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I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Thu, 21 July 2005 03:31
Ok people, TheStitt is on his way over to sample the best of Perth hospitality, so here is your chance to catch up with one of the world's true gentlemen! So who's up for:
1: CLG's "Bright Lights, Big City" Cruise: 7pm, 19/8/05
2: CLG's "Run Through The Jungle" Hills Run: Saturday 11am, 20/8/05
3: "Stitt's sobriety Seduction" Pub Crawl: Saturday Night, 20/8/05] - want to join us for dinner - PM me directly
4: "Stitt's Sunday Sesh": Fremantle, Sunday Arvo, 21/8/05
5: Tuesday Night Drinks: Balmoral Hotel, Tuesday 23/8/05 want to join us for dinner - PM me directly
Plans will become more finalised over the next few weeks, but be sure to make it to at least one or two of the events! Those of you wishing to join our small party for Dinner on Saturday, or Tuesday nights - please PM me directly for details, as I'm not offering to organise this for everyone (it usually falls in heap anyway - you'll simply get told where and when we'll be at an eatery, and it will be up to you to find us!).
As you can see, there are driving, drinking, and eating events - please do the responsible thing at each and any event you attend - we want to have a good time, but not at someone's expense. We'll be catching the train for the big drinking events, if anyone wants to meet up on the train, or walk into the Balmoral with us (I live 15 minutes away by walking), feel free to call or PM me for details - I can offer semi secure parking at my house if you don't want to leave your car at a train station or in the pub carpark.
0403 733 054
[Updated on: Mon, 01 August 2005 16:16]

Membership Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Thu, 21 July 2005 03:36

Thanks for the wrap Clint
I'm looking forward to heading over and after showing Clint around Sydney Its only fair he shows me around his part of town.
Hope some Toymoders are keen to head out particular on the cruises it will be good to get a ride in some nice smick Toyotas.
Looking forward to putting more names to faces and seeing some faces I haven't seen in a while.
If your not sure about coming out your gurantted to have a good time, many many stories around Toymods start with the words 'Stitt was pissed and............'
Cya's soon.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Thu, 21 July 2005 10:05

Poor Ghostbuster mobile

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth.
Registered: April 2005
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Thu, 21 July 2005 12:56

may god have mercy on us all

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Thu, 21 July 2005 13:56

TheStitt wrote on Thu, 21 July 2005 11:36 | If your not sure about coming out your gurantted to have a good time, many many stories around Toymods start with the words 'Stitt was pissed and............'
I'll vouch for that. Mel never did look as good as you in that red top, and the look on that persons face when you handed their guitar back with blood on it was priceless. I'll seeya when you get here

Membership Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Thu, 21 July 2005 14:54

NO worries JCMF
I had forgotten about the guitar issue, that was one funny weekend. Another reason not to miss toyota nationals

I supported Toymods
Location: Australia
Registered: November 2003
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Fri, 22 July 2005 02:17

Driving or flying over?

Membership Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Fri, 22 July 2005 02:54

I have 8 days rostered off at work (shift work does have it benifits) and I have been meaning to come to Perth after Clint talked it up. So with the time off and $150 return business class I thought now was as good a time as any!!

I supported Toymods
Location: Toodyay, WA
Registered: July 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Tue, 26 July 2005 14:48

Hey Stitt !!
It'll be good to catch up !!
cya when ya get here !!

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Wed, 27 July 2005 00:50

Note: OST has a Dyno day on Saturday 20/8 .. feel free to bring Stitt past for a gander at some of the cars there. I'm sure he's a old skool fan judging by his wagon!
I'll be up for a Friday night cruise and various other shinanigans..
post up some details as they come Clint..
TRD 83

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Sun, 31 July 2005 17:15

Partially updated - fuck, I've got a lot of work to do!!!

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Mon, 01 August 2005 16:22

Updated yet again. Stitt - you better pack the emergency liver just in case dude!

Membership Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Tue, 02 August 2005 09:45

Sounding good clint
Is the Dyno day out of the question?? Can we pop in??

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Tue, 02 August 2005 11:44

Yep, we can cruise past earlier that morning, hopefully the "good" cars will get first run at the dyno - I don't really have any interest whatsoever in watching a liteace van try and crack 15rwkw!?!
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Thu, 04 August 2005 07:20

Since i'll be in town during this time i'll try come along to a few of these little events

Location: Perth
Registered: July 2004
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Thu, 11 August 2005 05:05

Sorry all but i have to say this.
TheStitt has hit the fan. LOL
I apologise again.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Sun, 14 August 2005 15:39

Cyber-punk wrote on Thu, 04 August 2005 15:20 | Since i'll be in town during this time i'll try come along to a few of these little events 
You're more than welcome Cyber, hope to see you around. let me know if you're in town Thursday night too?

Location: Perth
Registered: August 2003
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Sun, 14 August 2005 17:57

there a car event at burswood on the weekend aswell, maybe theshitt wants to have a look?
I'll be at the dyno day in the morning and might join the cruise before or afterwards?
I might be able to come saturday night but i dunno, i'm sposebally having a party inwhich i don't know about
Also might be able to come Sunday depending on the hangover status.
Can't make tuesday due to work

Membership Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Sun, 14 August 2005 23:31

Thats what sunday is for to stay drunk to avoid saturday's hang over
I'm really looking fwd to coming over, its gunna be a jamm packed few days and I think I won't see much of perth its self just all its tuff toyota's.
See you all in a few days

Location: Mandurah, W.A
Registered: August 2005
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Tue, 16 August 2005 08:58

awww i wanna go to the one on friday night but my boyfriends car wont be ready in time not fair

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Wed, 17 August 2005 03:38

So, come and bum a lift with someone!

Location: Mandurah, W.A
Registered: August 2005
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Wed, 17 August 2005 08:44

i dont have anyone that will give me a lift

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Wed, 17 August 2005 08:48

Al ift from Mandurah, I can't help you with, but a seat for the cruise I can!

Location: Mandurah, W.A
Registered: August 2005
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Wed, 17 August 2005 11:20

naaaaahhh i probably shouldnt, gotta get up early on saturday to get to work make another cruise in a few weeks time and i'll be there, say 3 weeks?

Membership Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Thu, 18 August 2005 16:56

well hi al to everyone
I just had my first experience at a Perth pub. Was good , met a few ppl and had an interesting walk home.
Found out that Clint is a cadbury and that i'm not.
well its 1 am perth time wich makes it 3 am sydney time i've been up since 6 am sydney time and am well pissed and am going to bed cya all tommorrow night on the cruise.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Thu, 18 August 2005 16:59

th8is is Stitt again.
Clint is a little bit to intoxicated to type up what a good night he had, you Perth guys should of come out
We had a really good night and from Clint he can't keep his balance!!!!!
A good night again cya all tommorrow.

Location: Perth
Registered: August 2003
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Thu, 18 August 2005 17:31

i'll be in for saturday, don't have to work

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Thu, 18 August 2005 17:44

CLG wrote on Fri, 19 August 2005 00:59 | th8is is Stitt again.
Clint is a little bit to intoxicated to type up what a good night he had, you Perth guys should of come out
We had a really good night and from Clint he can't keep his balance!!!!!
A good night again cya all tommorrow.
Clint only lost his balanvce after Stitt threw a shopping trolley into him - YOU BASTARD!
I'll get you back - you're in my town now, dough boy!!!!

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Fri, 19 August 2005 00:07

My head hurts - along with my hand (from falling over) and lower back (from working on the GT4 so I have something to drive for the weekend)!!!

I supported Toymods
Location: Australia
Registered: November 2003
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Fri, 19 August 2005 00:26

Is it licensed though?

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Thu, 25 August 2005 13:57

Well it's been a big and most enjoyable weekend - I've only climbed back on top of the pile of work to do, today!
My car is still dead, we've isolated the problem to a power feed problem - hopefully with the aid of an Auto Sparkie Guru friend of mine, we'll have it running tomorrow arvo.
Here's a few pics to show the slackers who didn't come out, what they missed:
Stitt putting in the hard yards on the 205's fuck bar:

Heading down the Zig Zag:

Mundaring Weir Hotel - what more could you want - beer, birds, and ..., er, ..., birds!

Stitt introducing us virginal West Aussies to "fooli sic hectic turboss bro" culture:

Krystle, Cruzsida, Stitt, Matt-ae86 contemplating life:

Stitt trying to fuck up WA's water supply by clogging the dam with rocks:

Mundaring Weir carpark:

Matt-ae86, Stitt, CLG contemplating life again!:

I'm sure there are few more pics that will find their way here too?!

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
All Western Stitt Adventures, time to hit the road!
Thu, 25 August 2005 14:40

What a weekend to remember.
It all started when I called Clint to say I was on my way over, ring ring ring, ... Hmm something isnt right, I hear a voice "Hello, Clint's phone, Stitt Speaking, Oh hey man, Clint cant speak. The GT4 was running, we went 50k's and then went out to take it to rego, and now its dead 
So I made my way to Clints house were I met Stitt in the middle of a rush fest to get the GT4 going for the Cruise later that night. NO GO. It seems the flux capacitor had blown, and the GT4 Delorean wasn't flying anywhere that night.
So we all hoped in to the sprinter, Clint, Stitt and myself and off to Hamburger Hill. I drop the 2 guys off and head of to home after a shit day at work to sleep.
The next morning, back around to Clint's place, "We have been working on this thing since 7.30, and still nothing". Still the flux capacitor was dead and there was no replacement in the 21st Century. Yet again, back into the Sprinter and off to the Old Skool Toyota Dyno Day.
We watched a few old Toyotas crank some horses on the rollers and were then off for a little hills run. Not such a big turnout for the Stitt, but still a few people to have some fun, and a light cruise through the hills. Stopping off at the Mundaring Weir Hotel and having a late lunch. Sitting around having drinks, talking, COFF33 and Clint sharing their emotions with everyone else, then it was time to leave and go down the road to the weir.
We walked out onto the Weir, photos were taken, comments were made, weird noises of wookies were heard from the mountains and also rocks rolled down the embankment to try and break the speed of light. COFF33 doubled back to his car to see if the local natives had turned his RA65 into a humpy. We turned back and sat on the rails for a bit and took a few more shots.
We then went into Kalamunda, talking things like "fully sick, only spunta in perth with these rims firkin", which lead to an ice cream, my choice, a boring Chocolate ice cream. Back down the hill and of to Clints for Movies, Pizza and Drinks.
The next morning, Back to the house that owned more car parts then New Town Toyota. We were off to the motor show expo at Burswood but before that we had to fill our guts with goodness. So off to the "All Day Breakfast" place in Vic Park, then to the expo where Stitt drooled on many a car, and was also disgusted by some. Clint was off following the young blonde chicks with good baby feeders and I just looked around, "Where are the touge stunts?" This took most of the time up and the afternoon, back to Clints to watch a movie hired the previous night and of to home to sleep, I said my goodbyes to Stitt as I didnt think I would be meeting him again, the day after
WRONG! Back to Clints house the next morning. We were off to see Perth and show Stitt the best places of our small village. But first we went to Clints friends house, Seth, were we looked at some very rare muscle cars, of which one is the only type in Australia... Again Stitt was speechless and we had to drag him away from more toys. Up to Kings Park where we walked through the tree tops, and admired water fountains, and other water works, had a snack and into the Centre of the City. Stopped at a shop called "The Pit Stop bookshop" were we looked at DVD Titles and books that took our fancy. The snack at Kings Park hadnt satisfied our big eater so we were of to the Carillon to have lunch.
We then left Perth and started the River run; this took us quite a long while stopping at various places that had views of the city and then calling into Fremantle to drive down the coffee strip one last time with Stitt in the car. Though the Docks and down to the North Mole, where Stitt took a phew pictures of a sign, the sun and my car in front of that big red light house. Off again to Cottesloe were Stitt took more pictures of the Sun where we eventually got peckish and had an ice cream, we sat and waited for the sunset and Stitt took more pictures, while Clint fell asleep. Off to the pub for a drink then back to our river run, down the south side of the river stoping for dinner at the local Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Clint mentioned to Stitt about the local TV show called "Cruizn" so Stitt and myself watched one of the latest episodes whilst Clint missed out - he was busy looking at porn on the computer. After that finished, back to the hills for a few last shots of the views. Back down the hill again, where I left for the night.
[Updated on: Thu, 25 August 2005 14:44]

Membership Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Sat, 27 August 2005 06:08

I couldn't of said it better myself....

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Tue, 30 August 2005 05:06

Matt - well summed up.. sounds like a fully packed weekend of fun.
Stitt - hope you enjoyed your stay.
It was good to meet you.
TRD 83

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: TheStitt Has Entered The Building!
Wed, 31 August 2005 08:40
