was the way home 
I had zero fuel and was hitting all the hairpins in 3rd to conserve a little, and my car was stepping at like 2500rpm :s A little sketchy!
The 'special stage' was some awsome fun, especially in the wet.
Thanks to all who came out...It was great to see some new faces and some new hachi's out driving. I have a few pics that i'll post up in a little bit.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Mon, 15 August 2005 02:55

^^ hahaha fucking slippery, that corner you l00ped out on on the way there, i spun on the way home at full lock, fucking slippery!

Location: Adelaide, drift capital
Registered: May 2004
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Mon, 15 August 2005 09:59

truenosedan1 wrote on Mon, 15 August 2005 12:25 | ^^ hahaha fucking slippery, that corner you l00ped out on on the way there, i spun on the way home at full lock, fucking slippery!
oi no shit! So did I lol.
I came into it in like 3rd, and as soon as I dabbed the handbrake, I'd spun out. I slid towards some metal poles on the very outside of the corner, and stopped about 2m from them That corner was so sketchy.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: AE86 BBQ AND SPIRITED RUN - Sun Aug 14th
Tue, 16 August 2005 16:46
the wet is cool with 2kw hahahaha
where are we going next cruise?
nar...hills for sure, up windy, up upper strut, up lofty, down norton summit, then through to lobethal lenswood area? sunday arvo for sure, just watch out for biker f00ls