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Location: Canberra
Registered: July 2005
Location: Canberra
Registered: July 2005
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Fri, 30 September 2005 02:38

Any Canberra people up for the cruise?
We need a few more toymoders!

Registered: May 2002
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Fri, 30 September 2005 03:03

I can't commit to turning up at this stage as my car will hopefully be going in for repairs around then (not damage caused by me ) and may be off the road for a while.
Good luck with it, I am surprised more of the boys aren't keen. Everyone is busy this time of year though I suppose.

Location: Canberra
Registered: January 2004
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Fri, 30 September 2005 04:12

put me down as a maybe, if my car isn't out by then eril will have soime explaining to do!!!

Location: Canberra, ACT
Registered: November 2004
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Mon, 03 October 2005 06:59

Well if your car is done Justin put me done as a passenger as my car won't be done.

Location: Canberra
Registered: January 2004
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Mon, 03 October 2005 11:36

and where am i gonna put my wallet??? thats why i got two seats, one for me and one for my phone and wallet???

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Mon, 03 October 2005 13:46

SprinterBoy wrote on Mon, 03 October 2005 21:36 | and where am i gonna put my wallet??? thats why i got two seats, one for me and one for my phone and wallet???
if you actually had a seat for your wallet, that means you would have a pretty fat wallet, which means your buying next round
then what would my other seat be for, you have more room than me, mines for my ego, or preferably any pretty girl that would like to sit there
Location: Canberra
Registered: July 2005
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Fri, 07 October 2005 09:02

The other guy organising this cruise is doing to route this weekend so I'll let you know if there will be any changes once he has let me know how it went.
Should be a nice cruise and I'm hopping to have the Cressida up and running with correct fuel usage before the big day.
Hope to see some of you there!

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Sat, 08 October 2005 00:09

if i gots the weekend off work i would love to come!

Location: Canberra
Registered: January 2004
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Sat, 08 October 2005 05:21

still another two weeks away for my car, cooler being delayed due to PWR taking there sweet as time!!!!!!

Location: sydney
Registered: October 2005
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Sat, 08 October 2005 12:14

yeh im gonna come check it out.. Im really getting into this site.. soo good for info!!
see you on the day all..............

Location: Canberra
Registered: January 2004
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Sat, 08 October 2005 12:20

sweet as dude!
Location: Canberra
Registered: July 2005
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Fri, 14 October 2005 02:43

The time has CHANGED. We will be meeting at 1 pm at the shell service station at EPIC. We will be leaving at about 1.15pm so DO NOT BE LATE.
Hope to see you all there!

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Fri, 14 October 2005 04:50

maybe you should edit the time in your first post aswell, so people don't get confused if they don't read the whole thread
Location: Canberra
Registered: July 2005
Re: October Cruise - All welcom...
Mon, 17 October 2005 01:25

Now there's a good idea!
BTW, My mate checked out the run and it looks good. Similar to the last one. Should be a good day.

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2004
Re: TIME CHANGED - October Cruise - All welcom...
Tue, 18 October 2005 12:31

i am almost definite..... will have to find petrol money haha im so poor after insurance and rego

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: TIME CHANGED - October Cruise - All welcom...
Thu, 20 October 2005 22:20

yeah im almost deffinate too!
Location: Canberra
Registered: July 2005
Re: TIME CHANGED - October Cruise - All welcom...
Mon, 24 October 2005 22:16

Well the cruise went well even with a smaller turn out than last time. We had six cars, but I was the only toyota.
The stand out car was a 4 dr auto swift that had very little trouble keeping up with any of us. The bonnet clips were a nice touch.
The next cruise will be in November, so keep an eye out for it soon.

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: TIME CHANGED - October Cruise - All welcom...
Mon, 24 October 2005 22:22

i really wanted to get out to this one!!!
only thing is the missus wrote her car off, so i spent the time making sure she was ok..
which she is.
hopefully will make it to the next one and get some toyota restecpa going on! lol
Location: Canberra
Registered: July 2005
Re: TIME CHANGED - October Cruise - All welcom...
Wed, 26 October 2005 06:35

Glad to hear she is ok. The things some women will do to spent time with their man!

Registered: May 2002
Re: TIME CHANGED - October Cruise - All welcom...
Wed, 26 October 2005 06:42
Hey 1J is your Cressida a white one?