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Location: sunny coast, qld
Registered: October 2002
Safe streets 1000
Mon, 17 October 2005 00:20
Dear Motorsport Enthusiast,
As you know, our sport has been under attack from short sighted local Councils for years. Recently they've closed Lakeside Raceway and Darlington Park to racing and literally kicked our sport out into the streets. Then, they hypocritically complain about the mysterious increase in 'hooning' on public streets and refuse to take any responsibility when anyone mentions the rising road toll.
With the exception of the over-booked facilities at Ipswich, there are no dedicated circuits or drag-strips available for regular motorsport on either the south or northside of Brisbane, Sunshine Coast or Gold Coast. There are less facilities in Queensland now than there were 30 years ago. This situation is irresponsible considering a motoring population the size of south east Queensland. Meanwhile, motoring legislation has become more restrictive and revenue raising efforts increasingly efficient.
The lack of safe, professionally operated motorsport facilities in our state is not because the finances can't be found. Local councils control whether a property can be zoned for motorsport use and none of them are giving permission. They're all devoted followers of the NIMBY (Not-in-my-backyard) decision making system.
We are asking for separate space, away from residential communities, where we can be left to enjoy our sport in a safe and responsible manner. We don't want the politicians to pay for facilities, however, we do want them to stop blocking our efforts to do the right thing.
The opportunity to voice your concern has finally been organised, but we need your participation to get the message across. We are going to support the Safe Streets 1000 and encourage you to join us.
Ian Milton
Lakeside Motor Racing Enthusiasts - President
PS: Tell a friend!
Safe Streets 1000
Organiser of this event, Rick Beddoes of Will-Wax-U is inviting people of all ages with cars and motorcycles of all styles, makes and models to come together for the biggest cruise in Queensland. We want you to be part of the expected 1000 vehicles (500 cars and 500 motorcycles) for a Sunday morning cruise down the Pacific Highway to a meeting in the Broadwater car park with guest speakers.
All proceeds of this alcohol free motorsport event will go to the Cancer Research Foundation and C.A.R.S ( Citizens Against Road Slaughter).
Date: Sunday, 11 December 2005
Start Location: Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens car park
Start Time: 11:00am
Finish Location: Broadwater car park on the Gold Coast
Registration Office: The Lakeside Cafe' in the car park (Buffet breakfast available from 8AM)
Registration Time: No later than 10:30am
Registration fee: $10 cash - payable on the day

Location: Pine Rivers QLD
Registered: April 2005
Re: Safe streets 1000
Mon, 17 October 2005 08:00

i'm there. How do you get emails from lakeside? i live like 10mins from it and they don't send me nothing!

Location: sunny coast, qld
Registered: October 2002
Re: Safe streets 1000
Mon, 17 October 2005 10:30

I emailed IAN from the LMRE ages ago as I was interested in helping save the track. He put me on the list.

Location: brisbane
Registered: December 2004
Re: Safe streets 1000
Wed, 16 November 2005 09:00

so what is it saying i need to go to lakeside to register or i can pay at the botanical gardens on the day haha? im a deadshit

Location: sunny coast, qld
Registered: October 2002
Re: Safe streets 1000
Wed, 16 November 2005 09:20

This is not on anymore because the boost losers don't want to share the BWCP.

Location: brisbane
Registered: December 2004
Re: Safe streets 1000
Wed, 16 November 2005 09:36

wtf why should it matter half of that forum is ppl who dont even have a license or "my m8s got 50 8 sec cars in his garage" fuck that site shits me.

Location: sunny coast, qld
Registered: October 2002
Re: Safe streets 1000
Wed, 16 November 2005 09:39

some charity show day or something.
Unfortunate really. This could have been something huge. This is the second massive cruise that has been cancelled for the LMRE.
Location: Brisbane, Q, AU
Registered: November 2005

Location: sunny coast, qld
Registered: October 2002
Re: Safe streets 1000
Thu, 17 November 2005 21:21

Sorry champ, obviously got the wrong info.
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: Safe streets 1000
Fri, 18 November 2005 01:35

they sound like 2 completey different cruises though ?
one for charity and one for lakeside to re open !
Well when ever the lakeside cruise gets organised count me in ! i cant wait for a circuit n drag strip on the sunnycoast
that will save us having to use qld raceways track

Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2005
Re: Safe streets 1000
Fri, 18 November 2005 01:49

Dont get me wrong here giving to the kids is great, hell iv even worked for the Mater Childrens Hospoital charity before, but i was a hell of a lot more interested in the cruise when it was going to be dedicated to cleaning up the motorsport image.
Lets face it, Boostcruising will probably raise thousands of dollars for charity on this day. But the end result is just going to be thousands driving past thinkin "look at all those hoons" and perpetuating the whole fucked up attitude.
...ooh look a fancy paint job, he must have had that done to run down little kids with...
Quite frankly seening a shitload of flash wheels is gonna make more ppl feel like their kids are at risk than being supported.
I think the original letter at the tops of this thread hits the nail on the head;
We have a growing popluation, with growing wealth, and growing interest in motorsport, and ridiculously too much space to practice. It has to be one of the most lucrative industries on the planet. There is the potential for the government to make massive amounts of revenue off motorsport in this counrty. We could have all of the worlds top drivers. The problem is the attitude they have created, and now they could never attempt some sort of revival and hope to still get voted for.
Every year you see the prime minister at all your footy finals & the cricket & the tennis & the swimming... Fuck its a tough life.
When was the last time we saw a pollie put his nuts on the block and show up to a motorsport event.
How did we get to the stage where most probably consider it healthier for their kids to be out of sight on the internet, probably learing how to build bombs or do celebrity porn chops, than to be mucking around with the paddock basher.
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Re: Safe streets 1000
Fri, 18 November 2005 02:42

we go where to learn how to do celebrity porn chops ?
your right mic. u know it , i know it, toymods knows it and most other car clubs, but the fact is its a loosing battle. Its sad but true. Were never going to loose the hoon status. cut my balls and call me suzy but i think the main reason for this is cause there is alot of idiots on boostcruising and various other forums, who do act stupid in their lancer with 20inch cromies.
Its a billion dollar industry, u just have to look at v8 supercars to see this.
i lost interest in the cruise once i found out i could stay home and learn celebrity porn chops ! .. but im still up for the lakeside cruise.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: January 2005
Re: Safe streets 1000
Fri, 18 November 2005 03:55

i actually was invigorated to think that somebody somewhere was willing to stand up and organise something that would demonstrate that while we do appreciate and love our cars, we are not all hoons. We do not all try and drift our VL's in residential streets while shooting at cops.
I was interested in going not only because it was going to be a big cruise, but because it was organised to underline a very valid point.
There just arent enough places where it is legal and safe to fully appreciate your cars in qld. Even if it were near qld raceway, it would at least be something different. A bit of variety is the spice of life as they say.
Personally i drive rather sedately on the roads but every now and again i have urges that there is no outlet for (unless i want to drive for an hour to queue for hours).
I know that there are some people out there that just arent ever going to respect the laws and will hoon no matter what the laws, politicians, police or other enthusiasts say or do. These people are the few that bring down the many who respect the laws and modify their cars the way they ought to be modified, but more importantly drive the way the laws allow them to. It is these people who are being let down by not having anywhere to test their cars and themselves. The 'hoons' have the streets and they will always be there so they are not disadvantaged by the restrictions. More places to stretch your cars legs would mean that many of these hoons would come off the streets because they would have an outlet.
I do believe that a combination of the ageing population (i dont mean to generalise to EVERYONE - just the complainants), the ultra conservative, out-of-touch pollies, and the criminalisation of youth and car-enthusiasts in the media are to blame.
I hope to see this cruise (even if it wasnt real) go ahead in the near future.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2005
Re: Safe streets 1000
Fri, 18 November 2005 07:30

Do you think we have enough intellectual, financial, and organisational support to still do the cruise???
Ill help form a commitee to do so. I think its a cause that desperately needs a voice.
The situation as it is perpetuates itself. Like you say (Dr_Love) if there were more outlets for the consumers of this industry then the ppl with a legitimate passion for driving and holding a license at the same time would use them. Even the hoons who dont care about a license would use em because ultimately its a competetive thing, and they would want to see themselves as better than the ppl they perceive as the "wanky goodies" of car modding.
And when there is a few less racers on the street, there is less cars about for the dickheads left to race against, and they die out too. Or at least push away from the suburbs where they dont get noticed. Then you have less mums crying to the politicians. Less kids growing up seeing VL's going sideways around corners shooting at cops, and thinking "i caint wait till me grows up and gets to pop me first piggy in a getaway car"
At the moment the way it is, we have ever increasing commercialisation of the industry; The marketing $'s being spent to get us all putting 20" chromies on, and monster tachos in your Barina is just OBSCENE. Fark the clever manufacturers are even approaching film makers to produce 120min adds for em these days. No names mentioned here...
Combine this commercial push for the consumers to empty their pockets with a social environment that disowns you as soon as you walk out the door of your local autobarn. There are hundreds and thousands of ppl driving around desperately trying to control urges that they have been forced to supress for soooo long. Yet they cant go a day without seeing a SS ute doing doughnuts in a paddock on TV. Kinda like telling a 14 YO male that masturbation is bad, but you have to read sports illustrated everynite for an hour... Fark sooner or later what do ya think is gonna happen? And as for all the hoons... i think that for half of em its not their fault to some degree. At present how would the younger generation even know that race track exists which they could have access to? They dont! And all of their little brothers and sisters are growing up beleiving the same shit, but being quite clearly given the msg that there is still a "need for speed"...
I truly beleive there is a NEED for a voice to get ppl to understand how race / rally / speedway tracks will reduce road carnage. And furthermore how continued ignorance of this fact will actually lead to things getting worse no matter how strict you make the rules to try and control the consumer.
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: Safe streets 1000
Fri, 18 November 2005 13:06

From the Pine Rivers Shire Council... media release announcing a call for expressions of interest in 'etablishing a multi-purpose recreational facility" at the "former" Lakeside Raceway site (link).
They obviously intend to kill off the site completely as they're after a "recreation and education facility".
And when you hear a politician say "preserve elements of Lakeside's history" that means they'll put a cheap-arse plaque up and a small display that they'll never maintain or update.
This ranks with antics of the Bjelke era as an exercise in corruption and complete willingness to trample over the wishses of the population. bastards.
text of media release to save sending traffic to their site (and make them think they're popular):
Quote: | Pine Rivers Shire Council is currently looking to renew interest and revive activity at the former Lakeside Raceway after the Planning and Environment Court gave the go-ahead for Council to explore recreation opportunities and management options for the 40-year old icon.
Pine Rivers Mayor, Cr Yvonne Chapman, said Council had planned to establish a multi-purpose recreation facility on the former Lakeside Raceway site and was currently seeking expressions of interest from sporting and recreation groups for lease and development of the site.
"We have some preferred uses for the site, but we are open to suggestions," she said.
Some of Council's preferred uses include a historical motor racing hub encompassing a motor museum; or a multi-purpose sporting facility catering for cyclists, karting, roller blading, car club events, motor dealer new car launches; or a driver and rider training facility for youth, police and emergency services.
Cr Chapman said Council was mindful of Lakeside's historical significance and the motor sport fraternity's passion for the venue.
"Because of this, Council is keen to examine ways that Lakeside can continue to remain both an icon for this group and the community as a whole," she said.
"We are looking to preserve elements of Lakeside's history, while providing other recreational facilities to cater for the general community.
"With community input, the Lakeside site provides a great opportunity for us to establish a recreation and education facility right in the heart of the shire's high growth area."
Recreation or sporting groups interested in submitting a proposal for future usage of the site can contact Council on 3480 6666 to obtain a copy of the Expression of Interest document or download one from Council's website at
Expressions of interest close 12 noon on January 31. Council will shortlist expressions of interest and invite successful respondents to tender in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: January 2005
Re: Safe streets 1000
Mon, 21 November 2005 02:17
Hehe ive got a suggestion for the site that will incorporate the heritage and "can continue to remain both an icon for this group and the community as a whole".
Make it into a drag strip.