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Location: Outer Sth East burbs, VIC
Registered: July 2004
Rally of melbourne. this weekend!!!
Thu, 01 September 2005 12:06
Ok kids, rally of melbourne is on again in the forests around healsville, september 3rd and 4th.
Friday night sees a ceremonial start in Federation square.
Then Saturday and sunday is when the real fun is.
I will be at the start on friday night supporting my mate who is competing in the VRC section which is piggybacked to the ARC event in a Blue Subaru Legacy.
Then saturday i will be heading out spectating.
Sunday is when the real fun begins coz i have been given the opportunity along with a few other people to do a few laps of the de bortoli winery stage while the real cars arent there too keep the crowd entertained.
So on saturday i will be in my red AE86 and on sunday i will be in my red Datsun 180B SSS, so if u see me come and say g'day.
more info on spectating and the like at:

Location: Melbourne
Registered: March 2004
Re: Rally of melbourne. this weekend!!!
Sat, 03 September 2005 12:44

hey, i'll keep an eye out for ya! I'm gonna be at the service park exit control point most of the day - come down and say hi if you're up there!

Location: Outer Sth East burbs, VIC
Registered: July 2004
Re: Rally of melbourne. this weekend!!!
Sat, 03 September 2005 14:32

I thought i saw your car today,
will cruise past tomorrow on my way out to de bortoli and give ya a wave

Location: Melbourne
Registered: March 2004
Re: Rally of melbourne. this weekend!!!
Mon, 05 September 2005 08:02

I saw your datto on sunday at deBortoli - good work! Plenty of entusiasm! Looked like you were heading for the dam one time!?
The rally was awesome, got to meet all the crews at our control point - the evans' are champs, they autographed my hat! Learned heaps about the cars too. Got heaps of pics and short videos too. If anyone is thinking of volunteering to help out at a rally i say do it! Great experience!

Location: Outer Sth East burbs, VIC
Registered: July 2004
Re: Rally of melbourne. this weekend!!!
Mon, 05 September 2005 11:20

smashed_wombat wrote on Mon, 05 September 2005 18:02 | I saw your datto on sunday at deBortoli - good work! Plenty of entusiasm! Looked like you were heading for the dam one time!?
Hehe, which dam? i cant remember headin for a dam??
It was heaps of fun but was really rutted on the racing line and i wasnt willing to throw the car in coz i thought i might roll so i played out in the loose stuff. U get any pics of me or know anyone that did?

Location: Outer Sth East burbs, VIC
Registered: July 2004

Location: Rosanna, Melb
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rally of melbourne. this weekend!!!
Tue, 06 September 2005 04:20

When I read "heading for the dam" I didn't realise wombat meant "headed through the dam"
Nice work though Shtockmeister, showing off those mad dori skillz. Must have been fun getting out in front of the crowds.

Location: Outer Sth East burbs, VIC
Registered: July 2004
Re: Rally of melbourne. this weekend!!!
Tue, 06 September 2005 05:38
Nice one Henn
Yer it was ausome fun, not too often you get the opportunity to show off in front of that many people.
Definately gunna try and do it again next year.