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September 2004
icon14.gif  TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Tue, 02 August 2005 02:28 Go to next message
Razz Yes, we are organising another Motorkhana for our club on SEPTEMBER 11 and invite anyone on this forum to join in on the fun.

The day is all about having a much fun on the wet concrete skid pan with no pressure or times taken.

The day costs only $25 per person (you can share cars between more than one person if you like) and takes place just south of Gympie, sothere is a fun convoy on the way there.

We do need to hire the Pan one week before, so if you are interested please phone me on 0402 154 115 or e-mail on and PM me here. This way we can organise details of payments and where to meet for the convoy.

Cheers ALL.
Jeff Mason
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August 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 07 August 2005 10:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Definately interested, picking up my new car next weekend. Sent you an e-mail...
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Forums Junkie

February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 07 August 2005 13:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Jeff - can you email me your bank details and i'll drop the money in.

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February 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Wed, 17 August 2005 00:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
My entry is in Wink
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February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Fri, 19 August 2005 08:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I'm paid~! Looking forward to my first go on a skidpan.
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February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 21 August 2005 12:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Do you need a helmet? Are there any regulations?
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February 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 21 August 2005 23:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
No helmet needed.

Your car just has to be street legal and registered
I don't think there's many (or any) other restrictions or regulations. Thats all I can think of anyway.
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May 2002
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Mon, 22 August 2005 12:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
monkeymajik wrote on Fri, 19 August 2005 18:33

I'm paid~! Looking forward to my first go on a skidpan.


I'm just about to pay my entry!

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February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Mon, 22 August 2005 14:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i've paid - it's the best fun you can have with a car, some water and a large area of cement Wink
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February 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Tue, 23 August 2005 02:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Wilbo, is the MA61 gonna be ready to rock by then?
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May 2002
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Tue, 23 August 2005 03:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
adamaw11 wrote on Tue, 23 August 2005 12:54

Wilbo, is the MA61 gonna be ready to rock by then?

hellz no! lol

I may be "coming along in serious bursts of inspiration" (or something equally witty!) as Charles would like to put it! but there is still heaps to be done!

Starting and driving are two different things Wink

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I supported Toymods

September 2004
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Tue, 23 August 2005 14:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I think I could see to bringing my little MA61 along Wink I've never really driven anything like this, so as long as I don't get laughed at I'll come along.
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Tue, 23 August 2005 23:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I wouldn't mind coming up and spectating but that is one week before jambo so I don't want to risk stuffing anything in my car.

Where are people meeting as I am on the Sunshine Coast.

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February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Wed, 24 August 2005 00:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
New tyres probably -wont- be on by then, but the fuel leak will be fixed at least Surprised

Really looking forward to this!

[Updated on: Wed, 24 August 2005 00:30]

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I supported Toymods

September 2004
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Wed, 24 August 2005 03:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You can have a drive in my car if you want Chris.
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February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Wed, 24 August 2005 05:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
monkeymajik wrote on Wed, 24 August 2005 10:30

New tyres probably -wont- be on by then

this is a good thing - wet cement skidpan is much more fun if your tyres are old, worn and prone to loss-of-traction.
Very Happy
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Pine Rivers QLD
April 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Thu, 25 August 2005 09:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
oh really, this is sounding very interesting.... i have always wanted to do this and my birthday is on the 7th so it could be a present!!!! YAY!

Now i would like some details please. i have just done a twin turbo conversion so it should be good to play with the power!!! Anyway how big of a place are we talking? like you have to be really unco to damage the car? And i have an open diff? is this something that could cause problems, as in not enough wheel slippage? do you go out by your self? and finally how much time roughly would we get on the pan?

Other wise i will most probably be there. i will like to meet at BP caboulture if anyone else is around the area.
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February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Thu, 25 August 2005 11:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Details in case anyone needs them

- Competitors need to Phone or SMS Jeff Mason (TTC Qld competition secretary) on 0402 154 115 to arrange payment.

- cruise up to gympie for competitors and spectators leaves the Carseldine Caltex at 6am SHARP! on the Sunday morning. You will want to bring a comfy hat, chair, UHF radio, camera (still or vid), cash for food.

- competitors will need a valid licence (learner's need a suitably legal passenger) and a road-registered car.

- the Cooloolah car Club is providing staff for the event and will have drinks for sale (BYO food and bbq if you have one) - please show support their club as they're a very friendly bunch of car loons!

- fuel up during the week as buying a tank of PuLP on a sunday is expensive. The drive up takes about 1 3/4 hrs.

- it's just as much fun to watch as it is to compete!! plus watching is free!!

- just about any car will cope with the skidpan, it's not massively large, but enough for you to get you car sideways a lot. Most of the circuits keep you in 1st & 2nd gear, 3rd is for those with serious wheel spin or control.

- the LSD or open diff is just as much fun - you can get seriously sideways with both. It's the recovery and change of direction after the turns that you might find a bit more challenging.

- you'll get at least 12-13 runs or more on the skidpan - like most motorsport, much of the day is watching other people make fools of themselves.

- you can go out with a navigator or by yourself. Is only one car at a time and you get shown the course (driving around different arrangements of witches hats) 30 seconds before you take off. Most drivers work it out watching other competitors do the circuits.

- If you are thinking competing and havn't paid, you have to contact Jeff now! There are entry slots for over 30 cars.

-the club use the skid pan at: <>

-search the whitepages for 'Roadcraft' and you'll get an address. <> shows Drummond Drive on the southern side of gympie. If you search for the address with whereis you can get a location map.

- from memory, we turned off the highway, turned right into Pronger street and entered the site at the corner where it becomes drummond drive.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Thu, 25 August 2005 11:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Haha to give all you who aren't too comfortable about taking there cars along an idea...

I'll be taking my MX62 cressida (for the 3rd time), which is equipped with the FOOOOOOLY sic stock 5me (ok it's manual at least Smile), with stock open diff and 185/75 tyres on heckit 14" rims.

Oh yes, my car is so 1337 you should fear it Razz

The point is you can have fun in anything Smile

There is masses of run off area around the pad and you would be a complete goose to hit anything, the chances are 1 in very large number (the odds are a lot better as well if you aren't a corolla driver Wink).

So quit your 'maybe-ing' and come along already Smile


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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Thu, 25 August 2005 22:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
peeack wrote on Wed, 24 August 2005 13:47

You can have a drive in my car if you want Chris.

Nah mate, I don't like driving other people's cars in case something goes wrong. I would love to ride shotgun though! Althought I do get scared in the passenger seat quite easily Razz
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Pine Rivers QLD
April 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Thu, 25 August 2005 23:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Rightio its about time i see what this twin turbo conversion can do! i will ring him today. And just so you know this is my first time so no laughing!!!!

Oh and 6 is early, just wanted to say that. And its $25 a car? so gf, spectators or navigator get in for free?
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Fri, 26 August 2005 04:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ndgcpr wrote on Fri, 26 August 2005 09:14

Oh and 6 is early, just wanted to say that. And its $25 a car? so gf, spectators or navigator get in for free?

$25 per driver (I will be making a comment to the club about this....), so yeah nav, gf, mates are all free Smile

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February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Fri, 26 August 2005 08:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Chris Davey wrote on Fri, 26 August 2005 08:37

peeack wrote on Wed, 24 August 2005 13:47

You can have a drive in my car if you want Chris.

Nah mate, I don't like driving other people's cars in case something goes wrong. I would love to ride shotgun though! Althought I do get scared in the passenger seat quite easily Razz

you can have a blast in my ute then?

1st gear is a hill climber, the 3 litre desiel redlines at about 3.5-4k and it has the same performance characteristics as a bowl of custard Wink

if you break it i'll give you a medal Cool

chris - even your humble KE will be fun on the skidpan ... you'll take days to wipe the silly shit-eating grin off your face after a few sessions Laughing Very Happy
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Fri, 26 August 2005 23:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah, I was thinking the ke70 would be better suited to the skidpan than the Rona. But I don't want to braeak anything on my daily driver! I will have a think about it Smile
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October 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sat, 27 August 2005 04:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
are there ay spots left available for this?
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Forums Junkie

February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sat, 27 August 2005 04:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
there should be spots left - best thing is to conttact Jeff on 0402 154 115 or e-mail home at <> and PM him here.

If you're quick, there might be spots left at this Sunday's event being run by the Cooloolah Car Club at the same venue - see the other thread about it in this section.
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Pine Rivers QLD
April 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sat, 27 August 2005 07:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Chris Davey wrote on Sat, 27 August 2005 09:11

But I don't want to break anything on my daily driver! I will have a think about it Smile

What you mean??? i am not gonna break anything will i???? And chris feel free to jump in shotgun, although mine will probably be the worst drive, as i will most prob be unco due to my first go and sit there going "SHIT SHIT SHIT". just to settle the nerves Smile
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Forums Junkie

February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sat, 27 August 2005 08:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
no no no... funny is when someone looses it badly and skids off the cement and onto the grass Very Happy Evil or Very Mad

and embarrasing is stalling when you take off for the first time Embarassed
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 28 August 2005 00:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gavin: I am just paranoid that I will break something. I doubt I would but I worry.
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February 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Mon, 29 August 2005 04:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Just to make people understand, there is absolutely no reason to be nervous or embarassed in these events.

No one there is interested in judging or laughing at people.
People are usually either
-having too much fun to care what other people are doing
-too focused on improving their own driving skills
-worried about what people think of their own driving
-looking for the next car with no passenger so they can have a ride
-talking about cars, engines, and conversions
-looking at each others cars, engines and conversions

having said that I still usually end up with butterflies, and adrenalin when its my go, but thats just cause its so much fun.

Some people take it all really conservatively hardly losing any traction - noone gives a shit - but that seems to often get quicker times anyway! (not that many people care about getting quick times)

Oh, and 6am sure is early, hence why some people end up catching up with the convoy on the way, which usually seems to work out ok.

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August 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Thu, 01 September 2005 09:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yep you turn right off the highway into pronger road, just as you're coming into Gympie. If you hit the 80 zone you've gone slightly too far. Turn right off the high way, then you should be looking at a big lot of sheds, just go right again and follow that road straight down until you see the gate in front of you. I work at a place just beside the skid pan Razz
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July 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 04 September 2005 11:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Just to let all of you know, the Cooloola Car Club will be providing our BBQ and tables for you to use on the day. All we ask is that you assist us to keep the area clean. We will have soft drinks and cold water for sale, this is the only way we will be looking to make a profit from the day, so your generosity will be appreciated.

The whole idea of this day is to allow people to have fun in their cars, there is no pressure of racing each other or the clock so just enjoy.

There are basic rules for safety which will be discussed at the briefing before the day begins as per normal Motorkhana.

There will be 2 fire extinguishers and a first aid kit in the shed should they be required. (the extinguishers have not be used in a long time, but have been tested Smile

If you haven't contacted Jeff about entering or just coming for the drive, do so quickly.

Thankyou and we look forward to catching up with you all again.

Daryl Martin
Cooloola Car Club Cool
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sunny coast, QLD
March 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 04 September 2005 14:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I just went to a motorkhana day there today, best fun u can have with ur clothes on!!! seriously guys dont be nervous, u will have a ball no matter what! oh and grab an instructor to go round with u, the amount ur driving will improve is amazing!! i went from understeering or spinning it on most turns to hooking up every turn on the course in under an hour!
Oh and Gav, dont worry mate, theres nothing for ol' yella to run into even if u tried! cant wait to see ur new engine!

I think i will have to come along to this one too, but is it okay to pay on the day? ill give jeff an email i think.


you'll take days to wipe the silly shit-eating grin off your face after a few sessions
lol so true! i still have mine 8 hours later!!!
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 04 September 2005 14:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I am in as well guys. I will be bring the old ke70 out as it is much better suited to turning than the rona. I will be giving Jeff a call or email tomorrow for payment.

What time does it start and finish?

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Pine Rivers QLD
April 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Mon, 05 September 2005 07:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
good to see the Ke70 will be joining us chris. I am so excited i can't wait.
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rainbow beach
February 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Mon, 05 September 2005 09:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the skid pan is so awesome, i went with hoges on the weekend, i drove my front wheel auto audi and i had a ball, so fun to try and get it sideways, next time i'll have to take the supra.
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rainbow beach
February 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Fri, 09 September 2005 02:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
what time is this expected to finish? I have to be at bris airport by 6pm to pick up my gf, so will need to leave at 3 at the latest.

Also, it is byo food yeah?

doh, am signed in as my bro, its Hoges here. And p.s. dont worry about chris being scared, he is a little wuss, there is pretty much no way u could break anything at all on the skidpan lol

[Updated on: Fri, 09 September 2005 02:14]

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Pine Rivers QLD
April 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sat, 10 September 2005 00:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LESS THEN 24 HOURS!!!!! i am so not going to be able to sleep tonight, i really can't wait. My clutch is starting to crumble under the amount of power i am now putting through it (its the NA clutch woot!) but it should live on the pan as i am sure the wheels will give way before it does.

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Gympie, QLD
December 2004
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sat, 10 September 2005 04:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I'll prolly come out at some stage in my rock stock spriner, if thats ok. there had better be another one there... lol sif
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sat, 10 September 2005 05:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I will be in a stock ke70 so pretty much the same thing Smile
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Pine Rivers QLD
April 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 11 September 2005 10:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well thanks for a great day, i had fun. It was hard going through small round abouts and not ripping up the hand break and powering through it but i managed.

As i sit on this seat in my tired state i can still feel me flying sideways
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Gympie, QLD
December 2004
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 11 September 2005 10:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
:'( i would of loved to come out, but i kind of forgot about it and had a big saturday night... and yeah, if there are pics from any one i'd love to see the turn out
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July 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 11 September 2005 11:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Very Happy Guys (and girls) we had a great day thanks to all of you, it is always a much easier day for those of us who organise and run these events when we have a great bunch of competitors who really do enjoy the events. We have posted some pictures on our web site for you to look at, we always welcome more to add to our site, just email our editor first. is where you will find us.

Cooloola Car Club President

P.S. Our next Motorkhana is November the 6th 2005
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Pine Rivers QLD
April 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 11 September 2005 12:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sorry but the website address would be????
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February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 11 September 2005 13:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
URL= <>
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February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 11 September 2005 21:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Awesome day! Cant wait for the next one. If anyone has anymore photo's feel free to post them up Smile

[Updated on: Sun, 11 September 2005 21:29]

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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Sun, 11 September 2005 21:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah, I had a good time too Smile Was quite surprised how well my little stock 4k powered ke70 went in the "drags" with its stuffed suspension and all Razz

Otherwise, confrimed my thoughts that it really is shit for getting the ass out! Couldn't do it anywhere so decided to go with Jeff mostly as that was heaps more fun!

Better bring lots of sunscreen and water for the November one!
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February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Mon, 12 September 2005 00:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
That's prolly why you did well, it's faster if you dont get the ass out too much!

I didnt realise that was you, should have put it together with the 1jz shirt though.
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February 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Mon, 12 September 2005 01:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I saw that 1jz shirt, pretty good idea, was that a diy job or is there a place selling engine-themed shirts?

Here's some more pics from the day....
long line-up to get on the pan
attempt at an arty looking photo
gti-r sideways
look at those little people standing on the soarer's roof! hehe
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Mon, 12 September 2005 02:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Monkeymajic: yes that was me in my crappy rolla Smile

Adamaw11: didn't realise you were on here either. Your car was very quick on the "drags". I was impressed Smile

Also, the shirt was bought off some guy on here. The thread was deleted because it was deemed commercial though.
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Pine Rivers QLD
April 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Mon, 12 September 2005 06:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
please excuse my tired stupidness about the web address, i thought the address in the reply was the one you had to email to get pics uploaded.

I am working on putting a video together of the yellow beast in action. So will up load it when i have finished.
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February 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Mon, 12 September 2005 07:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
how did the clutch stand up to the abuse in the yellow soarer?
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sunny coast, QLD
March 2003
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Mon, 12 September 2005 10:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Thanks to all for organising the day, was great fun!! love getting the big soarer sideways hehe it just loves to hang the ass out!!! *Hugs his torsen lsd* hehe Wink

lol u guys couldve asked to stand on my roof, geez, some people...Razz
Did the guy in the peugot make it home? i swear he loved that rev limiter!!!

cant wait for the next one
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Pine Rivers QLD
April 2005
Re: TOYOTA CAR CLUB MOTORKHANA!!! Tue, 13 September 2005 09:39 Go to previous message
yeah my clutch is ok. here is my dodgy movie, the yellow beast in action.
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