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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Willowbank test and tune 20th August Fri, 12 August 2005 02:29 Go to next message
Hey people,
I am going racing on the 20th which is next Saturday. Have 2 Jzz30's (one with T67) and a mate with a 213rwkw MA70 coming so far. If any of you bitches aren't scared or lazy, turn up at 4pm at Willowbank.

It is $34 for racing which admits two people and you need shoes, long sleeve shirt, long pants and helmet.

Don't complain that is too far either as I am coming from the Sunshine Coast.

Will be my maiden run so not expecting anything special, just want to get out there for a practice before Jamboree.


[Updated on: Fri, 12 August 2005 02:33]

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Forums Junkie

June 2003
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Fri, 12 August 2005 05:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i forgot all about gonna be in cairns, sorry Embarassed

When is jamboree again? i'd imagine sat nights will get pretty packed from the 20th onwards...qualifying and such

let us know how you go chris

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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Fri, 12 August 2005 23:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
That's ok Nick. That is a good excuse Smile

Jambo is 17 and 18th September.

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Gold Coast
June 2004
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Sat, 13 August 2005 05:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Oh god damn it. I HAVE to get my external gate purchased fitted for this. My actuator is fried for my internal gate. Oh and get a helmet.

[Updated on: Sat, 13 August 2005 05:31]

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Forums Junkie

Lismore, NSW
February 2003
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Sun, 14 August 2005 10:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
If I had my licence my would come up for a gander and to see how well dan's supra goes!!! Ill have to meet up with you guys at jambo, afterwards have a few drinks... Let me know how you all go this sat.
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Forums Junkie

October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Mon, 15 August 2005 12:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i'm gonna be in hervey bay

sms me your results chrius
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Tue, 16 August 2005 05:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Mr DOHC wrote on Mon, 15 August 2005 22:16

i'm gonna be in hervey bay

sms me your results chrius

will do
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July 2004
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Tue, 16 August 2005 05:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
work starts at 7, so there is no way i could possibly make it, considering.....hold on, that's this sat coming, i have that off....interesting. I'll post to let you know more, but as it stands, my sucka still hasn't got plates.

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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Thu, 18 August 2005 23:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sounds like it is going to be a massive Toymods turnout again.

Anyway, I got my car tuned last night and it is feeling good. I am going to go and practice a skid and some launches this arvo Wink
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Thu, 18 August 2005 23:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
tyottsoarer: is your car ready?
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Gold Coast
June 2004
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Fri, 19 August 2005 13:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Nope, I'm poor , hence my lack of external gateness. Hella gay.
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Forums Junkie

Pine Rivers QLD
April 2005
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Fri, 19 August 2005 13:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
well mine is finally finished, however i am picking it up Saturday and am not keen to blow it up on the first day back in my possession. But i dunno, i may turn up but i doubt it. I pulled 138hp on the dyno Friday so i should do better then 17.705 in NA form.
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Sat, 20 August 2005 01:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Come down Gavin. If it is a stockish setup you shouldn't have a problem. Then I can convince Jeff to race you Smile
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Forums Junkie

Pine Rivers QLD
April 2005
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Sat, 20 August 2005 04:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
we will see. i have no tacho either so i won't even know when to shift, i guess i could wait til DA DA DA DA DA DA lol. But yeah don't count on it. sorry
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Sun, 21 August 2005 00:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I only have a tacho on the wolf but I do have a shift light Smile

I didn't bother smsing my results as I didn't get a full pass anyway.

First run at the drag strip ever so I was very nervous. Never driven with a helmet on before, never even driven the car with the windows up!

I was racing my mates ma70 which has 213rwkw and is manual, it was his first time also.

Did a very little skid as it only revs to 2100rpm because of the stock stall converter. Then with all the nerves I totally forgot what I was supposed to do. The time goes so fast. Daniel was already full staged before I even finished doing a skid. So I was a bit rushed. I was trying to make sure it wasn't going to stall which is pretty hard to do when you can barely hear your engine over noisy v8's with no pipes behind you! I was in full stage and then the lights went green, I took off with about 2000rpm and it didn't wheelspin, at this stage I realised that I was meant to be in L when I was actually in D as it changes into 2nd too quickly (before I hit boost) so I put it back into L it made some boost and then I changed and went too far and got D so it went 1st to 3rd and I had to let off for a sec and Daniel went straight past me. Then I was waiting for what seemed like forever watching the boost guage sit at 5psi and then it started to make some good boost by a bit after half track. At this stage I was just thinking that I will just see what my trap speed is. So I wound it out in 3rd and I was reeling Daniel in but it was too late. Final result 17.3@98mph Razz Earlier my dad had asked me what I expected and I said a 17.2 so I wasn't far off Razz

So I lined up again. I was racing Daniel again as I wanted a rematch. I wasn't so nervous this time and I knew what I had to do. Daniel was once again in stage very quickly so I thought stuff I am going to take my time and be calm this time. So I went into prestage and waited for a bit pro stock style burndown Razz Went into stage lights go green and I launched a bit better than last time in L this time. Hit boost and I was ready for the L-2 change and I went to change and it just leaned out hardcore? Spiked to 20:1? In second gave it some more and it spiked lean again so I got off it and rolled through.

I don't really know what has gone wrong? I tested the air/fuels on launch on Friday and it was a tiny bit lean between 4000 and 5000rpm so I upped the fuel there by about 10%. But the thing was that on Friday after 5000rpm it was well rich at around mid 10's so very safe. And this time it hits boost and just seems like no fuel goes in at all. I had plenty of fuel. I have a bosch 044 pump, 8mm fuel lines, 550cc injectors and standard FPR at the moment. I do have a malpassi which I intend to fit now and see if that changes anything.

Strange thing is that it doesn't seem like it is doing it in 3rd gear but that is yet to be fully tested.

So that was my night. Best thing about it was that I made it all the way down there and back and the car is still running! Wink
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Forums Junkie

July 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Sun, 21 August 2005 03:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sounds like I should have come hehe
get down there again
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Forums Junkie

Pine Rivers QLD
April 2005
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Sun, 21 August 2005 04:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah sorry i didn't get there chris. How was the turn out? i am not a fan of going when if your only to get 3 runs. And it 17.3 i would have had a chance. i am not a fan of helmet driving either as my head has to sit in the "hole" for the sunroof to open so if i lean forward i headbutt the roof.

I took mine out last night and it loved the cold (first time i drove it at night). I will probably be keen (i am still concerned about breaking things) after jamboree as hopefully the crowds will calm down. but i guess it is rare to find a night with often runs
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Sun, 21 August 2005 04:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Wednesday is supposed to be the night if you want heaps of runs. I can never go on that day though because of work.

A couple of guys I know came out but they were scared as well! TT Mk4 supra and aw11 mr2. Bloody wusses!
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Sun, 21 August 2005 04:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ndgcpr wrote on Sun, 21 August 2005 14:19

i am not a fan of going when if your only to get 3 runs. And it 17.3 i would have had a chance.

It is only $17 if you bring a mate. So the same price as a movie with a drink! And a damn sight cheaper than getting your car confiscated.
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Forums Junkie

Lismore, NSW
February 2003
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Sun, 21 August 2005 08:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sounds like you had a eventfull day, so what times did Dan end up getting?
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Sun, 21 August 2005 22:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I think his best was 15.2@98mph. He had the same nervous jitters that I did Razz
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Forums Junkie

Lismore, NSW
February 2003
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Mon, 22 August 2005 11:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've always said ill build a car and take it down the 1/4, but I end up loosing my licence before I get a chance... Maybe next time Very Happy
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gold coast
November 2004
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Mon, 22 August 2005 22:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
so at wat stage did u run out of petrol ? Very Happy
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Mon, 22 August 2005 23:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Can't ask me to my face! Razz

Second run was when it went lean. I made it 50kms back while cruising but it must be how the pickup in the tank is setup as the fuel will head to the back when the car squats. I will be filled to the brim next time. I only have a 30L tank!

Filled up last night and it was running mega rich after the adjustments we made so I will change them back and retune sometime this week.

Live and Learn Very Happy
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gold coast
November 2004
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Tue, 23 August 2005 03:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
haha i wanted to have a chat about how you went last night, i just had some other things going on my mind at the time .

one day wil actualy organise a basket ball game and everyeone will actualy get to play haha.

your house looks nice though from wat i can see from the floorplans. unfortunatly i just spend $800 and still dont have a house Sad
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Tue, 23 August 2005 03:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Is that auction costs or your holiday?
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gold coast
November 2004
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Tue, 23 August 2005 04:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the holiday was more up towards 1400. but thats ok cause i got a great holiday out of it, this 800 is from pulling out of the contract on the house i bidded for.. so basicaly chucked 800 bucks down the drain
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Tue, 23 August 2005 05:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
That is a pretty cheap holiday.

Bad luck about the auction though.
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Gold Coast
June 2004
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Tue, 30 August 2005 11:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I had a run at up there on Saturday afternoon, it was packed only got 2 runs, shit ones at that. Car was only running 14psi, then cutting, because of shitty 1jz ecu boost cut and the fact that HKS fuel cut defenders suck balls. car was hitting cut at 4500 rpm in 3rd then stutter and gurgle, short shift the next gear same problem. Anyway I managed a 13.98 @ 178 km/h. With a 1.0something reaction time Razz . This setup could do a 12sec pass comfortably, I'm sure of it. Just have to sort the boost cut prob out and I should be able to get a nicer time.
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Chris Davey
Forums Junkie

sunny coast, qld
October 2002
Re: Willowbank test and tune 20th August Tue, 30 August 2005 22:49 Go to previous message
Sounds good mate. Good luck with it. Shouldn't be too hard to fix.

My crappy time was purely my fault not the cars. Razz
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