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May 2002
icon8.gif  Stolen Bright Yellow TA22 Mon, 19 September 2005 05:58 Go to next message
On the night of Sunday the 18th at 11:55pm my bright yellow TA22 was stolen from a 'secure' car park in Braddon, Canberra. It has a very loud muffler and is bright yellow (same as mitch's for those who know it).
Registration number is YBK 43Z
Engine number starts with a CT xxxxxxxx, it's a 2T with extractors and a 2 1/4 inch exhaust.
If you spot it or hear of it could you contact either
Sam Reynolds on 04 000 646 55
or the police on 131 444
or perhaps crime stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Pics link here: onalSpace.aspx?_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaHandler=TWljcm9z b2Z0LlNwYWNlcy5XZWIuUGFydHMuUGhvdG9BbGJ1bS5FZGl0TW 9kZUNvbnRyb2xsZXI%24&_c11_PhotoAlbum_albumid=c ns!1pVebhF0a1OIZItCTy4Vj9JQ!106&_c11_PhotoAlbu m_spaReturnToFull=1&_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaProcess =1&_c=PhotoAlbum&_c02_owner=1

Any help would be muchly appreciated,
Sam Mad

[Updated on: Mon, 19 September 2005 06:26]

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Canberra Celica Group (CC...
August 2002
Re: Stolen Bright Yellow TA22 Tue, 20 September 2005 07:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Really gives you the shits doesnt it mate.

Ive sent out an all points bulletin to the CCG hoping that someone might spot the it around. So far Raquel had her hot commodore stolen from Ainslie FC and torched at the airport and Ray had his 23 broken into in civic all in the last few weeks. So keep an eye out guys!
Hope to hear good news soon mate.
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Canberra, ACT
May 2002
Re: Stolen Bright Yellow TA22 Tue, 20 September 2005 22:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
TA22_3TG wrote on Tue, 20 September 2005 17:55


Really gives you the shits doesnt it mate.

Ive sent out an all points bulletin to the CCG hoping that someone might spot the it around. So far Raquel had her hot commodore stolen from Ainslie FC and torched at the airport and Ray had his 23 broken into in civic all in the last few weeks. So keep an eye out guys!
Hope to hear good news soon mate.

This is why I will drive around for 20mins to get a car park I want! Or leave my car in the garage. It's a sad world when you have to do so, but I would be a broken man if my pride and joy was stolen Crying or Very Sad

Good luck finding the car mate, I'm keeping an eye out!

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Stolen Bright Yellow TA22 Wed, 21 September 2005 00:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Very unfortunate mate.

Check out all the dead beat areas of Canberra as every car my friends have had stolen was used for joyride/transport to get from a to b (with point b being some dead arse part of Canberra).

Some places to check, Cotter, The Causeway, Kingston Foreshore (classy area my arse), That dodgy bit of Kingston near the Causeway but closer to CIT, Narrabundah etc.

One of my mates TA22 was stolen and turned up 3 days later in Phillip with one wheel missing and no boot lock Rolling Eyes

Oh and at the risk of sounding bad, check near the Tent Embassy, some of those folk are the ones who stole my mates TA22 from National Library carpark.

I will keep an eye out too.
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May 2002
Re: Stolen Bright Yellow TA22 Sun, 25 September 2005 17:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Thanx for the support everyone, got the news today from the pigs (i mean cops) that they found it.

It is currently a burnt out shell sitting on the side of a dirt road past the cotter in Stromlo Forest.

Needless to say i'm not taking it too well.

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Canberra, ACT
May 2002
Re: Stolen Bright Yellow TA22 Sun, 25 September 2005 22:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sammeh wrote on Mon, 26 September 2005 03:32

Thanx for the support everyone, got the news today from the pigs (i mean cops) that they found it.

It is currently a burnt out shell sitting on the side of a dirt road past the cotter in Stromlo Forest.

Needless to say i'm not taking it too well.


No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad

God I wish I would catch some of these people in the act, I wouldn't think twice about breaking knees, elbows, wrists, anything that would permanently disable these people as a permanent reminder of their careless disregard for someone else's property.

I feel for you mate.

[Updated on: Sun, 25 September 2005 22:27]

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Stolen Bright Yellow TA22 Sun, 25 September 2005 23:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
That's F#$KED Mad

The disrespectful low lifes need to be taught a lesson. I just can't understand the mantallity of people like that.

On a similar note, some cockheads attempted to steal my car on Saturday night also Mad They smashed the drivers window to gain access but the solex dead locks prevented any doors from being opened (thankfully). So I got a busted window, damaged wiring, stolen gauges etc but at least I still have the car in my posession.

I guess it's just not safe to park at night in a public area, pretty sad.

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Canberra Celica Group (CC...
August 2002
Re: Stolen Bright Yellow TA22 Mon, 26 September 2005 23:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
There seems to be a huge increase in car related breakings recently. Thats 4 ccg related I am aware of in the last few weeks. There is just NO RESPECT!!!!! We strongly suggest fuel and electric cut outs all over the vehicle as you just cant take the chance these days.

Keeps your eyes out guys as we have to keep our pride and joys safe from these low lifes! Cheers Mitch
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November 2004
Re: Stolen Bright Yellow TA22 Mon, 10 October 2005 12:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
in my last few cars ive had a killswitch installed and hidden in in very obscure places just to be on the safe side, canberra is getting realyl bad lately

Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad
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Maurice c

February 2004
Re: Stolen Bright Yellow TA22 Fri, 28 October 2005 18:02 Go to previous message
I was lucky enough to catch some young tosser just about to break into my car outside work one night. I was chatting to my mate before I went home and a couple of guys in a orange Gemini with no reg plates parked up pretty close to our cars. Another one then runs around the corner and makes a bee line for my car or possible my friends Torana, he was just at the car when he caught site of us and changed his mind. He bottled and got into his mates Gemini and drove off. I asked him
" Whats up mate are you looking for your reg plates"?
Saved me the hassel of dealing out as bit of Justice.
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