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Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004

Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: queensland race way Track day
Tue, 30 August 2005 03:39

If it's on a weekend and not between the 23-30 of Nov. I'm in!!!
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: queensland race way Track day
Tue, 30 August 2005 12:32

what dates are you thinking of? i mentioned at tonights TTCQ committee meeting and one or two faces looked slightly interested.
I'll mention it at the next club meeting which is Tuesday 6 September - there's a few club members with 2NS licences.
I'd be interested if i'm licensed by then and have a running car.
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day
Thu, 01 September 2005 04:56

ok the earliest dates is the 3rd of december ive just been told
so im booking that one in 
more details to come when i get them from QLD raceway 
so write that all down in your dates kids

Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2005
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Wed, 21 September 2005 00:39

Yeah I might be interested in this.
I'm a track-day-newb though, so I'll need some re-assurance
Does it wear out tyres and brakes heaps?
are there many cars on the track at the same time? and is there enough distance between them.
Is there the usual requirements of helmets and long sleeves etc?
is there scrutineering?

Location: Brisvegas
Registered: June 2003
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Fri, 23 September 2005 11:18

im interested providing ive got my brakes sorted by then...
Quote: | Is there the usual requirements of helmets and long sleeves etc?
helmet & long sleeves & long pants are required
Quote: | is there scrutineering?
| long as its registered/legit you're ok
Quote: | Does it wear out tyres and brakes heaps?
tyres usually dont fair too badly...brake fade can be a bit of an issue after the 2nd session
Quote: | are there many cars on the track at the same time? and is there enough distance between them
depends on the number of ppl that rock up. If they have a few groups they stick all the faster cars in 1 group etc to try and keep it even...they let you off in 5-10 sec intervals so traffic isnt usally an issue
check your fluids, brakes & make sure you have a full tank of fuel and you'll be in for a fun day

Location: goldy coast
Registered: September 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Sat, 24 September 2005 03:58

Ill be in for this. If there is an engine that works in my car then im there so put me down as a deffinate-if no engine f*ck ups
Registered: August 2005
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Tue, 27 September 2005 10:04

damn freakin work... can't get saturdays off...
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Fri, 30 September 2005 05:33

well weve got about 11 so far, most from the starlet club, a few gti club , n the odd couple from twincam 
if your a diffenet then let me know your car so i can add you to list
looks like its going to be a good day.
so far the record for the track for our track days is 1.04 which was done by a 180sx
Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Tue, 04 October 2005 02:41

should be in for this if it is ok that i participate. Always wanted to get on the track to see what it is like. Couldn't see a cost of the day, so could someone help me out with that one? how much is it.
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Thu, 06 October 2005 08:14

A mob from Toyota Car Club Qld will be cruising out to Qld Raceway to watch youz folk in cation (plus cheer on some members: adamAW11 & monkeymajik)
We'll depart from Motorama Toyota 4x4xmore at Salisbury
What time are you grouping up at the track?
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Thu, 06 October 2005 23:25

Well looks like this is going to be an awsome day much bigger than i first planned.
and now that we have the toyota car club qld cheer squad im sure will get a few more people just to watch u guys cheering
Booking payment and meetings spots extra will be organised shortly as i think this is gona need a bit more organised planning now we have alot of people comming.
stay tuned for updates
crokdee. of course u can participate, but be warned its addictive, once u go to the track ones and realy give your car a thrashing youl wana go back for more
Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Fri, 07 October 2005 00:02

am counting on giving the old girl a thrashing.... taking it to get dyno tuned and have a shift light put in....prob at the moment is timing....pinging like a bitch and i can't afford to get a timing light. dad might have one.....we'll see.
Anyway, dec 3rd is a good date...see people there.
Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Wed, 02 November 2005 03:07

is this still happening, cuz i am up for a track day....always wanted to.
I will be in for sure.

Location: goldy coast
Registered: September 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Wed, 02 November 2005 09:12

hell yeh im still keen, the faster i can get my suzi on the road the faster i can transfer all parts into the track car. It should be well ready for december

Location: Brisvegas
Registered: June 2003
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Wed, 02 November 2005 12:59

got some suspension gear on its way over from japan as we speak...might just have it ready in time. I'll come out regardless, even if its to cheer people on
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Thu, 03 November 2005 00:28

Count me in aye...! Just confirming...we'll be running on the Sprint track right...?
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Thu, 03 November 2005 09:46

HELL YES its still going head !
ive just been busy with other stuff, but thats why we organised it 2 months early 
Ill be sorting out payment options next week, cause u get a 20 buck discount if u pay i think 3 days before the day !.
so $75 and then 20 bucks for your licence on the day or u can just pay the $95.. details comming soon 
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Thu, 03 November 2005 10:33

Toyota Car Club (aka the cheer squad) are driving to the track - leaving Salisbury Motorama at 11:30am to get to the track while the last drivers briefing sesion is underway.
We'll be the dorky mob with everything from TA22's to Hilux utes
Club magazine has fearless's details for anyone wanting to compete (and they should probably head out much earlier to get thru scrutineering and driver briefing).
Don't know how many of us are coming but adam and keith (aka adamAw11 and mokeymajik) are club members and we're cheering them on!
see youz there!
btw: spectators are free? or do they cost as well?
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Fri, 04 November 2005 02:51

Its free to watch yes.
oh crap my numbers changed 0422096182
for anyone who need to contact me
its gona be a bloody awsome day for toyota !
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Fri, 04 November 2005 06:18

PAYMENT THREAD !! topic=2453
OK i think theres only 4 of you from here thats actualy racing so it should be pretty easy.
Click on that link theres all the details , any problems just let me know 
Cant wait to see yous all there

Location: goldy coast
Registered: September 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Sat, 05 November 2005 06:27

i will most likely rock up on the day with cash if thats cool with you. I still have to get the car running but ill fill out a form now
Location: Brisbane
Registered: March 2005
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Sun, 06 November 2005 00:58

Does it cost anything to just come out to watch and take photos? A 4A-FC isn't much good around the track nor is 13 inch skinny tires.
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Mon, 07 November 2005 01:26

mike, not at all thats not a problem 
Also I thought of another option if you want u can pay QLD raceway direct ! and also fax in your form. to do this go to their site or ring up.
Its free to watch but its not half as fun as racing

Location: goldy coast
Registered: September 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Mon, 07 November 2005 10:52

i also told a good friend of mine this weekend about the event. If we have his 20v ke70 goin it will most likely enter too
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: August 2005
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Tue, 08 November 2005 11:38

i'll say maybe at this stage pending getting my new engine in, if i come i'll be in a fairly stock ST162 celica.
how many laps/how long is each session?
how far apart are the sessions?
can you have a passenger in ur car?
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Tue, 08 November 2005 23:00

u get 5 laps per session 1 warm up 5 timed laps and a cool down.
u can go as slow or fast as u want .
there was i think a 40 minute gap per session last time , it all depends on how many cars their are.
im not 100% sure if u can have a passenger ? im sure if they have a helmet it will be fine.
ok the rest of u on the list wat are yous doing ?
dont be shy if u cant come anymore cause it doesnt effect anyone else I just need to know

Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Wed, 09 November 2005 00:44

Just faxed through my form.

Location: Pine Rivers QLD
Registered: April 2005
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Wed, 09 November 2005 05:31

Hmmm really would like to go, but am going away on the 3rd!!!! maybe we could drop in on the way through...
But don't count on it, although i may come for a watch and help out the TCC scream support.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2005
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Thu, 10 November 2005 01:37

I'm definately coming, I should have my payment organised sometime next week.
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Wed, 23 November 2005 00:33

well only 2 more to confirm from toymods !
thanx to those who have booked n payed allready,
Also if anyone is late u can always rock up on the day

Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2005
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Wed, 23 November 2005 00:33

Faxed the form and paid the fee.
ooohh its getting closer, only a week and a half to go now, I'm excited
Location: Brisbane
Registered: November 2005
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Thu, 24 November 2005 08:04

Hey guys... who should I contact if i wanna go and watch? Anybody driving from Brisbane to the race track? I would love to join but im totally new to this... so I guess, I would rather watch than wrecking my car and other people cars by doing some stupid stunts, I'm keen to go, observe and learn few tips from the drivers.
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Thu, 24 November 2005 22:40

you dont have to contact anyone just come along on the day,
well organise meeting times etc closer to the date
Location: Brisbane
Registered: November 2005

Location: goldy coast
Registered: September 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Fri, 25 November 2005 11:06

damn time flew by and i havent even touched my track hachi... Who votes i take my need for work hachi out?

Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2005
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Sun, 27 November 2005 04:34

I noticed on the QR site that they have a few different track layouts, any idea what layout this event will be?
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004

Location: goldy coast
Registered: September 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Tue, 29 November 2005 11:30

Well arnt i the most pissed off man to ever live!
Not only do i have to work on saturday( no way out) but after work is the end of year christmas party! So i can't even come and watch later in the arvo! I was so keen, the first time i get to thrash my car on the race track! I supoose there is always next time but i was so looking forward to this. I wish the rest of you guys the happiest of days....
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Wed, 30 November 2005 12:59

not as pissed as u would have been if u paid early and then realised u couldnt come haha,
will try and have as little fun as we can so u dont feel bad at work.. working.. while were thrashing around a track with no cops...

Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2005
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Thu, 01 December 2005 00:24

Any word on meeting times or locations? Should the people entering just arrive at the track by a certain time?
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: queensland race way Track day 3rd DECEMBER
Thu, 01 December 2005 00:50

ok firstly michael with the gsr, your paying on the day ?
make sure u come and see me before u do, cause ive just had a word with the guys and i can still get u in for 20 bucks cheaper with those of us who have allready paid and anyone else who is paying on the day.
ok driver breifing is at 12 so we will want to get there an hour before that or so , so we can get some coverd pit spots 
wat are the toymods cheer squad plans ? in regards to meeting times ?

Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2005