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I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Tue, 04 October 2005 08:08
pretty sure this is right,
this is the session i am most likely to attend so far, so i wonder what my excuse will be this time.
need a helmet and steering wheel spacer, probably one of them.
whos coming? whos entering? whos cheering?

Location: Laverton, Vic
Registered: July 2003
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Tue, 04 October 2005 08:41

I might tag along for a look see.
could be interesting to get some ideas for the car I picked up today

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Tue, 04 October 2005 08:49

hey wombat, spectator entry is 10 bucks, can't really go wrong.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2004
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Tue, 04 October 2005 09:41

wombat wrote on Tue, 04 October 2005 18:41 | I might tag along for a look see.
could be interesting to get some ideas for the car I picked up today
Hey Wombat,
What car did you pick up today?
I should have my LSD rear end in by then so i reckon the 4AC will need some more punishment,
Should be good!

Location: Rosanna, Melb
Registered: June 2002
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Tue, 04 October 2005 23:34

shinybluesteel wrote on Tue, 04 October 2005 18:08 | need a helmet and steering wheel spacer, probably one of them.
Helmet: $70 THH open face from almost any motorbike shop
Spacer: Get in touch, I have a ~50mm chunk of alloy perfect for this sitting around.
I'll probably be there too.

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Tue, 04 October 2005 23:56

i want a closed face, as i want to keep my teeth and can stick a funny mouth with teeth sticker on it. Clayton got one for 100, which i think is pretty good, if i buy the same color then we can drive one car and pretend to be the same person just hope they come in "huge" sizes.
chunk of alloy you say? is it round? what diameter? by my calculations, 2 inches would bring the wheel back to the standard position, i was going to aim for 3 inches but anything would be better than what i'm using now.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: October 2004
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 05 October 2005 07:52

well my headgasket is in the right way, and seems like i haven't completely fucked anything up - so I be entering unless something dodgy i've done to my car in the past and forgotten about fails suddenly.
my advice... if it rains... don't be a spectator, enter your car no matter what it is... at least you won't get wet but you will have fun!
jezza, hope your lsd finds its way in your car in time... i hope my locked diff is still locked...

Location: Laverton, Vic
Registered: July 2003
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 05 October 2005 08:26

picked up another Ke-20. makes 3 now. this one is becoming a replica of my dads old Rally car, with a few extra bits and piece. Keeping the 3k, but I have a manual on how to make it into a full race spec engine. so hopefully a little gusto out of the tiny thing. but I was also thinking of setting it up for a little drift action. of course I need to learn how to drift properly first.
I race under 2 litre sports sedan, but that's completely different to drifting.
Yeah $10 can't go wrong really.
You'll have to let me know what cars you guys have so I can come up and say hi

Location: Rosanna, Melb
Registered: June 2002
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 05 October 2005 09:59

wombat wrote on Wed, 05 October 2005 18:26 | I race under 2 litre sports sedan, but that's completely different to drifting.
I think you may be suprised. If you know how to control a car and aren't scared by a bit of oversteer then it really is a big benefit.
I'm biased though, I think everyone should get out there and give it a go... also just imagine the S13 guys:
"That little thing's great, what turbo does it run?"
"And how big is the engine?"
"1.1 litre"
"No shit, well you must've got some big cams in it then"
"Well, maybe one big cam"

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2004
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 05 October 2005 11:20

devolutio wrote on Wed, 05 October 2005 17:52 |
my advice... if it rains... don't be a spectator, enter your car no matter what it is... at least you won't get wet but you will have fun!
jezza, hope your lsd finds its way in your car in time... i hope my locked diff is still locked...
I used the same advice as you on myself and yeah LSD maybe.......If not...I need rain and a welder.
Wombat: I am in a very low blue sprinter with superlights on it. If I am indeed not in the car and perhaps walking around, I am big, have blond hair and generally looking more scary the more I rug up!
Come on out.

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 05 October 2005 12:55

My car is similar to Rallystanza's,
except most of the paint has fallen off and its not low.
I am tall (though not as tall as henn, but then nobody is) will most likely be wearing a desert cammo hooded jacket, and like long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: October 2004
Location: Victoria
Registered: August 2005
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 05 October 2005 15:49

How does it work if you enter?
I assume you pay your cash money and que your cars up and take turns on the track.
What safety gear you gotta have?
Not really intrested in practicing (YET.... )

Location: Melbourne
Registered: March 2003
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Thu, 06 October 2005 16:15

to enter you just rock up to the gate and ask for one to practice, should cost 80 bucks.
Then you drive through to scrutineering which is near the tire bloke + fuel pumps. they check to see if theirs anything loose inside your car and if your cars leaking like a siv and your baterys clamped down, basicly their very lenient.
after that you can goto pits and do whatever u like to ur car.
once you got your car sorted out you can goto either the beginers section which is at the end of the main straight or the main track.
saftey stuff = Long sleeve shirt + pants, helmet, no loose or sharp objects in the car and umm thats it

Location: Laverton, Vic
Registered: July 2003
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Fri, 07 October 2005 11:29

now I know what cars you drive, I can come up and say hi. I guess now I also know what your into...which is kinda scarey. No more long walks for me.
I'm a bigish guy 6 foot tall short brown hair, and if it ain't raining I'll be the fool in shorts.
but sounds good.
I'm with you Henn.
"Well one cam, and some carbies"
How cool a responce is that to "Do you have a fully sick turbo Mate?".

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2005
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Fri, 07 October 2005 22:58

Hi Guys.
Do they still have the beginners section down the back?
I don't think i want to be on the main track first time out.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2004
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Fri, 07 October 2005 23:40

Turdinator wrote on Sat, 08 October 2005 08:58 | Hi Guys.
Do they still have the beginners section down the back?
Yeah mate they still have that.
The more the merrier!
Come on out.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2005
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Sat, 08 October 2005 00:17

Sweet. I need to make a few minor mods but i hopefuly i'll be ready by Wed. Should be a laugh. Thinking of ricing the car up. Just for the night.
I'll be the TA22 with a real bad black paint job and a GT wing.

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Sat, 08 October 2005 08:59

its about time a first gen celica got out there, hope you can make it!

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2005
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Mon, 10 October 2005 02:09

It all pivots on whether i can get my spare diff welded tonight. Fingers crossed.
If its wet i'll be out there regardless.

Location: Melbourne - NthSubs
Registered: January 2004
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Mon, 10 October 2005 03:45

can i bring my twinky?

Location: ballarat
Registered: April 2003
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 12 October 2005 00:11

a friend and i are all set to make the trek from ballarat to calder to give it a whirl. im driving my 4age spontah and he is driving his turbo starion

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2005
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 12 October 2005 05:19

Didn't get my diff done in time and it don't look like raining so i'll just be a spectator again. Hopefully next time...

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 12 October 2005 05:27

got spacer made, not pretty but seems to work.
got helmet, too expensive but it fits. needs stickers
got diff
should be fun!
i'll look out for the starion, should be a few spritners out there.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2004
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 12 October 2005 06:04

Well my sprinter will be in the pits, parked with a awesome engine and a single spinner diff.
So yeah, Diff aint ready, cash aint flowing.
Will be there to specdate. Me and Shtocky should be there, just look for the 2 guys with their scrotes and knobs scraping on the ground, thats us.....pretty hard to miss.
Any how,
See y'all there,

Location: Melbourne
Registered: October 2004
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 12 October 2005 13:13

i didn't see any 'scrotes and knobs' - but i wasn't looking.
anyone who witnessed me driving tonight, please donate to the 'give devo shock absorbers fund'.

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 12 October 2005 13:33

when i go to work tomorrow i'm going to put foam on the plastic strip i kept banging my helmet into.
put a nice dent under my car, didnt manage to complete the noobs corner but had some fun along the way.

Location: Laverton, Vic
Registered: July 2003
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 12 October 2005 13:40

well guys. that was very entertaining tonight. was worth the $10.
So who were the guys in the sprinters? one looked kinda brownish, and one was blueish.
couldn't tell to well from up on the hill in the dark.
but overall good night.

Location: Rosanna, Melb
Registered: June 2002
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 12 October 2005 14:03

Devo, just remembered, for the fronts, drain out existing oil in wet leg and replace with diff oil. Voila, "heavy duty" shocks for $20, and not dodgy at all.
I was in the brown Sprinter. Had fun with some big entries, but felt I was doing better at the start of the night than at the end. Scored a $30 gift voucher and 4 litres of oil for coming second though... just about replaces the oil I would have leaked/burnt during the night.
And Jezza, sorry if you or Shtocky were injured, I ran over something down the main straight and I now realise what it must have been. Ouch.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: October 2004
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 12 October 2005 23:00

Henn wrote on Thu, 13 October 2005 00:03 | Devo, just remembered, for the fronts, drain out existing oil in wet leg and replace with diff oil. Voila, "heavy duty" shocks for $20, and not dodgy at all.
if it isn't dodgy at all then i'm not doing it!

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Wed, 12 October 2005 23:33

you can use the oil i drained out of my diff when the LSD went in, thats pretty dodgy?
just strain it before you tip it in.

Location: ballarat
Registered: April 2003
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Thu, 13 October 2005 00:49

good to meet some guys from toymods there, was heaps o' fun. well worth the 1hr drive up and back from ballarat 
gonna swap the front tyres for oldies as well next time, didn't realise they would scub that much.
and DEFINATELY bring a normal car jack... those wind up emergency ones = teh suck

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2004
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Thu, 13 October 2005 01:00

Henn wrote on Thu, 13 October 2005 00:03 |
And Jezza, sorry if you or Shtocky were injured, I ran over something down the main straight and I now realise what it must have been. Ouch.
Absolute gold mate!
Don't worry about me I was wearing a helmet on each item. But mate, you should see shtocky, he has swolen up like a baboons arse on heat.
Well done to all who were out there.
Twas Hektik,

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Thu, 13 October 2005 01:07

no kidding on the front tyres, i think mine have mad flat sopts on them as well as the feathered edges.
need to learn to do it properly

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2004
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Thu, 13 October 2005 02:10

shinybluesteel wrote on Thu, 13 October 2005 11:07 | no kidding on the front tyres, i think mine have mad flat sopts on them as well as the feathered edges.
need to learn to do it properly
It was all the mad skill Mr. Plow (understeering) that you boys were doing!
Was good to watch.

Location: Outer Sth East burbs, VIC
Registered: July 2004
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Thu, 13 October 2005 02:26

Rallystanza wrote on Thu, 13 October 2005 12:10 |
shinybluesteel wrote on Thu, 13 October 2005 11:07 | no kidding on the front tyres, i think mine have mad flat sopts on them as well as the feathered edges.
need to learn to do it properly
It was all the mad skill Mr. Plow (understeering) that you boys were doing!
Was good to watch.
Yer, you boys sure kept jezza and i entertained, good on yas for being out there
P.S My balls are on ice now, damn u henn!!!!

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Thu, 13 October 2005 02:50

did i get any to work at all? it nearly all felt like garbage from inside the car.
need to do the flick a bit harder, but i chickened out a bit after i slammed the ripple strip.
gotta try the handbrake a bit more too. next time!
just checked my tyres, no flat spots unless i parked on them.

Location: Melbourne Victoria
Registered: December 2003
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Thu, 13 October 2005 07:50

Couldnt attend this month.
I was Mr plow last month
Have to really kick that clutch.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: October 2003
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Thu, 13 October 2005 09:48

man it would've been good to see this..
was on calder all day for the track open day.
left around 5pm.. was too tired to stick around.

Location: Melbourne: South east
Registered: May 2004
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Fri, 14 October 2005 01:17

It was good to watch. It hurt inside not being able to actually be back on the track again ..... but all in due time.
The craziest car award would have to go to the Chasers 180sx.
That thing is unbelieveily loud! And back fires like crazy! Sounded like chinese new year eveytime it went past!
Oh and did any get a chance to see the interiour on the black 180 with the v-mount setup? If your into stripping your car, this car is inspirational! Bar galore, not even a dash.. just a bar that holds for guages?!
Heres a picture of the only thing in the car besides the bars.


Location: Melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Fri, 14 October 2005 01:26

DRFTAE86 wrote on Fri, 14 October 2005 11:17 | It was good to watch. It hurt inside not being able to actually be back on the track again ..... but all in due time.
The craziest car award would have to go to the Chasers 180sx.
That thing is unbelieveily loud! And back fires like crazy! Sounded like chinese new year eveytime it went past!
Oh and did any get a chance to see the interiour on the black 180 with the v-mount setup? If your into stripping your car, this car is inspirational! Bar galore, not even a dash.. just a bar that holds for guages?!
Heres a picture of the only thing in the car besides the bars.

yea that is nigel's car for WOC. awsome awsome car.

Location: Rosanna, Melb
Registered: June 2002
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Fri, 14 October 2005 01:28

Those dodgy photos are of Nigel Petrie's car. Totally stripped interior, drivers seat and wheel sit about a foot further back than normal, entire car dewired etc etc. The nicest drift car ever to see the track in Australia in my opinion. Always at showcar standard yet drifts well and Nigel knows how to drive it and to top it off he's a nice guy too. He also did most of the work himself.

Location: Melbourne: South east
Registered: May 2004
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Fri, 14 October 2005 09:51

Sorry about the dodgy photos, but no 1 was around so i didnt open or touch the car. I'll say hi to him next time... and get sum better pics.
Location: geelong
Registered: August 2005
Location: geelong
Registered: August 2005

Location: Melbourne: South east
Registered: May 2004
Location: geelong
Registered: August 2005
Re: Calder dorifto practiso wednesday 12/10/05
Thu, 03 November 2005 01:31
Sorry dude it