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Location: Mandurah, WA
Registered: July 2005
WA - The Sunday Drive, 16th October 2005
Tue, 30 August 2005 08:47
Posting this for a friend of mine 
A "friendly" competition and cruise for Japanese car enthusiasts
supras, soarers, skylines, silvias, wrxs etc, old and new
Individual and team (of 3) events
Register by sending your name (of some sort, a nickname will do), car type, and registration number to Let me know if you have a team and who they are.
$10 per person, best over all 4 stages wins the kitty and a small plaque for their wall, and your first name and car in the first spot on the big perpetual trophy for the car club you belong to, to display for a year, if you don't belong to one then I keep it safe til next years race...
There will be a second perpetual trophy for the car type that is awarded the most points overall on the day. So if you don't participate don't blame me when a bunch of Lancers take the trophy home...

Location: Perth
Registered: August 2003
Re: WA - The Sunday Drive, 16th October 2005
Wed, 31 August 2005 18:29

whats type of competition is this?
where is it located?
is it legal?
whats this kitty your refering to?
more info
Location: Perth
Registered: September 2005
Re: WA - The Sunday Drive, 16th October 2005
Thu, 01 September 2005 02:06

It is a cruise that has turned into 2 seperate comps. Car types, and individual drivers. EG the winner on the day may be Jo Smith in a skyline, but the best car overall on the day was supras because they kept coming in 2,3 in the events and won on most number of points.
It is legal, it has police approval, the point is to see how good you are when you're not breaking the limits.
The kitty? As in where all the money goes. So if 10 people compete, then 10 people paying $10 each = $100 first prize.
Its in Perth.

Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Re: WA - The Sunday Drive, 16th October 2005
Thu, 01 September 2005 08:41

g0t 2 fast 2 furious ?
Location: Perth Australia
Registered: November 2004
Re: WA - The Sunday Drive, 16th October 2005
Sat, 03 September 2005 14:59

you mean more like cannonball run
Location: Perth
Registered: September 2005
Re: WA - The Sunday Drive, 16th October 2005
Sun, 04 September 2005 00:24

more like, hey, lets get a bunch of very nice japanese race cars and give them some events to compete in and then we'll see who's the best driver in perth.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: WA - The Sunday Drive, 16th October 2005
Mon, 05 September 2005 01:52

So is it then a Navigation Rally, set on public roads, and regardless of the lack of details - does it have any official sanctioning - cos at the moment, it sounds as suss as two dicks and no chicks!?
Location: Perth
Registered: September 2005
Re: WA - The Sunday Drive, 16th October 2005
Mon, 05 September 2005 03:34

It has police approval
it is run in 4 stages
- basic driving skills in a carpark
- open road formation driving skills
- quarter mile - uphill
- downhill run thru the zigzag (this is not a race component, people would die, its just for fun)
each stage has points
driver with the most points at the end of the day gets the trophy saying he's the best in perth
sound less dodgy now?

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: WA - The Sunday Drive, 16th October 2005
Mon, 05 September 2005 03:57

So is it CAMS approved then, cos it still sounds like copbait?!
Location: Perth
Registered: September 2005
Re: WA - The Sunday Drive, 16th October 2005
Thu, 08 September 2005 04:29

no its not CAMs approved, I never asked
when the RAC has its 100th anniversary celebration on at the exact same time as this event and has 600+ cars travelling through the city, I doubt that the police will have much interest in us, unless someones being an idiot

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: WA - The Sunday Drive, 16th October 2005
Thu, 08 September 2005 06:08

police believe the roads are meant to be used for "commuting", anything outside of this norm will attract attention, especially since the event is run by a few people and not a club of some sort.
this is a recipe for trouble.
Location: Perth
Registered: September 2005
Re: WA - The Sunday Drive, 16th October 2005
Sat, 10 September 2005 04:53

whatever you think is a fair thing....
either way if anyone is interested we are having a quickie cruise tomorrow (sunday) afternoon to try out the map for this little comp, meet at 1300, leave at 1330 at thornlie train station on spencer street, whole trip should take between 1-2hrs depending on stopping times. The idea is no speeding or breaking any laws
Location: Perth
Registered: September 2005
Re: WA - The Sunday Drive, 16th October 2005
Sun, 11 September 2005 11:33
Comp is off